You can download it here: ... Jungle.wad
As always, please report any issues, and leave feedback, if you'd like.

There is actually a good amount of cover, however, most of it is at the cost of vision. Once could stay hidden if they wanted to, but they can't do too much fighting while hiding (Try crouching around)gabrieloup wrote:Okay, it looks good, I'm putting this in the Project MSX Master Thread. The map is quite big (kinda like Tribes Ascend) so it's perfect for PMSX deathmatch. Pretty good. I like the fact that there's almost no cover. Better that way so camping pussies can stay out to be shot at.
I'm aware that Project MSX doesn't like deathmatch, and have posted about it in the Project MSX thread, but from what I'm told, the creator of Project MSX has essentially gone missing.Endless123 wrote:There is a few places for snipers to sit and wait for their pray (the dark cave is perfect to park in a corner and kill those passing by without even being noticed because ... it's really dark in that cave) However this can be countered by a few volleys of auto-cannon. The players could also light their way by firing randomly while in the cave but the downside is if there is a sniper in the cave this tactic would reveal other players presence and made them easy targets.
@LanHikariDS : Is the map complete or you intend to add some more stuff in it? Maybe adding some random monsters spawning regularly (and confined to the cave) could prevent campers from parking themselves in the cave and wait for players to kill. Also those monsters could add to the difficulty of the map. One thing you could do is to light up the cave a bit with a few torches. It doesn't have to be lighten as it is outside the cave but it could use some lights near each entrance/exit. Other than that it's a good map. It's sad that the mod has some bugs for multiplayer stuff but that's nothing you can do. Only MagSifmaX could solve the bugs. If you haven't asked him yet you should send him a pm and ask him to make his mod compatible with multiplayer maps so more players would fall in love with his mod. Seriously this mod has lots of potential for multiplayer and it would be a shame waste it.
Believe me, I've tried that. There's so little time to react if someone just runs by, the odds of hitting them are slim, at best. However, if they should linger around either entrance, or the building, there's a better chance. Even then though, Doom's death sequence would point them in your direction after they died, so they'll know you're in there.Endless123 wrote:the dark cave is perfect to park in a corner and kill those passing by without even being noticed because ... it's really dark in that cave
What boost run?Endless123 wrote:Yeah i guess so, if a player enters the cave using the boost run he could pass through the cave so fast he would be extremely hard to aim at. Solution : Auto-cannon or tossing a few grenades might be enough to slowdown the player or even kill him but as you mentioned hitting him would be really hard to do. But if you play with someone not knowing how to use the PMSX arsenal (like my gf) you should be able to camp for quite awhile before having to move to another location. Of course for the more experienced players it would be hard to camp long enough to kill a few players before being killed.
The reason why you can't get [youtube][/youtube] to work is because you use the wrong codeLanHikariDS wrote: (Can't get [youtube][/youtube] to work for some stupid reason)
Couldn't you have told him what he was doing wrong? The code works by inputing just the code after v=.skyrish10 wrote: The reason why you can't get [youtube][/youtube] to work is because you use the wrong code
Yes, there's a full guide in the Community Rules.skyrish10 wrote:The reason why you can't get [youtube][/youtube] to work is because you use the wrong codeLanHikariDS wrote: (Can't get [youtube][/youtube] to work for some stupid reason)
Thanks! The code was the same, so I figured it worked the same as on Doomworld, and ZDoom Forums was just bugging out for me.Abba Zabba wrote:The code works by inputing just the code after v=.