Somehow, it kinda reminds me of superhero.ThrashfanBert1994 wrote:here is a classic style summoner
Whoa, i'm already interested and hyped! Gotta love VORT!Skelegant wrote:Stuff for some random project
Somehow, it kinda reminds me of superhero.ThrashfanBert1994 wrote:here is a classic style summoner
Whoa, i'm already interested and hyped! Gotta love VORT!Skelegant wrote:Stuff for some random project
Skelegant wrote:Stuff for some random project
Hmm, that's true. And hey, now they become really humane!Skelegant wrote:True, but I'd prefer to put a little more effort in if it means getting a more visually pleasing result
How's this compared to the last one?
Thanks, i dont mind a lil bit of helpDoomKrakken wrote:That chest is too broad... but other than that, it looks pretty good...
thank god it isn't a revenant.Jaxxoon R wrote:
rattle rattle
Skelegant wrote:True, but I'd prefer to put a little more effort in if it means getting a more visually pleasing result
How's this compared to the last one?
There's the Rayman approach too but that might not work with the other characters
I am assuming it's a straight jacket....?Gez wrote:Why doesn't she have arms?