wildweasel wrote:
Have you got credits or permissions to be doing that?
I hope I don't sound like a turd, but I'm going to have to back this comment.
I dunno what level of schooling most of you have, but plagiarism is generally considered to be the worst of the worst sins. Taking someone else's work without giving them credit for it is seriously a dick move.
Besides, it's actually a bit of a compliment when someone takes your work, improves upon it, and releases it to the public, and acknowledges that you were their inspiration. We can't always produce a perfect version 1.0. Doom itself is a perfect example of this.
But on a more serious note, this mod needs more impse.
edit: To be fair, what I remember as being the "free" version of Doom, which only included episode 1, Knee Deep In The Dead, was actually
extremely impressive at the time, and I think a lot of people agree with that sentiment. I still tend to think of episode 1 of Doom 1 as "Doom", although I know that is technically incorrect, and that episode is actually missing a lot of features that have become quite popular in different versions of Doom. That being said, it's hard to imagine certain companies making a stink about us mixing different versions of Doom together, as long as proper credit is given where it is due. (It's also free advertising, although the vast majority of the people on this particular forum that were going to buy Dooms 1, 2, 3, and 4 have already done so, and for the most part, we consider Doom 4 a quality product worth buying in the future if we haven't already obtained it.)
I think even when Romero released new versions of his own Doom maps, he made a couple comments on how impressed he was with the state of Doom as it is today (and even made a very humble comment on how he thought he had to improve his own mapping skills to remain competitive in this community). It's still his baby, so to speak, but Doom has been taken in a wildly different direction that I doubt even he could have foreseen at the time Doom was originally released.