Thanks for the input!
doony wrote:
this is awesome!
I think a sword is useless without a shield, in exception of demon steele, if you could add a shield somehow it would be perfect
About shields, I'm not a fan of how they're depicted in 99% of movies and video games, and making them work in even a moderately realistic manner would be spectacularly complex. Also, since the player character would be an adventurer or whatever rather than a soldier in a war or skirmish, it doesn't make much sense for them to lug a shield around. I could maybe see a parrying dagger work however.
Janus3003 wrote:Very fun. I'd like to see where this goes.
I prefer it without the shield, personally. Too many games make two-handed weapons heavy and slow (which they weren't, historically), and it's refreshing to find one that doesn't do that.
Look up longsword fencing sometime. You'd be surprised what all can be done without a shield.
I actually fenced for two years or so during my high school days, which along with having at least rudimentary knowledge of how real world swordfighting works serves as inspiration for this. I want the combat to be fast and dynamic, so the player has to either act or react depending on the circumstances of the fight at any given moment.
StatisticalHourglass wrote: i think the time window you have when you dodge or block an attack should be longer, also enemies should jump to the side to dodge sometimes.
I've only put the bare minimum of thought into balance to make it somewhat playable, so pretty much everything would need to changed and adjusted. For one, enemies locked in combat with the player should always face him and use A_ThrustThing to take small steps rather than run around aimlessly with A_Chase. Some enemies may dodge, others may not etc so they all have unique behaviour and movement patterns.
the blocking animation looks jittery, and holding it down shouldn't repeat it over and over.
All the animations are shit

They're hacked together from the frames of the sword in hexen 2 without any custom animation other than crazy offsets in animdefs. There isn't even a draw animation.
i'd like to see different melee weapons too like an axe or a club, usually on medieval themed mods there is only one or two melee weapons and the rest are crossbows and magic.
I'd really want to include a realistically styled
battle axe at some point, and also a dagger. A crossbow with crazy ammo choices like the bow in thief should mostly be it for ranged combat, along with thrown gadgets and objects.