Ultimate Doom Builder

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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by MartinHowe »

doomzie wrote:Windows 10 VM on VirtualBox 6.1 (with 3D acceleration support on and plenty resources):
I tried and it was useless, use VMWare Workstation Player instead; it's free for personal use and virtualisation of a graphics card is far better than that of VirtualBox; UDB works fine like that and even GZDoom works, albeit slowly.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by doomzie »

boris wrote:As the build instructions say you are on your own when running on Linux.

Agreed. I hope you don't mind me providing some feedback and seeing if anyone has some tips for UDB Linux users.
doomzie wrote:1. Toolbar
It's just some additional stuff, most of it can be accessed through the menus or through hotkeys. Nothing of it is required to make maps.

I confirm I'm able to access all the functions via hotkeys. I just had to figure out what I was missing and bind them.
doomzie wrote:2. Node builder error every time I save; ...
You probably have to make a custom nodebuilder config (in the "Compilers/Nodebuilders" directory in the UDB directory). But for GZDoom you can simply set UDB to not build the nodes, since GZDoom will do it anyway.

Okay, my bad, that indeed resolved the problem. I placed the binary in the correct folder in UDB and modified the config file to link to the Linux binary instead! No more node builder error every time I save.

After more testing I have to say it works well on Linux natively. Overall the application is pretty well supported. You can do all the editing you want if you stay out of visual mode. It's possible that for some people it does work well. I don't know at all, but my tests show some kind of structural problem with (key input in) visual mode. I can only hope someone will figure it out what's happening. UDB seems close imho to being fully functional on Linux (natively).

Oddly, somehow I've been able to get the 3D floor icon to show up on my 'UDB via Wine'. It happened after opening a map with a 3D floor I made on UDB Linux. I'm not sure how that happened or if there is or was an issue. Anyhow this is resolved as well!

Now that I've got to test UDB this is my assessment performance wise: UDB Windows >> UDB Linux natively > UDB via Wine > VMWare Player.

I have to admit that UDB runs buttery smooth on my machine in Windows and that mapping with that high performance snappy response feel for hours and hours is just a delight. Workflow performance wise it's definitely something to take into account. Been having fun with UDB!

Greetz to all!
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by doomzie »

MartinHowe wrote:
doomzie wrote:Windows 10 VM on VirtualBox 6.1 (with 3D acceleration support on and plenty resources):
I tried and it was useless, use VMWare Workstation Player instead; it's free for personal use and virtualisation of a graphics card is far better than that of VirtualBox; UDB works fine like that and even GZDoom works, albeit slowly.
Thanks for your suggestion. I tested it for a day and I confirm that it's fully functional! Did not have to install anything additional. However, performance wise it's the worst of the options. I don't know why. I can't seem to tune it to run better. Not just the visual mode, it's real slow in 2D mode.
Last edited by doomzie on Tue Aug 23, 2022 10:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by merithor »

So I'm having an issue that affects all DoomBuilder for some reason, but I use Ultimate specifically, is Visual Mode's cursor lock stops working.
I am Mithral_Demon on Doomworld and had posted https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... ouse-lock/ , and havent gotten much help there, so moved onto here.

The builder itself still works, visual mode also works, but keeping my mouse locked in seems to just stop working. Mouse locking worked when I reinstalled Windows, but queue few weeks later and an update to UDB, the lock ceases and drifts onto one of my multiple monitors, thus impeding any work I want done.
All I can say is it worked until Windows updated, and then it didn't.
If someone knows how to get this working without me resorting to reinstalling windows (and happen again weeks later), that'd most appreciated. A thorough guide if you will.

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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by boris »

Does it work when you run UDB as administrator?

I found this 10+ year old post where RegisterRawInputDevices failed because of some security software, maybe that's worth investigating on your side.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Daryn »

After today's UDB update, I now get this when I try to open a map.

