But that's additional and unwanted work to add gzdoom.pk3 into the resource list. What I'd like to propose is to bundle Ultimate Doom Builder with that gzdoom.pk3 file that will load everytime without any hassle, is there any sort of licensing issue that make a hurdle for that?phantombeta wrote: ↑Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:31 pmYou just have to mark the resource as not being loaded for testing. It's the checkbox at the bottom of the "browse WAD/PK3/Folder" window.Darkcrafter wrote: ↑Sun Aug 07, 2022 5:26 pm Updated to v3.0.0.3980 (692ceb7) and seems like I'm rolling back from this one because need to load gzdoom.pk3 into map resources and then having to remove it when testing (reload the map before testing lol). because gzdoom won't run if gzdoom.pk3 is in the map resources.
Ultimate Doom Builder
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder
- Posts: 757
- Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2003 3:37 pm
Re: Ultimate Doom Builder
You have to add it once. It will not be bundled with UDB, that just doesn't make sense at all.
- Posts: 94
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2022 4:26 am
Re: Ultimate Doom Builder
How do you access the Visplane Explorer in UDB ? The plugin .dll is present, but I can't find any reference in UDB. Also, are there any plugins that are not included with the UDB install? I've looked around and all I could find were some old plugins that are most likely deprecated (or already included). I just want to be sure that I'm not missing out on something.
Also, I would like to know what is your preferred way to report a bug? Do I need to do this on github? It concerns using directories as resource locations. UDB ignores the .pk3 files inside that directory.
How do you access the Visplane Explorer in UDB ? The plugin .dll is present, but I can't find any reference in UDB. Also, are there any plugins that are not included with the UDB install? I've looked around and all I could find were some old plugins that are most likely deprecated (or already included). I just want to be sure that I'm not missing out on something.
Also, I would like to know what is your preferred way to report a bug? Do I need to do this on github? It concerns using directories as resource locations. UDB ignores the .pk3 files inside that directory.
- Posts: 757
- Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2003 3:37 pm
Re: Ultimate Doom Builder
Visplane Explorer is only enabled for Doom and Hexen format maps. So if you're making a UDMF map it won't be there.
There are basically no thrid party plugins around (that I'm aware of).
GitHub is the preferred way to report bugs.
There are basically no thrid party plugins around (that I'm aware of).
GitHub is the preferred way to report bugs.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder
Yes, it's not relevant for UDMF. More precisely, it's not relevant for any port that supports UDMF.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder
Hey, just wanted to ask if it's possible to make a hudmessage that you can skip message by message (not the whole thing) by pressing a key (like e). I tried to do it but I failed miserably.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder
I downloaded this again, and every time I try to load a map it immediately closes with no error message. I read on GitHub that it was struggling to work on Windows 11. Has anyone else ran into this?
I'm trying to run it on Windows 11. I've tried running it as the administrator and it didn't change anything. What other info would I need to troubleshoot this?
I'm trying to run it on Windows 11. I've tried running it as the administrator and it didn't change anything. What other info would I need to troubleshoot this?
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder
Downgrade your GPU drivers or wait for AMD to fix them.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder
Would it be possible to have editor keys similar to the ArgN* keys, but for user variables? It would be so useful when having custom actors that require lots of customisation. Especially the enum options.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder
Avast One keeps recognising the updates as suspicious files and gets rid of them! It's driving me crazy!
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder
Avast probably have an exception function, try that
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- Joined: Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:45 am
Re: Ultimate Doom Builder
Updated UDB for the first time in about 3 months and now my custom game configuration has zscript errors.
Prior to update I've never had errors or warnings. Nothing in the game configuration changed. Nothing in the mod or map changed.
I have a custom game configuration file to include thing and key array lists (I posted in an earlier thread about using it to fix key numbers to no avail). That has not changed.
Custom things defined in the mapinfo and game config are still showing in the 3d view, so it looks like all of these errors and warnings are not indicating actual problems.
All map info entries for HEXEN's base items are in the mapinfo warnings (showing up before things defined in the mod). These hexen mapinfo numbers are not redefined in the mod, they must be failing from the base game.
Code: Select all
ZSCRIPT error in "xrpg\zscript\XRpgPlayer.zs:4", line 9. Fatal: Class "XRpgPlayer" is trying to inherit from "playerpawn" which does not exist..
ZSCRIPT error in "xrpg\zscript.zs", line 47. Already parsed "zscript/XRpgSpellItem.zs". Check your include directives.
Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "5 = zwingedstatue": failed to find corresponding actor class...
(285 more mapinfo warnings)
I have a custom game configuration file to include thing and key array lists (I posted in an earlier thread about using it to fix key numbers to no avail). That has not changed.
Custom things defined in the mapinfo and game config are still showing in the 3d view, so it looks like all of these errors and warnings are not indicating actual problems.
All map info entries for HEXEN's base items are in the mapinfo warnings (showing up before things defined in the mod). These hexen mapinfo numbers are not redefined in the mod, they must be failing from the base game.