What games do you play other than Doom?

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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?

Post by sinisterseed »

Rachael wrote: Sun Nov 06, 2022 11:48 am Awesome screenshots, Enjay! And don't feel guilty about that, Cyberpunk honestly is an awesome game, just unfortunately flawed in a lot of ways.
But it's quite commendable that CDPR is committed to making it better and keeps updating it and adding more content. The state the game's in now is day and night different from the clearly unfinished, buggy, and rushed job it was when it first dropped.
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?

Post by Clown_Number_42 »

Anyone here play Postal 1, Postal 2 or Postal 2: ED?
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?

Post by KynikossDragonn »

I play this crap so you don't have to!

though in all honesty, I am curious if anyone I know could play Urban Assault better than I can.
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?

Post by Solus »

Been grinding with Cyberpunk 2077. And throwing mods as I go. Night City is still one of the best, most beautiful virtual cities, specially at night. Without RT. With QoL mods, mechanics, enhancements, realism, Cyberpunk is a really cool experience, even with its bad reputation.
Before that, had a blast with Scorn and while the promises thrown out of the window and the scummy, misleading description, it ends being the most gorgeous game I've ever played! The hours I have on it, it's not game play, but a result of the almost 4000 scrennshots I took, second time with my own ReShade.
Two little, retro games that I loved: Paratopic and Nightslik. Gotta love abstract retro projects!
Prodeus might have the best combat in the whole commercial retro commercial scene, but I won't endorse a game that makes hunt for secrets needed, to advance in the game.
NewBlood's Amid Evil. Haven't played Dusk in ages.
Vomintorium is really cool. The Aesthetic is awesome and the developer proved before with their TCs for GZDoom. Haven't finished, though.
The combination Spotify and PC Building Simulator is highly therapeutic! Also, with Uno works great too. Specially to take out all those frustrations, swearing at the screen!
As a fan of Mr. Robot, Hacknet and Hacker Simulator are really cool, to feel 1% of the 1%, of what Elliot did on the show. The first is for good intentions, the last is just pure criminal activity.
Pathologic 2 is indeed a profound experience!
All those cool post-apocalyptic FPSs, Metro, Fallout, RAGE, Dying Light and one really cool and free, STALKER: Anomaly. For a free project it's really good and nice to fantasize with the possible release of 2. Whenever that's coming.
The Beast Inside looks really good, has cool mechanics, the plot is cool but has the same problem, that most horror entertainment has been having for years: predictable. Outlast and Amnesia where a good kick, back then. Also, the game is lacking in the optimization department, which is highly noticed in two chapters and it seems, the beefier the computer, the worst it runs.
There's a couple of really cool free games, like AWOL, EQI really cool for lovers of psychedelic digital content, The Complex, which is how a Backrooms game should be. There's already enough horror content surrounding this. Liquidators, while developed for a college project, just proves, to me, that eastern developers are the ones that are spot on when it comes to games surrounding post-apocalyptic/nuclear themes. They just have a sensitive perk when it comes to creating this worlds, that I've never seen matched by any other developers, from other parts of the globe. Also, the three characters in Liquidators, are actually real people.
And from time to time, I just fire up Selaco. Most stunning commercial project on GZDoom! So satisfying overall!!! I love Shelly Bombshell, but I think Dawn will take her place.
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?

Post by sinisterseed »

Currently going through Paper Mario - The Thousand Year Door. Loving it so far but damn lengthy game this one.

After that, I'm torn between Burnout/FEAR or getting into Pokemon at long last.
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?

Post by yum13241 »

Just found out about Xonotic a few days ago, it's really fun. It's a free and open source arena shooter that uses a modified DarkPlaces engine. (that's why the physics feel similar)

Also try Geometry Dash! (reference)
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?

Post by ahmadmob »

Quake Live
Assassin Creeds
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?

Post by Zaeryn »

Forza Horizon 5 is good for relaxing to music or a podcast.
Then I've got custom Blood, Shadow Warrior and Dook Nookum maps on the backburner.
But give me a fun game with modding capabilities and I go batshit crazy. Left 4 Dead 2 was the biggest offender.
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Apart from several emulated console games, I frequently play the following ones:

- 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant
- AstroMenace
- Open Rails
- Super Tux Kart
- Rise of Nations & Rise of Legends
- The Battle for Wesnoth
- Vertrix 3

Also I used to play some time ago the classic versions of Age of Empires II & III, but sadly these don't run very well under Windows 10/11... (And I absolutely refuse to use their 'steamed' versions!) >:(
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?

Post by tuintje »

As a seasoned gamer with 30 years of experience, I've found myself becoming increasingly jaded with the current state of the industry. While I still enjoy delving into the realms of Heroes of the Storm and Vermintide 2, I find myself struggling to find new titles that capture my interest. But that's all about to change, as I eagerly anticipate the release of Sons of the Forest. Though I've played a plethora of games throughout the years, there's one that always seems to hold a special place in my heart: Doom. The nostalgia and thrill of the demon-slaying never fades, and I'm honored to be a part of this community of like-minded players. Let's see what the future holds for gaming together.
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?

Post by sinisterseed »

Recently got finished with Resident Evil 6. Overhated game this one, but I had a blast with it.

Next up I'm gonna do Burnout 3 Takedown, and once that's out of the way, I'm torn between Stalker Clear Sky or RE Revelations. The former will absolutely need the unofficial patch to properly enjoy, as the vanilla game is a buggy disaster, hell in vanilla some side quests can't even be completed... By far the buggiest game in the franchise to date.
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?

Post by yum13241 »

How did that pass thru QA?
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?

Post by wildweasel »

yum13241 wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 12:04 pm How did that pass thru QA?
QA probably found it. The question is, whether anybody had the time to fix it before the game was pushed out.
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?

Post by Artman2004 »

I usually play Flash games via Flashpoint, but I've also played Mirror's Edge and the 2009 Ghostbusters game recently.
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Re: What games do you play other than Doom?

Post by yum13241 »

wildweasel wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:16 pm
yum13241 wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 12:04 pm How did that pass thru QA?
QA probably found it. The question is, whether anybody had the time to fix it before the game was pushed out.
I would've made Day 1 patches then, if they existed back then.

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