I know it is quite a strange thing to ask here.

Some friends and I are working in a small vanilla map pack for Doom1. It is supposed to run in the most source ports possible, so it is really purely vanilla. As I know GZDoom automatically corrects many glitches in the game, such as slimetrails and stuff like that, I mostly use PrBoom to test it and find such glitches.
Recently I've also played the mod using Doom 4 Vanilla and Freedoom, as they work just fine in PrBoom and I liked it a lot. So I tried to find other gameplay mods that would work with PrBoom. As I mod for G/Zdoom for years I know a lot of Decorate/Zscript mods already, not almost none made for vanilla.
I guessed it'd be easy to find other mods just like D4V but I'm really struggling to google for it. Could someone say some gameplay mods that would work in Boom-like source ports? I'm not really into mods that "enhance" to Doom experience (just like Beatiful Doom or Smooth Doom), but ones that change it (pretty much as D4V does). I mean, ones with new monsters or weapons, or any other things that changes the balance or the visuals of the original game.
Thanks in advanced.