Powerful weapon pack suggestions?

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Powerful weapon pack suggestions?

Post by PsychicBirb »

What are some good mods that are about powerful weapons? I would like to use those kind of mods with something like Colorfulhell.

Thanks either way!
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Re: Powerful weapon pack suggestions?

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Try starting with Weapons Of Saturn or else Russian Overkill. Both weapon packs are solid as a rock... :thumb:
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Re: Powerful weapon pack suggestions?

Post by yum13241 »

Trailblazer. Oh, and Monstrous Weapons if Trailblazer is too much (shameless plug, but I haven't touched that mod in months, lol).
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Re: Powerful weapon pack suggestions?

Post by Hellscribbler »

Any of the Hearts of Demons mods have pretty powerful weapons. Guncaster is good too. Hellcrusher takes a bit more skill than my other recommendations, but once you get used to it its just as powerful as the rest.
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Re: Powerful weapon pack suggestions?

Post by Alando1 »

An old wad of mine called Alandoguns might have some powerful guns you're looking for. Russian Overkill is another good one - it has even more insane weapons and the name says it all. Also, any weapon wad from Daniel is pretty good - he's got some power-packing firepower in some of his weapon wads (Armas, Arsenal, etc.). One other weapon set that comes to mind is WildWeasel's WW-Stranger and other weapons wads of his. Guncaster is another one I heard that has some powerful guns. Haven't had the chance to try it out, though, but I've seen a lot of gameplay footage of it and it looks really awesome.


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