link to forum post viewtopic.php?p=1239129#p1239129
Previously I had Arch Linux running using the script created by MatMoul (archfi) to install it with
KDE Desktop as environment, ALS as the audio backend
I tried using the AUR package with 'yay -S raze'
Everything freezes and eventually frees up when using the release build there.
I followed the ZDoom wiki in building raze myself
Code: Select all
git clone
cd Raze
mkdir build
a='' && [ "$(uname -m)" = x86_64 ] && a=64
c="$(lscpu -p | grep -v '#' | sort -u -t , -k 2,4 | wc -l)" ; [ "$c" -eq 0 ] && c=1
cd ~/Raze/build &&
rm -f output_sdl/ &&
if [ -d ../fmodapi44464linux ]; then
f="-DFMOD_LIBRARY=../fmodapi44464linux/api/lib/libfmodex${a} \
-DFMOD_INCLUDE_DIR=../fmodapi44464linux/api/inc"; else
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release $f &&
make -j$c
in ~/raze created a '' with the following contents
Code: Select all
./raze -config ./config.ini
set the '' as executable and executed it.
System locks up (with or without swap on, the only difference is length of time the freeze happens before the reaper kills it)
I follow the same steps, this time, building a debug version
Code: Select all
a='' && [ "$(uname -m)" = x86_64 ] && a=64
c="$(lscpu -p | grep -v '#' | sort -u -t , -k 2,4 | wc -l)" ; [ "$c" -eq 0 ] && c=1
cd ~/Raze/build &&
rm -f output_sdl/ &&
if [ -d ../fmodapi44464linux ]; then
f="-DFMOD_LIBRARY=../fmodapi44464linux/api/lib/libfmodex${a} \
-DFMOD_INCLUDE_DIR=../fmodapi44464linux/api/inc"; else
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug $f &&
make -j$c
I have reisntalled Arch Linux, using archfi (
I selected linux (no LTRS or Zen build)
KDE Plasma as chosen desktop environment, gtreamer backend with ALSA.
same steps, release build and debug build. Same problems.
KDE Plasma as chosen desktop environment, vlc backend with ALSA.
same steps, release build and debug build. Same problems.
KDE Plasma as chosen desktop environment, vlc backend with pipewire.
same steps, release build and debug build. Same problems.
I am tired of rebuilding linux now, I have gone back to a clean install of KDE Plasma, gstreamer and pipewire
I am not getting any log dumps, unless I am not looking in the right places. ~/.config/raze keeps creating grpcrccache.txt and raze.log (txt and log included form most recent trial), with no changes and doesn't matter if I use release or debug.
Is there a switch on the debug that I need to include in my is the debug log when running the debug version being spit out somewhere else?
With my limited knowledge of Linux, it might be my CPU???
CPU i5-660k (no overclock) (microcode loaded)
RAM 16GB DDR4-2400 CL14
GPU MSI GAMING X Radeon RX 580 8 GB (open amdgpu driver)
Possible bug? What is needed from me to track this down?