GZdoom - Black Screen at Start (Removed if Moving) v4.11+

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GZdoom - Black Screen at Start (Removed if Moving) v4.11+

Post by blood »

Hello, I would like to report a bug happening to me on both my computers since GZdoom v4.11.

I have been modding since a few time in Gzdoom using gzdoom-4-10-0-Windows-64bit.pk3 and since then I had no graphical issue.
But when I tried to use a more recent version (any version including 4.11 and above, even 4.13 prebuilds), I'll get a bug when my screen is all grey uppon start and will only get back to normal if I move my scren. Here you can see two videos with two versions of Gzdoom showing the differences.

It's happening on both my computers.
Computer 01 - NVIDIA RTX 4080 (drivers up to date) / Intel UHD Graphics (from i7-13700K, up to date).
Laptop 01 - NVIDIA RTX 3080 (drivers up to date) / Intel UHD Graphics (from i7-10870H, up to date).
I'm using OpenGL on both with Windows 11 (x64)

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Kappes Buur
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Re: GZdoom - Black Screen at Start (Removed if Moving) v4.11+

Post by Kappes Buur »

Just wondering out loud:
Does the same thing happen with Vulkan?

If that does the same thing then delete your gzdoom.ini file
(in console type whereisini)
and have GZDoom generate a new ini file with all defaults.
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Re: GZdoom - Black Screen at Start (Removed if Moving) v4.11+

Post by blood »

You were right it seems that deleting the ini files was the solution.

Since i play on two pc I share my folder on Google Drive I share my gzdoom_portable.ini for both of them and if it fail to load I didn't know since a week that there were a GZdoom folder in mygames for another .ini files. I deleted the 2 of them on my laptop and it's working, I'm gonna do the same at home when I get on my other pc to confirm that.
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Re: GZdoom - Black Screen at Start (Removed if Moving) v4.11+

Post by blood »

After using my first computer I can see that it's happening on both computers with OpenGL only, not for Vulkan or OpenGL ES.
Even with a new ini file.
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Re: GZdoom - Black Screen at Start (Removed if Moving) v4.11+

Post by Rachael »

It's a bug in GZDoom's OpenGL renderer but nobody's really wanted to diagnose or fix it because Vulkan is more advanced and usually quicker for most systems. It's been on the chopping block, also. There's a reason why the default backend was shifted to Vulkan and using OpenGL-ES as a fallback instead of OpenGL.

There's definitely no question that GZDoom's full OpenGL renderer is more capable than OpenGL-ES and more widely supported than Vulkan - but it's also buggier and slower than the other two backends which are more specialised for the systems they are meant for.
Last edited by Rachael on Thu May 23, 2024 5:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: GZdoom - Black Screen at Start (Removed if Moving) v4.11+

Post by blood »

I see, to be honest I just wanted a solution for that bug I didn't even knew OpenGL-ES / Vulkan were a thing since I mostly played Zandronum.
For me using either of them is a solution since the bug isn't happening anymore I could say the problem is "solved".

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