I don't think you have a very strong grasp of how corporate game development works. When a game releases in a buggy state, it is often because the publisher is not willing to keep putting up more funds for the dev team to keep working on it, and wants to skip to the part where they can sell it. And with a game like STALKER, that game had been in production for YEARS already, and the publisher probably had enough of them dragging their heels on it (regardless of whether the devs actually were doing that or not). It's a business, at the end of the day, and it doesn't make money if people can't buy it.yum13241 wrote: ↑Sun Jan 15, 2023 6:15 amI would've made Day 1 patches then, if they existed back then.wildweasel wrote: ↑Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:16 pmQA probably found it. The question is, whether anybody had the time to fix it before the game was pushed out.
What games do you play other than Doom?
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?
Then we need to stop buying shit not worth buying. And stop implying that I'm stupid, please and thank you.
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?
Sorry, I was just in a bad mood. I hope you understand. I apologize.
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?
No idea, gaming industry has always been weird like that with botched games at launch after all - Blood 2, Batman Arkham Knight, CP2077, you name it. Stalker SoC had a fairly lengthy development as well, but it's considered one of the least buggy entries, and having played the vanilla game without any mods myself, can surely attest to that, minus the occassional CTD while loading. Call of Pripyat seems to be regarded as being fairly glitch-free too.
Clear Sky? Nah fuck no, this game is a mess on the technical side of things (look up Nikolai on YT, to see the kind of meme-tier stuff you can do with the brokenness of this game) - crashes, broken quests, and even buggy UI elements in widescreen in a time where widescreen monitors were already commonplace (they already were by 2008 when SoC dropped). It also had some broken features such as the iron sights which were even removed for some weapons for no reason at all. Either way, since SRP has been a thing for years now, this game can finally be enjoyed properly, although I'm going to wait for 1.1.4 to drop first because that one is said to cover a few more fairly important issues (such as crashes), so that I can make the most out of the game on my first run. The other good thing about the SRP is that it also restores some cut features such as the aforementioned iron sights too. Sorta similar to the extra package of VTMB's unofficial patch, which also restores cut quests and content.
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?
Adding yet more gamesdaemonspudguy wrote: ↑Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:09 amI will also add Serious Sam Classic 1 &2daemonspudguy wrote: ↑Sat Apr 09, 2022 7:36 pm Just Cause 3
Just Cause 4
Half-Life 2
Garry's Mod
Minecraft Java Edition
Minecraft PS4 Edition
Duke Nukem 3d
Rise Of The Triad Dark War
Ion Fury
PySol Fan Club Edition
And many more, if you want to know what PC games I play specifically, my Steam library is long
Half-Life Blue Shift
Half-Life Opposing Force
Black Mesa
Doom 2
Doom 3
Doom 3 BFG
Wolfenstein 3d
Wolfenstein 3d Spear of Destiny
HITMAN World of Assassination trilogy
Hitman Blood Money
Hitman Absolution
Minecraft Bedrock Edition
Street Fighter V
Mortal Kombat 11
Various versions of Tetris
Dr Mario
And many, many more.
Serious Sam 3 Before First Encounter
Serious Sam HD First and Second Encounters
Nightmare Reaper
Postal 2
Postal 4
Wrath Aeon of Ruin
Turbo Overkill
Blood Fresh Supply
One Unit Whole Blood (yes, I own both digital releases of Blood)
Quake 2
Quake 3 Arena
Cube 2: Sauerbraten
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?
I really like Serious Sam, in case you haven't noticed.
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?
Believe me, you won't regret playing Burnout 3, I also highly recommend checking out Revenge and Paradise Remastered (although Paradise Remastered needs like 3 community fixes to work "normally", you can find them in the Burnout Hints Discord).sinisterseed wrote: ↑Sat Jan 14, 2023 11:57 am Recently got finished with Resident Evil 6. Overhated game this one, but I had a blast with it.
Next up I'm gonna do Burnout 3 Takedown, and once that's out of the way, I'm torn between Stalker Clear Sky or RE Revelations. The former will absolutely need the unofficial patch to properly enjoy, as the vanilla game is a buggy disaster, hell in vanilla some side quests can't even be completed... By far the buggiest game in the franchise to date.
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?
I get on a kick for "space sim" games every couple years, and recently I've been loving Everspace 2 actually.
It's not even really a "sim", it's an arcade space RPG shooter, but... this one is scratching all the right itches that I didn't know I had. I bounced off Elite Dangerous after 40 hours with little but disappointment, but only 15 hours into Everspace 2 I feel like I got more than my money's worth (even though I bought it full-price at $50). It's like what I always imagined Privateer or Freespace was meant to be.
If anyone's got that hankering for some satisfying 6-DOF shooting and jumping around star systems, highly recommend trying the demo.

