Eduke32 fishbowl skies?

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Eduke32 fishbowl skies?

Post by Casualfan »

Ok, I don't quite know how to describe this but I was wondering how yall have dealt with this:

When playing Duke 3D in Raze, when I look up and down the sky follows the player view. When I play in Eduke, however, the sky stays put while my view moves, making me feel like I'm in a fish bowl or on a boat. It makes me more than a little seasick haha. Does anyone know of a setting to change Eduke's skyboxes to function more like Raze's?

And before you say, "just play Raze," there are some custom Duke campaigns that I want to play that aren't supported by Raze, unfortunately.

I can provide videos if needed.
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Re: Eduke32 fishbowl skies?

Post by PlayerLin »

The Raze one seems the same behavior of GZDooM, which not existed in original.

In Eduke32, that was the same as original Build engine/Duke3D behavior as far as I know and I think you can't change that.
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Re: Eduke32 fishbowl skies?

Post by Phredreeke »

the original eduke32 behavior was worse, causing the sky texture to bend when you looked up and down (as seen in megaton edition), which can be re-enabled by a CVAR (I can't remember what one right now, sorry). but what I think you want is Fox's skybox pack
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Re: Eduke32 fishbowl skies?

Post by Casualfan »

Phredreeke wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2024 9:15 am the original eduke32 behavior was worse, causing the sky texture to bend when you looked up and down (as seen in megaton edition), which can be re-enabled by a CVAR (I can't remember what one right now, sorry). but what I think you want is Fox's skybox pack
Yes, that is EXACTLY what I was looking for! Do you know if packs like this exist for the other Build games for use with NBlood, VoidSW, and RedNukem?
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Re: Eduke32 fishbowl skies?

Post by Phredreeke »

There's a skybox pack for BuildGDX here ... n-one-pack

You can use them with other ports by renaming the DEF files.

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