Colourful Hell 1.02 now with zandro friendly version included

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What do with black shotgun spawn?

Poll ended at Fri Feb 19, 2016 7:24 am

keep as they are
No votes
modify a little for ranged options
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Remake the crew for better variance
Remake with focus on the leader as the boss
Rehaul and scrap the concept, make something else shotgunny instead
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Total votes: 7

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Hege Cactus
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Colourful Hell 1.02 now with zandro friendly version included

Post by Hege Cactus »

So this is a mod I started out of boredom, thinking how much everyone seems to enjoy those randomizer mods.
This mod randomizes the enemies and gives them a colourcode that reflects their rarity and strength using the generic MMO colour tier systems:

CommonEnemy: Your old looney, most of the doom classic monsters fall under common and don't generally have many changes to them, some monsters might have gained some buffs. They are most common enemy that pretty much spawn over half of the time
GreenEnemy: "Uncommon". These enemies are slightly less common than the common obviously, and bit stronger and/or stranger than their common counter part.
BlueEnemy: "Rare". These enemies are rarer than the above, yet not as rare as their name says. They are stronger and/or stranger than the above two, and should sometimes make the player be vary of em. They can also differ in behavior sometimes.
PurpleEnemy: "Epic". These guys are bit more rare, yet you will most likely see em around tho. They are definatly more stronger and stranger compared to the above ones, they usualy come with lot of arnaments to make your day miserable and on the higher tier monsters these guys tend to approach the miniboss level.
OrangeEnemy: "Legendary". These guys are definatly rarer than the others. They are way stronger compared to their common counter part and usualy give a run to the player if spawned. They tend to be accompanied by lackies sometimes.
RedEnemy: "Relic". Definatly Rare, definatly a bitch to take down. They pretty much approach boss level even on medium and lower tier monsters and give a serious pain the ass if not dealt with care. Luckily you won't see em a lot.

And then two wildcards:
BlackEnemy: "Lucifers handcrafted challenge just for you". When these guys spawn, they let you know it. These are always bosses that will make your day miserable if they spawn in a badplace. They are very rare so maybe that day wont always come, unless you tempt fate. They differ a lot from the usual enemy
WhiteEnemy: "RNG Hates you tier". Similiar to the Black tier, these guys will let you know when they spawn and they are pretty much the hardmode boss style enemies. As their name implies, you should know what to expect. Just hope map01 wont spawn first former as white; they are the most rarest with the lowest chance to spawn. They differ a lot from the usual enemy.

Most of the fun of this mod should come with bosses so I'm hoping to get to code em down asap.

As this mod is a WIP I'll keep this spot updated.
-All enemies are now about ready
-As I try making new content, I also try polishing excisting ones; some enemies might still be using placeholder graphics and sounds.
You will need to use the latest G/Zdoom release to run this mod
Unstable dev builds can break or clash easily, keep that risk in mind if you use them and try using stable builds instead if you run into crash issues

Current Version Download. (Version 1.02)

Zandronum version by Dewsan:

zdoom 2.8.1/Zandronum friendly version;
Download (warning: might not be as stable) (Version 0.94, outdated!)

Public discord with other great projects here

Some screenies from testing: -OLD-
Some simple Q&A
Q: Are the enemies all gonna be just recolours?
A: No. I Will aim to give certain enemies more customized graphics as I keep polishing the looks of this mod, however you can expect them to still look very similiar and have the colourcode to reflect their rarity so you actually know what is what.

Q: Will this work with other mods?
A: Weapon only mods work with this just fine. If a mod also replaces enemies, this mod won't work as intended.

Q: Will this include weapons?
A: No, only enemies.

Q: Why isn't SS Nazi's replaced?
A: To keep ye olde dehacked compatibility at maximun. There might be optional patches for this tho

Credit List so far:
So yeah, hopefully this end up as fun little mod.
Feedback is highly welcome and I'm open for balance suggestions.


Custom difficulty add on by itsmedoggo
Colourful Hell Plus for more madness

Recommended weapon mods;

If you like my work, you can buy me a cup of coffee here;
Last edited by Hege Cactus on Tue Oct 22, 2024 9:02 am, edited 65 times in total.
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Re: [WIP]Colourful Hell

Post by Kilesduan »

Love it so far! Strapped it in with trailblazer and had a blast.