It's not even really a "sim", it's an arcade space RPG shooter, but... this one is scratching all the right itches that I didn't know I had. I bounced off Elite Dangerous after 40 hours with little but disappointment, but only 15 hours into Everspace 2 I feel like I got more than my money's worth (even though I bought it full-price at $50). It's like what I always imagined Privateer or Freespace was meant to be.
If anyone's got that hankering for some satisfying 6-DOF shooting and jumping around star systems, highly recommend trying the demo.

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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?
A mish mash of games here and there, games from Itch.io , some games I bought on steam, recently played an arcade game bought on steam from the SNK collection, also playing a ton of Avadon: The Black Fortress to enjoy the story.
I want to play much more then that but this laptop, while reliable and tough, is not a high end gaming computer.
I want to play much more then that but this laptop, while reliable and tough, is not a high end gaming computer.
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?
Caligari87 wrote:
> I get on a kick for "space sim" games every couple years, and
> recently I've been loving Everspace 2 actually.
> It's not even really a "sim", it's an arcade space RPG shooter,
> but... this one is scratching all the right itches that I didn't know I
> had. I bounced off Elite Dangerous after 40 hours with little but
> disappointment, but only 15 hours into Everspace 2 I feel like I got more
> than my money's worth (even though I bought it full-price at $50). It's
> like what I always imagined Privateer or Freespace was meant to be.
> If anyone's got that hankering for some satisfying 6-DOF shooting and
> jumping around star systems, highly recommend trying the demo.
I second it, that Everspace 2 is a challenging and rewarding experience, which has good graphics and gameplay
> I get on a kick for "space sim" games every couple years, and
> recently I've been loving Everspace 2 actually.
> It's not even really a "sim", it's an arcade space RPG shooter,
> but... this one is scratching all the right itches that I didn't know I
> had. I bounced off Elite Dangerous after 40 hours with little but
> disappointment, but only 15 hours into Everspace 2 I feel like I got more
> than my money's worth (even though I bought it full-price at $50). It's
> like what I always imagined Privateer or Freespace was meant to be.
> If anyone's got that hankering for some satisfying 6-DOF shooting and
> jumping around star systems, highly recommend trying the demo.

I second it, that Everspace 2 is a challenging and rewarding experience, which has good graphics and gameplay
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?
A few of the games/game franchises I have played to note
- Halo(I am a huge Halo Fan and as of the making of this post, Halo The Master Chief Collection has the most playtime on my Steam.)
- Touhou Project
- Melty Blood Type Lumina
- Left 4 Dead 2
- Quake (it was alright.)
- Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3 (Tale of Two Wastelands is so fucking good. Shame New Vegas is held together by prayers and the souls of the innocent)
- Devil May Cry 5
- Minecraft
And thats off the top of my head. On my to play list is the Shadow Warrior trilogy, Fate/Extella Link, Celeste and POSTAL Brain Damaged.
- Halo(I am a huge Halo Fan and as of the making of this post, Halo The Master Chief Collection has the most playtime on my Steam.)
- Touhou Project
- Melty Blood Type Lumina
- Left 4 Dead 2
- Quake (it was alright.)
- Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3 (Tale of Two Wastelands is so fucking good. Shame New Vegas is held together by prayers and the souls of the innocent)
- Devil May Cry 5
- Minecraft
And thats off the top of my head. On my to play list is the Shadow Warrior trilogy, Fate/Extella Link, Celeste and POSTAL Brain Damaged.
- Posts: 210
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?
Build games and Doom Eternal.
- Posts: 1
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?
Diablo 4 - Processing
I started playing and already have a lvl 60 character in diablo 4, which was released relatively recently. i enjoy the gameplay, i really like the map for its atmosphere. i play as a mage mainly because of ice + electric. i don't seem to have any problems.
upd:I added more pyro, because some people had unpleasant resistances I got this advice here
I started playing and already have a lvl 60 character in diablo 4, which was released relatively recently. i enjoy the gameplay, i really like the map for its atmosphere. i play as a mage mainly because of ice + electric. i don't seem to have any problems.
upd:I added more pyro, because some people had unpleasant resistances I got this advice here
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Tue Aug 22, 2023 7:02 am
Re: What games do you play other than Doom?
I enjoy games like Hotline Miami and OmniBus, but I also appreciate various games across different genres, such as The Legend of Zelda series, Portal, and Celeste.