Hello again everyone,
Just uploaded new
x64 builds of EDGE to DRDTeam. These are critical fixes to a few major issues that went unnoticed for awhile:
+ Full SIGIL episode support (drag both SIGIL and DOOM on top of EDGE (with the DOOM2 IWAD in the root for all 6 episodes))
1) EPK/PK3/PAK/PK7 archive handling has been fixed (tons of errors with double recursion due to Wolf3D code)
2) Images should render better (new stb version bump), but remember the 'EXT' format should be used for Images.DDF unless they are PNG's with grAbs (then use PNG)
3) grAb has been fixed, but weapons w/grAb still need work (turns out we need two spots in the code to handle both COAL offsets and DDF offsets. If you run into this, send us a copy of your WAD as we are working on handling this)
4) Erroneous code removed that really won't affect workflow or mods (but screwed up other stuff)
5) DDF has been fixed up (bug that CeeJay reported a page or so ago)
Give them a try and let me know how it is going:
Remember: 64-bit builds need the AVX 'extension' supported by the processor or it will not run. 32-bit builds need SSE2 extensions.
(when in doubt, just pick x86!)
PS: I highly advise anyone downloading this to delete your edge.ini (or edge.cfg) file; even better, cleanly extract to a new directory (unless your copy of EDGE has the ./base folder in root, then you can overwrite everything).