[Music] Jimmy's Jukebox -- Seeking dev assistance re:ZScript

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Re: [Fun] Jimmy's Jukebox v6 -- [v7 still in the works...]

Post by Gez »

Andrew Benson can be contacted from the Chex Quest fan forums (IIRC he's Druben there or a name like that).

For the Heretic tunes, maybe Kevin Schilder would respond to an email?

Other songs I'd suggest would be Mustaine's stuff on Perdition Gate and Hell to Pay. Here too, though, titles are missing as far as I know.

A possible solution to the title issue, if people don't reply to emails, would be to name them after the first level in which they're used.
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Re: [Fun] Jimmy's Jukebox v6 -- [v7 still in the works...]

Post by Jimmy »

Gez wrote:A possible solution to the title issue, if people don't reply to emails, would be to name them after the first level in which they're used.
I'm already doing that but it is still a bit of a pain - like how only a few of the tracks used in Memento Mori 1 and STRAIN don't have titles. :(

Thanks for the tips - I'll see if I can scrounge up Kevin Schilder's email address.
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Re: [Fun] Jimmy's Jukebox v6 -- [v7 still in the works...]

Post by NeuralStunner »

Gez wrote:A possible solution to the title issue, if people don't reply to emails, would be to name them after the first level in which they're used.
This is generaly what I do anyway. But hey, if Kevin Schilder had names for his Heretic tracks, I'd love to know. :P
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Re: [Fun] Jimmy's Jukebox v6 -- [v7 still in the works...]

Post by Average »

I really like this. I get a little bored with the same old, same old so it's nice to mix it up with other tunes that still evoke that Doom atmosphere (most Doomers will be as familiar with a lot of these tunes as they are with the stock Iwad soundtracks). I agree with the sentiment of adding the CQ and Heretic soundtracks if possible though. :)

Also, is it possible to use this with Ultimate Doom as well?
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Re: [Fun] Jimmy's Jukebox v6 -- [v7 still in the works...]

Post by Jimmy »

Average wrote:Also, is it possible to use this with Ultimate Doom as well?
That's on my to-do list. Will involve quite a bit of rewriting, though.
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Re: [Fun] Jimmy's Jukebox v6 -- [v7 still in the works...]

Post by Ethril »

Average wrote:Also, is it possible to use this with Ultimate Doom as well?
I know it's possible to use this with Plutonia and TNT with the -iwad command line thing, so theoretically you could use this with ANY iwad... You'd have to use the changemap console command to go to E1M1 (or whatever) if you're not supposed to start on Map01, though.

edit: Holy balls it actually works. At least, it works until a few maps into episode 4 (or anything else that goes past 32 maps), but even then you can manually scroll through the songs.
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Re: [Fun] Jimmy's Jukebox v6 -- [v7 still in the works...]

Post by Average »

Good to know it's on the list. :)

@Ethril; Thanks for the workaround. I'll give it a bash after work today. :)
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Re: [Fun] Jimmy's Jukebox v6 -- [v7 still in the works...]

Post by Jimmy »

I'm now working on episodic playlists. Should have a screenshot as proof soon. :D
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Re: [Fun] Jimmy's Jukebox v6 -- [v7 still in the works...]

Post by Jimmy »

Jeeeeeeeeeeeeesus Christ. That took enough time. Even my most optimistic estimations for how much headache that would involve were grossly below par.

But here it is. Finally. :stuppor:


Next I'm going to completely redo MAP00 and possibly add those soundtracks in that Ethril suggested.
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Re: [Fun] Jimmy's Jukebox v6 -- [v7 still in the works...]

Post by Jimmy »

