FuzzballFox wrote:Edit: 500th Post! I feel so old...I think...
Heh, been around slightly longer than you and I'm only on 519. I think you start getting old when you have 12000+ posts (I think that's probably more so on doomworld but all the same). I'm looking at you Enjay
Passed the first year of university, which is all I really needed to do because the first year doesn't actually count towards the final degree. University starts in about a month now. Bloodstock next week. Band is coming together now with a potential record deal in the long term pipeline. Finally completed moving in all of my stuff into my new flat. Went to Dubai for 10 days to stay in my mom's apartment a few weeks ago and have otherwise been all over the place in the UK but I don't think much more is planned for the remainder of the summer holidays.
Gaming wise, last played through the entirety of Myth: The Fallen Lords and Myth II: Soulblighter coop with my brother. Also tested a few of the campaign levels with the Dark side (who you normally spend the entire campaign fighting). Tried to get the Escalation mod for Total Annihilation working, until I realised I need the Core Contigency expansion pack, which I will probably order one the next loan comes through. Tried to open up the campaign levels of Total Annihilation and make them coop compatible, but even though it is possible seems like far too much work (besides each side needs a Commander to load up in multiplayer so... yeah).
About a week and a bit ago had a 4 day LAN gaming session with 3 other friends. Played a bit of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, Warcraft III custom maps, Call of Duty: United Offensive, Battlefield 1942, Stronghold (the RTS), Heroes III of Might and Magic Complete Edition, the first Halo and Star Wars: Battlefront II. Drank about 3 crates of beer over the course of the entire session (myself). Had curry each consecutive night - good times!
Started playing the original Doom on my flatmates Xbox 360. It's nice to have a fresh challenge with levels that are so familiar after all these years (as I haven't really owned a console so I'm not too familiar with the controller). Positively owned my flatmates at deathmatch - E1M5, E2M9 and E3M5 seem to be the favourites so far.
Tried to get my flatmates into Thief: Deadly Shadows - neither of them like it

. Ahh well guess it takes a certain type of person to play through such an intense game series.
Currently playing through the first two Doom IWADs with ReDoom, and thoroughly enjoying it.