Dear ZScripters, how good were you at maths?

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Dear ZScripters, how good were you at maths?

Post by weirdbondir »

I don't know if I am even able to ask something like that but but I really wonder about it.

So if there are anyone who has created such complicated or hard-coded mods, please tell, how was your math, algebra, trigonometry or geometry.
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Re: Dear ZScripters, how good were you at maths?

Post by Rachael »

You do not need to be an expert at math, just research. You can find all the formulae you need on the internet if you know what to look for.

That being said, I can accurately multiply to several digits in my head (don't know how high, haven't tried my limits). I have the ability to roughly estimate square roots and integer-base logarithms which is very helpful for code verification when debugging. I understand what sine, cosine, and tangent are, and how they relate to both triangles and the real world. I am also able to deconstruct algebra in order to remake a formula to fit my needs.
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Re: Dear ZScripters, how good were you at maths?

Post by Brohnesorge »

Awful. Despite taking trig in high school, that shit was yeeted from my brain by the time I started modding (nearly a decade later). I keep calculator open at all times when I'm working and have to look up more advanced maths all the time
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Re: Dear ZScripters, how good were you at maths?

Post by inkoalawetrust »

I know absolutely nothing about math, I can't even do anything above like 3rd grade arithmetic myself.

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