Will definitely be looking forward to the other tier implementations.
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Re: [WIP]Colourful Hell

Post by Slax »

Delicious disco death!
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Re: [WIP]Colourful Hell

Post by Gifty »

I can dig it, baby!
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Re: [WIP]Colourful Hell

Post by Peter Bark »

Woohoo! Good work, I had this idea too, mostly inspired by Diablo & Sonic Doom.
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Re: [WIP]Colourful Hell

Post by Kizoky »

Nice! :D

If you use .pk3 archive(but not .WAD), you can rename the DECORATE text files like this: Archvile.DECORATE; Mancubus.DECORATE etc.. So It will be more readable
ZDoom will automatically load it

PS. Purple Revenants are camping bastards.
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Re: [WIP]Colourful Hell

Post by grouchbag »

I thought the first picture looked humorous.Kind of looked like a monster with a rather unusual way of firing a rocket.Made me lol.I do like the colored monsters though.They're kind of cute. :lol:
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Re: [WIP]Colourful Hell

Post by TehRealSalt »

Tip about changing monster colors: Do it through through Photoshop/Gimp/Paint.NET through hue-shifting, and then palette it. That way, it will still look correct, and you wont get stuff like the overly-high-contrast blue Imp in shot three. However, some colors like the Purple which only has 5 colors will look like garbage, so you'll have to stick with some of the ones you have already.

Other than that, it looks fun; I'll be sure to try it out soon! :D
Last edited by TehRealSalt on Thu Feb 26, 2015 3:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [WIP]Colourful Hell

Post by Enjay »

KiLerZolika wrote:If you use .pk3 archive(but not .WAD), you can rename the DECORATE text files like this: Archvile.DECORATE; Mancubus.DECORATE etc.. So It will be more readable
ZDoom will automatically load it
Or you could even do it more neatly like it is in zdoom.pk3 :P

i.e. a single DECORATE file with #includes pointing to files in an actors directory.
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Hege Cactus
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Re: [WIP]Colourful Hell

Post by Hege Cactus »

Enjay wrote:
KiLerZolika wrote:If you use .pk3 archive(but not .WAD), you can rename the DECORATE text files like this: Archvile.DECORATE; Mancubus.DECORATE etc.. So It will be more readable
ZDoom will automatically load it
Or you could even do it more neatly like it is in zdoom.pk3 :P

i.e. a single DECORATE file with #includes pointing to files in an actors directory.
That actually sounds like a neat way to sort the files, I'll look into that.
I actually tried to revenant.DECORATE way but it didnt seem to load em for me for some reason when I tried so I'll probably try that way.
TheRealSalt wrote:Tip about changing monster colors: Do it through through Photoshop/Gimp/Paint.NET through hue-shifting, and then palette it. That way, it will still look correct, and you wont get stuff like the overly-high-contrast blue Imp in shot three. However, some colors like the Purple which only has 5 colors will look like garbage, so you'll have to stick with some of the ones you have already.
I was actually considering this one for the most troublesome to recolour monsters, tho I kinda want to avoid it due of the horrible tediousness that is seperating the frames and all, I will result to it when the time for it comes tho.
(I already used the hue shifting for the banner kek)
PS. Purple Revenants are camping bastards.
They are pretty good at sniping
Woohoo! Good work, I had this idea too, mostly inspired by Diablo & Sonic Doom.
This actually is pretty much inspired by Diablo and warcraft series a bit.

I'm glad to see this mod gotten some likings.

I'll aim to work up another patch tomorrow that should add the lost souls + Pain elementals, with lot of other tweaks and polish ups.
There will be some nerfs and buffs to the current monsters aswell, cause some of the lower tier monsters did a bit too much damage than intended.

In the meantime:
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Re: [WIP]Colourful Hell

Post by Enjay »

Hege Cactus wrote:I actually tried to revenant.DECORATE way but it didnt seem to load em for me for some reason when I tried so I'll probably try that way.
I think he probably meant:


but the folder method is neater anyway.
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Re: [WIP]Colourful Hell

Post by Peter Bark »

maybe Enjay will let you use his green colored imp from his Enjay ZDoom, I think those can be color translated better than that brown, the green has a nice shadow to it too.
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Re: [WIP]Colourful Hell

Post by chelonian »

Shame about there being no "colored" variants of the original weapons.
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Re: [WIP]Colourful Hell

Post by Pisstepank »

Well, its a really good idea, looking forward to see how you'll improve your mod! Gl :]
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Re: [WIP]Colourful Hell

Post by cem26 »

PURPLE colour didnt fit the bodies
Last edited by cem26 on Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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