Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V8.0 RELEASED!]

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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [UPDATE]

Post by Alando1 »

Hey guys, the second Toby Map Pack has been released!

Enjoy! :)

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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [10/27/21]

Post by Alando1 »

Hey guys, the third Toby Map Pack has been released along with the Toby Accessibility Mod version 4.5. Download links on Page 1! Enjoy! :)

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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [10/27/21]

Post by Captain Ventris »

This is very cool. What a wonderful project!
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [10/27/21]

Post by Enjay »

Just a little tip - seeing as how you are distributing the engine with the game - if you include your configuration file named as gzdoom.ini (no username), rather than gzdoom-alando1.ini then GZDoom should read the contents of the file and use the settings within it to write the gzdoom-username.ini file. So there's no need for the file renaming stuff that you mention at the start of your video.

Once the gzdoom-username.ini is written, then that will be used, but it also means that the user can delete their ini file (if they need to for some reason) and recreate it because the gzdoom.ini will be sitting there with the default values for your project in it. All they will need to do is delete their username file and then run GZDoom again.

If there are values missing from your gzdoom.ini, then they will be filled in by gzdoom when you run it. So, you only need to have the important stuff in there and settings that might be user specific (such as certain hardware related ones) need not be in the file.
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [10/27/21]

Post by Alando1 »

@Captain Ventris - Thank you :)

@Enjay - Good to know. Thank you for telling me. This would make things way easier. I'll be sure to give it a shot. Thank you, Enjay :)

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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [12/24/21]

Post by Alando1 »

Hey guys, as a special holiday gift, I present to you Toby Doom Deluxe Edition! This merges all three level packs into one 20-level map set. I did do some tweaks to the original levels to make them more blind player friendly. Download link on first page.

Have a wonderful holiday, everyone! Stay safe and well :)

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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [2/27/22]

Post by Alando1 »

Hey guys, I am proud to announce that my team and I will be introducing an accessible Doom menu that will be debuting in Version 5.0! We'll likely be doing some more tweaks to it before the final release of version 5.0. Below is a demo video of the menu in action. Enjoy!

Special thanks and shout-out to Proydoha who had put together the Accessible Menu.

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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [5/3/22]

Post by Alando1 »

Hey guys, just a brief update on the progress of the Toby Accessibility Mod. Version 5.0 is near completion and right now we are doing some final tweaks. Stay tuned for further updates. Below are some update videos showcasing some new features version 5.0 will have. Enjoy :)

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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [5/3/22]

Post by PepperTheVixen »

Hi there! First off, I accidentally submitted this anonymously at first, so if mods see that (sorry about that, thought I was logged in), feel free to junk it. If that doesn't prove I'm totally blind and also a newbie, I don't know what will. Anyway, I only recently discovered this thanks to some fellow blind friends. I've never played Doom before, and I'm excited to see where this goes. I'll give it a spin and let you know what I think. I may stream it as well.
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [5/3/22]

Post by Clemchowder »

Hi all. New to Doom in general and this mod especially. wondering if there's a timeline for release, as well as steps for installation when it comes out? I'm super excited to try this, as I've always wanted to play Doom or similar fps titles. Asking for my ignorance to be pardoned, but is this for the original Doom or the remake released a few years ago? Thanks!
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [5/3/22]

Post by jfayre »

I've just started playing Doom with the deluxe map pack and am loving it! I'm totally blind, and have never been able to play Doom before now. Thanks for all the work you've put into this!
I do have a few suggestions. I'm not sure what the limitations of the scripting engine are.
1. Could we have a way of dropping a marker on a map? Especially when learning a map, I find it difficult to know if I've been to a particular place or not. Having a marker, then being able to tell if a dropped marker is near you could be helpful.
2. I know this could be a lot of work, but some text descriptions of the various maps could be really helpful, especially for totally blind players.
Thanks again!
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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [5/3/22]

Post by Alando1 »

@PepperTheVixen - Doom is a great game franchise and everyone deserves the chance to play it. I hope the Toby Accessibility Mod will allow you to experience one of the greatest games of all time. I hope you enjoy :)

@Clemchowder - My team and I are currently doing some final tweaks to the mod. I'm hoping to release version 5.0 by the end of May or the very beginning of June. There will be instructions for installation - I will have one of my team members put together something we can include in the audio manual the mod will come with. The Toby Accessibility Mod is for the classic Doom games from the 1990s. This includes Doom 1/The Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, TNT: Evilution, and The Plutonia Experiment.

@jfayre - Glad to hear you're enjoying it :) You're very welcome :) The map marker idea has been something one of my team members has been talking to me about and he is in the process of working on something. In regard to the text descriptions of the maps, would you be able to expand on it? I'm not sure if you mean the names of the levels or a description of what is in the player's field of view. Thank you for your suggestions :) My team and I appreciate it.

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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [5/28/22]

Post by Alando1 »

Hey guys, just a little update. My team and I are just about ready to release version 5.0 soon. We're just going over the mod to see if there is anything else that needs tweaking. I'll let you know when version 5.0 is released.

Stay tuned!

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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V5.0 Releas

Post by Alando1 »

Hey guys, I'm happy to announce the release of the Toby Accessibility Mod V5.0! Download link is on the first page. Be sure to check out the audio manual if you need help setting up and running the mod. Thank you all for being patient and I hope you enjoy! :)

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Re: Toby Accessibility Mod - DOOM for the blind [V5.0 Releas

Post by Enjay »

I'm genuinely interested - do you have any figures for uptake i.e. how many people are using it, have you had meaningful feedback from people who have need of it and about how well you are meeting those needs?

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