Nash wrote:(Mind you, in games like Morrowind and Oblivion, the player stops even more abruptly, despite moving so fast. :O And such was also the case with Wolf3D, if I recall)
My very first reaction when trying this was that it felt quite Wolfentein-like.
Nash wrote:Regarding the other comments about how it doesn't feel like Doom: that is to be expected... with such a huge change in the movement dynamics, of course it's not going to feel like Doom anymore.
Anyway, that's kind of the point - and also why I made this (so that I don't feel like I'm playing Doom anymore) so... mission accomplished, I guess. XD I'm sharing the code here because I'm sure it will be of interest to TC authors who are making mods that aren't related to Doom... plus, I recall a few people have requested a tutorial so this was long overdue anyway...
Understood. My observations weren't complaints. It's obvious that this is meant to not feel like Doom. But it is funny how many times I walk into the wall instead of going around a corner with this loaded.