Code: Select all

***********SYSTEM INFO***********
OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Home
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
UDB: R3957
Platform: x64

********EXCEPTION DETAILS********
The given key was not present in the dictionary.
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data.DataManager.ApplyZDoomThings(Dictionary`2 spawnnumsoverride, Dictionary`2 doomednumsoverride) in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Data\DataManager.cs:line 1839
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data.DataManager.Load(DataLocationList configlist, DataLocationList maplist) in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Data\DataManager.cs:line 464
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data.DataManager.Load(DataLocationList configlist, DataLocationList maplist, DataLocation maplocation) in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Data\DataManager.cs:line 324
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.MapManager.InitializeOpenMap(String filepathname, MapOptions options) in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\General\MapManager.cs:line 431
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.General.OpenMapFileWithOptions(String filename, MapOptions options) in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\General\General.cs:line 1351
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.General.OpenMapFile(String filename, MapOptions options) in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\General\General.cs:line 1327
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.General.OpenMap() in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\General\General.cs:line 1230
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions.Action.Begin() in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Actions\Action.cs:line 266
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions.ActionManager.BeginActionByKey(Int32 key, Boolean repeated) in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Actions\ActionManager.cs:line 565
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions.ActionManager.KeyPressed(Int32 key) in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Actions\ActionManager.cs:line 515
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows.MainForm.MainForm_KeyDown(Object sender, KeyEventArgs e) in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Windows\MainForm.cs:line 1451
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ProcessKeyEventArgs(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmKeyChar(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows.MainForm.WndProc(Message& m) in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Windows\MainForm.cs:line 4467
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
Also happened to a friend on Windows 10 after the update, too.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Daryn »

Wow, that was fast!
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by merithor »

The Administration Rights use of it had no affect, the mouse continues to go out of DB's visual mode.
And I am unsure how I can fix the RawInput thing if it is that. I kept googlin and clicking around and nothing has said how to fix it except Game specific type of stuff.
And for Antivirus, I use Avast, and DB was never affected by it, nor did Windows Defender.
So I assume Windows added something or does something unbeknownst to me and screws me from properly using Doom Builder.[/quote]The Administration Rights use of it had no affect, the mouse continues to go out of DB's visual mode.
And I am unsure how I can fix the RawInput thing if it is that. I kept googlin and clicking around and nothing has said how to fix it except Game specific type of stuff.
And for Antivirus, I use Avast, and DB was never affected by it, nor did Windows Defender.
So I assume Windows added something or does something unbeknownst to me and screws me from properly using Doom Builder.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Misery »

How do you resolve UDB update issues? Updating manually, nor updating UDB Updater, is not working for me. I have received an error message for attempting to update manually that reads "Can not delete output file : Access is denied." For updating via UDB Updater, the error reads "Failed to stop the editor process. A 32 bit processes cannot access modules of a 64 bit process." [Solved]
Last edited by Misery on Sun May 15, 2022 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by axredneck »

Misery wrote:How do you resolve UDB update issues? Updating manually, nor updating UDB Updater, is not working for me. I have received an error message for attempting to update manually that reads "Can not delete output file : Access is denied." For updating via UDB Updater, the error reads "Failed to stop the editor process. A 32 bit processes cannot access modules of a 64 bit process."
Does reboot help?
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by boris »

Misery wrote:How do you resolve UDB update issues? Updating manually, nor updating UDB Updater, is not working for me. I have received an error message for attempting to update manually that reads "Can not delete output file : Access is denied." For updating via UDB Updater, the error reads "Failed to stop the editor process. A 32 bit processes cannot access modules of a 64 bit process."
Two problems:
- looks like you installed it to "C:\Program Files". Normal users don't have write access to that
- You came from a really old version that still had the 32 bit updater (and that can't kill the 64 bit UDB)

If you used an old installer I recomment uninstalling UDB and install it again using the recent installer: https://devbuilds.drdteam.org/ultimated ... st-x64.exe

The new installer doesn't install it in "C:\Program Files" anymore, so there are no permission problems, and it also has an updater that works correctly.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Mush256 »

Hey, just had to create a new account because my old one got deleted, does anyone else here experience UDB crashing right after loading resources to open a map on Windows 11? (Dev channel, build 25126.1000) I wanted to finish my maps but now I am stuck with the slade lever editor.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Enjay »

Just to note it here -I see from the GitHub comments that you have tracked this down to your OpenGL driver.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Mush256 »

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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by nidus »

Ultimate Doom Builder lets me edit the brightness of sidedefs in visual mode (i.e. make a wall much darker or lighter than the sector it is attached to), but when I save and test my level (in GZDoom or Zdoom), the sidedef brightness doesn't take effect, and the wall is stuck at the brightness of the sector it is attached to. Could someone please help me with this?

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