New features added:
  • MAP00 has been remade. Amongst other things, it's been sectioned to separate IWAD, PWAD, original artist, and other video game soundtracks, plus a help button has been added.
  • Playlist generation script overhauled to allow for episodic playlists, which means GAMEINFO no longer forces doom2.wad. :) Playlist format can be switched in MAP00.
  • Shuffling is now format-sensitive. Turning off shuffling will only generate a playlist if the format corresponds to that of the selected megawad. (So you can't generate a "megawad-format" playlist with Heretic selected and shuffle off. Would be a mess otherwise.)
  • A blank entry has been added to the Jukebox for (a) Chex Quest 3 which only has 5 maps per episode (b) any user-generated playlist in which a blank track is desired (c) bugfixing purposes so "At Doom's Gate" doesn't start blaring when something goes awry.
Soundtracks added since v6:
  • Heretic (all tracks by Kevin Schilder)
  • Chex Quest 3 (all tracks by Andrew Benson and Stephen DiDuro)
  • Eternal Doom III (all tracks by Rich Nagel)
  • 2002: A Doom Odyssey (all tracks by Paul Corfiatis)
  • Stewboy aka Forty-Two's MIDI collection
  • Duke Nukem 3D (all tracks by Robert Prince and Lee Jackson)
  • Descent (all tracks by Interplay)
  • Rise of the Triad (all tracks by Lee Jackson)
  • Plus quite a few additions to the Jimmy MIDI Collection.
On my to-do list:
  • Clean up a lot of problems that have cropped up since overhauling a vast amount of the script library.
  • Add Icarus and Hell to Pay/Perdition's Gate soundtrack.
  • Add Descent 2 soundtrack.
  • Add Hexen and Hexen II soundtrack. Possibly Strife as well (though I'm not too keen on the Strife soundtrack, personally).
  • Find the names for the levels in Descent so the tracks can be named.
  • Change the way tracks are chosen if they have already been chosen. If repeats are enabled, the same track should not appear within 5 (maybe 10) slots since its last appearance in the playlist. If repeats are disabled, every track in the pool must be added to the playlist before any repeats can occur (plus the repeats-enabled rule still applies).
  • Add a more GUI-based playlist customization screen. That will probably be put off until v8, however.
  • Convert the project to PK3. Again, a v8 job.
It's nearly here, folks. :) I would like to open up a discussion about any extra features that are required, but I fear that so much has changed since v6 that it would be a bit of a pointless endeavor to do so. :?
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Re: [Fun] Jimmy's Jukebox v6 -- [v7 NEARLY ready!]

Post by Jimmy »

v7 is on the cusp of completion. I'm going to make some small updates to the tracks I most recently finished and then call it done. :D

There's a bit of an annoying problem, though - I want to add the Hell to Pay/Perdition's Gate tracks but neither the songs NOR the levels they are for actually have names. And I really don't want to name the tracks Level 1, 2, 3, etc. :?

Same for the Hexen II: Portal of Praevus tracks. They're currently sitting in the WAD, since I was thinking about adding them to the Hexen II collection, but I don't have the game handy, nor do the tracks themselves have names. :(
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Re: [Fun] Jimmy's Jukebox v6 -- [v7 NEARLY ready!]

Post by Gez »

The levels have names, actually. They're listed in the documentation -- which, since it's from the DOS era, is "handily" embedded in a small executable.

No matter, I had already listed them all on the Doom wiki. The PG level names are a bit unwieldy; though you can use for half of them the snappier mustaine.com names.

About the Hexen II addon, I suppose I could try looking if I can do something, as I have the game.
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Re: [Fun] Jimmy's Jukebox v6 -- [v7 NEARLY ready!]

Post by wildweasel »

Regarding the Descent 2 soundtrack, did you opt to put in the MIDI files or the CD audio tracks? If you went for CD audio, did you want the extra songs from the Infinite Abyss and Vertigo discs? And if you only went for the MIDI songs, honestly it kind of feels like a waste if they're in their own category since there are only like...6 songs total in the game. =P
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Re: [Fun] Jimmy's Jukebox v6 -- [v7 NEARLY ready!]

Post by Jimmy »

Gez: Thanks. I've concluded that between the two WADs, there are 20 unique tracks. (And furthermore, it seems like Perdition's Gate MAP01's track is the only one that doesn't appear in Hell to Pay as well.) Does that sound right?

wildweasel: Due to the fact that only seven MIDIs feature in Descent 2, I added them to the Descent collection. If you can provide the Descent 2 audio files with the track names and the order they should go in, I'll add them as their own collection by all means. :)

(Though I kinda wanted Jukebox to be MIDI-exclusive. The Descent 2 audio soundtrack could bloat the WAD's filesize significantly. :?)
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Re: [Fun] Jimmy's Jukebox v6 -- [v7 NEARLY ready!]

Post by Zero X. Diamond »

Would there be any easy way to mod this mod in order to use your own custom selection of music? I've been following this for a while quietly, wondering about it, so I figured I'd finally just come forward and ask. Curious because I have an extensive music collection and always like being able to use it in my games when possible.

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