RELEASE: Wolfenstein 3D TC Version 3.1

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Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 3.0) Final Beta Release!

Post by AFADoomer »

The steam version of SoD switches between map sets by renaming files. Check to see if you have a GAMEMAPS.SD1 file in your SoD folder and replace GAMEMAPS.SOD in the ipk3's folder with that instead.
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Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 3.0) Final Beta Release!

Post by AFADoomer »

In the latest Git version, I've added error reporting in the console that will print if any of your GAMEMAPS files do not have the expected extension - That is, if your GAMEMAPS.SOD file is really a renamed GAMEMAPS.SD2 file, it will tell you that in the console. Hopefully this will help people to troubleshoot issues like this in the future.
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Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 3.0) Final Beta Release!

Post by CacoTwoShoes »

Really impressed with the all the latest additions! Keep up the good work!

A question I really wanted to ask, how does GZDoom's customizable FOV and aspect ratio affect the sneak attack bonus? Anything that's off screen gets 2x the chance of hitting you in the original game and its source ports, and how much of the big picture you get to see naturally depends on the aspect ratio too.

I also noticed that the blood decals have semi-transparent pixels but the bullet puffs look like they have just 1 bit alpha channel that only distinguishes between 100% opaque and 100% transparent pixels which is consistent with the style of the original game that had a very limited 8 bit palette and 1 bit transparency. The ooze on the walls also lacks any graphical imitation of semi-transparency and so does the gore seen in the enemies' death animations, so I guess all the mod extras should be following suit?

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Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 3.0) Final Beta Release!

Post by AFADoomer »

So, I may have *just* added the handling for increased damage to inactive enemies, and from enemies who are not in the players FOV :innocent:. I chose to hard-code the calculations based off of a 90-degree field of view so that gameplay won't change for players with different FOVs.

The blood splats are the default GZDoom ones; I haven't added any other additional graphics there, just retained the option to show them. If the extra translucency makes them not fit, you could say the same about them not fitting with Doom sprites :smile:.

The flamethrower hit and breaking syringe breaking effect *do* use transparency, as does the flame/smoke effects when you use the flamethrower to kill an enemy (and rocket trails if you have blood splats turned on), but the effects are intentionally minimalist.
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Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 3.0) Final Beta Release!

Post by CacoTwoShoes »

So, I may have *just* added the handling for increased damage to inactive enemies, and from enemies who are not in the players FOV :innocent:.
From what I remember patrolling enemies too take the extra damage as long as they are unaware of the player’s presence.
I chose to hard-code the calculations based off of a 90-degree field of view so that gameplay won't change for players with different FOVs.
Fair choice, most people probably play at the vanilla 90 anyways.
If the extra translucency makes them not fit, you could say the same about them not fitting with Doom sprites :smile:.
That’s been kinda bugging me my entire life but since a lot of stuff including the projectiles use optional translucency and mods almost abuse it, it's not as noticeable.

Also the graphics in Doom look like a peculiar crossover between hand drawn pixel art and something derived from heavily overdrawn photos while Wolf3d (and maybe also Hexen and Heretic) have an older, crisper and more vibrant look like in the earliest cartoon-style VGA DOS games or SNES graphics. Not sure about the 16bit consoles, but DOS stuff only did 1 bit transparency at the time which meant no translucency, just crisp cutouts with one color coding the empty pixels.
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Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 3.0) Final Beta Release!

Post by AFADoomer »

CacoTwoShoes wrote: Sat Dec 24, 2022 8:45 pm From what I remember patrolling enemies too take the extra damage as long as they are unaware of the player’s presence.
Correct. They don't count as 'active' until they are alerted to the player, so the same handling is in place for patrolling enemies.
CacoTwoShoes wrote: Sat Dec 24, 2022 8:45 pm That’s been kinda bugging me my entire life but since a lot of stuff including the projectiles use optional translucency and mods almost abuse it, it's not as noticeable.

Also the graphics in Doom look like a peculiar crossover between hand drawn pixel art and something derived from heavily overdrawn photos while Wolf3d (and maybe also Hexen and Heretic) have an older, crisper and more vibrant look like in the earliest cartoon-style VGA DOS games or SNES graphics. Not sure about the 16bit consoles, but DOS stuff only did 1 bit transparency at the time which meant no translucency, just crisp cutouts with one color coding the empty pixels.
Yeah, I thought about doing custom splatters, but am not planning to do that before release. The splatters are an optional thing that the player has to opt-in for, so I'm not too concerned. Maybe for a 3.1 at some point...
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Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 3.0) Final Beta Release!

Post by CacoTwoShoes »

increased damage to inactive enemies, and from enemies who are not in the players FOV
Oh by the way, wasn't it the hit chance and not the damage boosted for the offscreen enemies? It kinda imitated dodging the bullet if my memory is correct.
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Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 3.0) Final Beta Release!

Post by AFADoomer »

Yes. There's a multiplier that gets cut in half if the player has the enemy in sight - From Wolf3D source: "player can see to dodge".

Imprecise commit notes :grin:.
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Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 3.0) Final Beta Release!

Post by CacoTwoShoes »

Pedantically recreating Wolf3d source code behavior in ZScript is God’s work.
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Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 3.0) Beta 4 Release!

Post by Gez »

AFADoomer wrote: Sat Nov 26, 2022 5:07 pm - Added custom enemy movement and firing functions to better emulate Wolf3D enemies
Just curious -- how much difference is there with the old A_WolfAttack function? (Or, how much did I get wrong back then? :P )
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Re: Wolfenstein 3D TC (Version 3.0) Beta 4 Release!

Post by AFADoomer »

Gez wrote: Mon Dec 26, 2022 11:55 am Just curious -- how much difference is there with the old A_WolfAttack function? (Or, how much did I get wrong back then? :P )
Your function is pretty spot on... I really only had to code my own because my Wolf-style movement code sets player velocity to zero, so the "dodging" (aka lower hitchance when the player is running) as coded in A_WolfAttack wouldn't/couldn't ever work. Mine is much more simplistic as well, with no handling for blood/puff spawning or accounting for any special actor flags (GHOST/SHADOW).
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RELEASE: Wolfenstein 3D TC Version 3.0

Post by AFADoomer »

Version 3.0 of the Wolfenstein 3D Total Conversion for GZDoom is available for download.

See the first post for more information.
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Re: RELEASE: Wolfenstein 3D TC Version 3.0

Post by Delfino Furioso »

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Re: RELEASE: Wolfenstein 3D TC Version 3.0

Post by RubyEyeShabranigdu »

Congratulations! I'm so happy to see how much this project progressed since ver 2.x! Yessssssssss!
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Re: RELEASE: Wolfenstein 3D TC Version 3.0

Post by cubebert »

I gave this a go with the first level and I got to say that I'm very impressed with the new additions this project's added since the last stable version! I do have one technical question however, and that's getting the SOD levels working. I have GAMEMAPS.wl6 and the other GAMEMAPS from the expansions in the same folder as the ipk3, but I can only play through the base levels. Do I need to rename something or put anything in the folder to get the SOD levels functional?

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