Hey guys, what's up? Yeah, just droppin' in to say hi and OH MY FGOD HERE COMES A PROJECT!!!
This is not the final version by any means, this is mainly just to get a group reaction and some help testing through the WAD to make sure all the replacements are behaving themselves. My plan eventually is to do some cleaning up on it, get the code to the point where it's not just mimicking DeHacked, and add some real enhancements to it (other than the new BFG, which I'll get to in a second).
Please let me know your opinions here and any feedback you have! Even if it's just "Why, this mod apparently sucks, good sir! Why not focus your much-vaunted time on something much more appropriate, such as that most Brutal of Dooms?" I'll take that too. I'll probably disagree, but I'll take it anyway, lol.
Currently known issues that WILL be fixed next release:
- BFG blast is not replaced yet
- Dead Polydrones only do burn damage once every 4 frames, due to the way DEH handled it.
- Some sound replacements do not play yet. I still have to play through them all and figure out which ones are meant to go where
- Turbo-imps DO NOT behave normally. Apparently they prefer blasting the wall to targeting their prey.
- Holobot behavior may not be 100% correct
Screenshots below the spoiler line because I couldn't figure out the damned thumbnails
