[CANCELED] Half-a-Megawad

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[CANCELED] Half-a-Megawad

Post by Devianteist »



The first half of MAP01, Till Death, has been completed! I'm dropping a demo .pk3 for anyone who wants to give it a go. I hope you all enjoy, and if you have any critique, feel free to drop it in the thread or via PM. I'm all ears/eyes.
Spoiler: Original Thread
1- TILL DEATH (50%)
2- ???
3- ???
4- ???
5- ???
6- ???
7- ???
8- DOOM'S GATE (25%)
9- ???

GZDoom 1.8.10 or newer (older versions untested)
GLOOME 1.8.10 works too
DOOM 2 or FreeDOOM Phase 2

Please keep in mind that this mappack is not finished.

PLEASE critique this mappack, if you feel so inclined. Your feedback will be more appreciated than you realize!

-Known Bugs-
Mods that add in audible footsteps will get quite annoying, as the Flats used here do not agree well with them.
Certain sloped surfaces are not sloped in Zandronum. I am unsure as to why this is, but I guess it might be because of how they are sloped. Please use GLOOME or GZDoom until I fix the issue.
Last edited by Devianteist on Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:56 pm, edited 27 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] Tech-to-Hell mappack (Name Pending)

Post by raymoohawk »

i like what you have so far, except for the startan texturing. i like that you made use of gzdoom features, while keeping the abstract-ish feel of classic doom. could probably use a bit more verticality tho

noticed a paper thin switch, probably a mistake.

(disclaimer: i am not qualified in any way to give mapping advice)
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Re: [WIP] Tech-to-Hell mappack (Name Pending)

Post by Devianteist »

raymoohawk wrote:i like what you have so far, except for the startan texturing. i like that you made use of gzdoom features, while keeping the abstract-ish feel of classic doom. could probably use a bit more verticality tho

noticed a paper thin switch, probably a mistake.

(disclaimer: i am not qualified in any way to give mapping advice)
Any critique is good critique. Startan textures serving as place holders. Trying to figure out 3D floors and bridges to add depth. The switch is in the Beserk room, yes?
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Re: [WIP] Half-a-Megawad [Tech-To-Hell 8 Map pack]

Post by Devianteist »


Significant changes have been made to the map. Secondary area added, severely WIP, looking for major critique and suggestions on it.

Beginning still needs texture work.
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Re: [WIP] Half-a-Megawad [Tech-To-Hell 8 Map pack]

Post by Zanieon »

Tested, i liked it, besides the STARTAN (which i forgive you for using, everyone who starts mapping have the issue with this texture) it is a nice map, i enjoyed the use of 3D Floors and Slopes.
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Re: [WIP] Half-a-Megawad [Tech-To-Hell 8 Map pack]

Post by Devianteist »

Revilution wrote:Tested, i liked it, besides the STARTAN (which i forgive you for using, everyone who starts mapping have the issue with this texture) it is a nice map, i enjoyed the use of 3D Floors and Slopes.
The STARTAN is only a placeholder for now, and will be replaced as time goes. Thank you for the compliments.
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Re: [WIP] Half-a-Megawad [Tech-To-Hell 8 Map pack]

Post by Devianteist »


First level is nearly done, needs texture work and still needs some minor layout work, may need Thing reworking. 100% playable, though.

Please leave feedback.

EDIT: Left something open, closed it again.
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Re: [WIP] Half-a-Megawad [Tech-To-Hell 8 Map pack]

Post by Devianteist »


Reuploaded the map with brand-new textures, colored lighting and 100% completed Techbase half for the first map, Till Death!

Screenshots will be posted soon!
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Re: [WIP] Half-a-Megawad [Tech-To-Hell 8 Map pack]

Post by Devianteist »

Added screenshots for the first half of Till Death.
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Re: [WIP] Half-a-Megawad [Tech-To-Hell 8 Map pack]

Post by Lycaon »

I'll let you know what I think about it after I finish some work and actually play the map, but don't expect a lot of feedback from anyone else, I've found that not too many people bother coming back to the forums and giving some. The screenshots look nice. BTW, Realm667 brought me here, did you know he published your project?
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Re: [WIP] Half-a-Megawad [Tech-To-Hell 8 Map pack]

Post by Devianteist »

Lycaon wrote:I'll let you know what I think about it after I finish some work and actually play the map, but don't expect a lot of feedback from anyone else, I've found that not too many people bother coming back to the forums and giving some. The screenshots look nice. BTW, Realm667 brought me here, did you know he published your project?
Feedback from any source in any amount is fine by me. And wait, holy shit, really?! Realm667?!

Oh now I'm all giddy and excited! :mrgreen:
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Re: [WIP] Half-a-Megawad [Tech-To-Hell 8 Map pack]

Post by Athel »

so I just played Half-A-Megawad. I had some funny thoughts go through my head. Here are a few.

"This is like an actual Doom 64 level, except that you know the bastard who made it" ;-)
"I just killed an Arachnotron with one punch! I am a god---! Fellowzdoomer let an Arachnotron get to him."
"How clever to put a megasphere where the player can least likely see it when he only has 3% health."
"Y'know, for a robot, you take the Intelligence out of Artificial Intelligence." (That area with the bridge and the glass on both sides."
"A berserk? Yay now lemme waste it like the fool I am."

I was disappointed though - after I got the the red hallway the game autosaved, however walking into the teleport ended the game. TThere's only one map? Shame :-( I played it on UV for the first time and health and ammo was slightly tight. Otherwise the map feels really well polished. Good job.
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Re: [WIP] Half-a-Megawad [Tech-To-Hell 8 Map pack]

Post by Devianteist »

Funny thoughts, and agreed with the Megasphere. I've been trying to think of a way to make it less fatal to grab, but all I can think of is making the Nukage a lie, and make it nondamaging. Actually, that's a great idea now that I think about it again.

Currently I am working on the second half of the first level, which will introduce you to this project's gimmick; Hell corruption.

Though, with Doom 64 textures, I'm not entirely sure if it'll be as "WOAH" as I had previously hoped, but that's just me.

Don't worry, there'll be more levels my friend. Patience is a virtue.
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Re: [WIP] Half-a-Megawad [Tech-To-Hell 8 Map pack]

Post by Athel »

Cool. Why not mix in some of Doom's textures and D64 textures?
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Re: [WIP] Half-a-Megawad [Tech-To-Hell 8 Map pack]

Post by Devianteist »

It looks pretty jarring when you mix the two, even with colored lighting.

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