Captain J wrote:would be neat if it's widescreen-friendly, and i'll waiting for other addon with new characters as well, then!
How's this? Figure I'd edit it so it doesn't abruptly cut off.
Captain J wrote:would be neat if it's widescreen-friendly, and i'll waiting for other addon with new characters as well, then!
Term's stated in this thread that he feels more or less done with the mod. it's to be assumed that monster and level-replacements were planned features that ultimately fell through the cracks.Silentdarkness12 wrote:I've got my eye on trying to slap together monsters for this mod. I know Term mentioned that someone was working on Metroid monster sprites, but I dunno where that's going, assuming it's not just flat-out on hold.
Could just be modifications of the default Doom foes.
Yep. I know. He told me that too. But, he's not who i'm talking about, is he : PViscra Maelstrom wrote:Term's stated in this thread that he feels more or less done with the mod. it's to be assumed that monster and level-replacements were planned features that ultimately fell through the cracks.Silentdarkness12 wrote:I've got my eye on trying to slap together monsters for this mod. I know Term mentioned that someone was working on Metroid monster sprites, but I dunno where that's going, assuming it's not just flat-out on hold.
Could just be modifications of the default Doom foes.
Actually, it's not so much an incompatibility as it is a lack there of. Certain monster's in are intended to drop health and armor bonus, which, in dreadnought, don't necessarily exist.Eric_ wrote:While it doesn't make any major changes to enemy behavior, they do need to be replaced for things like health/ammo drops and the Ice Beam to function as intended. As a result, Metroid won't work with any monster mods that aren't specifically made with it in mind.
Really for 99% of mods out there, 1 Power Bomb is all you would really need for any possibly situation. I think even Go 2 It and Go 4 It would suffice with one power bomb.Viscra Maelstrom wrote:you could add an option that limits the amount of pick-ups you can get to an arbitrary limit, with the default being something like 250 missiles and 10 Power Bombs, which is more than enough to sustain yourself
BUMP!TerminusEst13 wrote:Yeah, I don't think thread should be locked. Even with my "definitively cancelled" project, Cyberrunner, the topic's still open and the OP's still intact for people to peruse as they please. Locking and junking threads does nothing but hurt archiving.
If you do, please make it a separate add-on. You can use this thread or make a new thread to post your progress, but I'd rather not have a modified base .pk3 going around and then people come to me thinking I'm in charge of whatever other changes someone else made.Clownman wrote:Term, Would it be okay if someone else were to continue/edit/modify this? as in make some maps and enemies for it really.
Just asking to make sure, because I'd love to play this mod with some good alien/sci-fi themed maps.