Triple S wrote:DoomRL Arsenal uses the Zoom keybind for Drop Weapon. I'm assuming this is due to the scripting involved with keeping track of what weapons you have, which I'm assuming (without looking at the code because I'm fucking lazy) uses InventoryItem trickery to give the player a "token" on weapon pickup. As such, you have to drop the weapon and the token so that the script keeping track of your weapon count will update properly. Since the built-in Drop Weapon command isn't sufficient for this and probably can't be modified, a new one is added to replace the Zoom feature (which I assume looks to the weapon to see what to do rather than just doing something)
You can sort of confirm this being the case if you use the Give command to grant yourself a weapon rather than using Summon to spawn one and pick it up naturally; as you don't actually pick anything up with Give, the weapon doesn't count toward your maximum. Since Mod Items are already inventory items, they're counted much easier and as such the counter isn't borked upon use of Give.
Yup, see a pistol on the ground? Actually an item that does a few checks, then gives you the actual pistol and increments the weapon count.
Drop a weapon, and it is stripped of all modifications to that weapon, takes one from the weapon count, as well as taking any waiting assemblies you for some bizarre reason haven't used yet.
The native Drop Weapon command of Zdoom just drops the weapon, nothing more, so I reappropriated the Zoom key to drop weapons with. All it does is it goes to the Zoom state, which contains all the dropping weapon and dropping mod pack stuff in it.
torridGristle wrote:As the Scout, using AltFire with the pistol alerted enemies even though it seemingly did nothing at all.
Yeah, I should probably fix that soon. Basically, that happens because if you are a Technician, altfire is the button used to turn the weapon into a modpack. If you aren't doing that though, it just goes back to the ready state, but even so, it still counts as an alerting gunshot kinda thing. I need to go through all the weapons and add the +NOALERT flag, and then stick custom alerting things into the firing states.
I'll probably do that after I add in a few more unique weapons (Like a certain yellow and black pistol someone made), I like to focus on one type of thing at a time.