[WIP] Batman Doom: Reborn - Now on GitHub

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Re: [WIP] Batman Doom: Reborn for GZDoom v0.4.3

Post by Ozymandias81 »

Ed the Bat wrote:
Ozymandias81 wrote:expecially while not having frames for action-firing stuff...
They have frames in the 'standard' Batman Patch I worked on. You're free to use whatever you want from it, if it'll help you. Just remember to give Evil Space Tomato proper credit for his work as well. :)
I've just downloaded your patch from your site, but there are no sprites inside.
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Re: [WIP] Batman Doom: Reborn for GZDoom v0.4.3

Post by Ed the Bat »

Ozymandias81 wrote:I've just downloaded your patch from your site, but there are no sprites inside.
Correct. The sprites are in Batman Doom. Putting them in the patch again would be redundant.
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Re: [WIP] Batman Doom: Reborn for GZDoom v0.4.3

Post by Ozymandias81 »

Ed the Bat wrote:
Ozymandias81 wrote:I've just downloaded your patch from your site, but there are no sprites inside.
Correct. The sprites are in Batman Doom. Putting them in the patch again would be redundant.
S***, there was a POL5 sprite inside Flamer actor instead of proper one. My fault, but now that's fixed. Also, take a look at your patch. I think the same error is there.
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Re: [WIP] Batman Doom: Reborn for GZDoom v0.4.3

Post by Ed the Bat »

Ozymandias81 wrote:Also, take a look at your patch. I think the same error is there.
Nope, flamethrower works just fine in my patch. I took out all references to POL5 long ago, since it's just a blank sprite, which should be done with TNT1 these days.
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Re: [WIP] Batman Doom: Reborn for GZDoom v0.4.3

Post by Ozymandias81 »

Ed the Bat wrote:
Ozymandias81 wrote:Also, take a look at your patch. I think the same error is there.
Nope, flamethrower works just fine in my patch. I took out all references to POL5 long ago, since it's just a blank sprite, which should be done with TNT1 these days.
But that seems to replace some anims instead...

[EDIT]: Here's my new code for flamer:

Code: Select all

	TNT1 A 0 A_SetBlend("Orange",0.050,5)
	PLSF BA 3 A_FireCustomMissile("BatFlame", 0, 1, 0, 12) //instead of these, there was that infamous POL5, resulting to an empty space like NULL or TNT1 stuff...
	PLSG B 10 A_ReFire
	Goto Ready
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Re: [WIP] Batman Doom: Reborn for GZDoom v0.4.3

Post by Ozymandias81 »

Here it is that nice onomatopoeias '66 stuff-like for Reborn. It's only a demo and there is only one of it, but I hope final version will fit well. Stay tuned and :rock:

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Re: [WIP] Batman Doom: Reborn for GZDoom v0.4.3

Post by Ed the Bat »

Ozymandias81 wrote:Here's my new code for flamer:

Code: Select all

	TNT1 A 0 A_SetBlend("Orange",0.050,5)
	PLSF BA 3 A_FireCustomMissile("BatFlame", 0, 1, 0, 12) //instead of these, there was that infamous POL5, resulting to an empty space like NULL or TNT1 stuff...
	PLSG B 10 A_ReFire
	Goto Ready
The flamer's sprites were supposed to be in the Flash state, which you're not even calling; there's no A_GunFlash command here.
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Re: [WIP] Batman Doom: Reborn for GZDoom v0.4.3

Post by Ozymandias81 »

This is BatmanFlamer decorate script from last patch of yours:
...then that's mine...
As you can see on the upward onomatopoeia's video, everything seems to be fine. Thankx anyway.
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Re: [WIP] Batman Doom: Reborn for GZDoom v0.4.3

Post by Ed the Bat »

...no, this is the flamer from my patch:

Code: Select all

actor BatmanFlamer : Weapon replaces PlasmaRifle
	Tag "Flamethrower"
	Weapon.Kickback 100
	Weapon.SelectionOrder 100
	Weapon.AmmoUse 1
	Weapon.AmmoGive 40
	Weapon.AmmoType "BatmanGasCan"
	Inventory.PickupMessage "Got the flamethrower!"
		PLSG A 1 A_WeaponReady
		PLSG A 1 A_Lower
		PLSG A 1 A_Raise
		TNT1 A 0 A_GunFlash
		TNT1 A 3 A_FireCustomMissile("BatFlame")
		PLSG B 20 A_ReFire
		Goto Ready
		PLSF A 0 A_Jump(128,2)
		PLSF A 4 Bright A_Light1
		Goto LightDone
		PLSF B 4 Bright A_Light1
		Goto LightDone
		PLAS A -1
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Re: [WIP] Batman Doom: Reborn for GZDoom v0.4.3

Post by Ozymandias81 »

I've downloaded the patch from your site 1,5 weeks ago, so maybe mine was a bit old. In any case, we have resolved the problem :-) .

[EDIT]: Downloaded now, it was from 21st of February... So mine was old.
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Re: [WIP] Batman Doom: Reborn for GZDoom v0.4.3

Post by Ozymandias81 »

Here you are my actual version of BatmanFlamer, which is a fusion of mine + yours:
Sprites BFLM have their HUD offsets scaled a bit: IMOH old fire mode was cumbersome visually for me.
Thankx Ed, I must go to sleep now, it's 4 o'clock! :bang:
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Re: [WIP] Batman Doom: Reborn for GZDoom v0.4.3

Post by Ozymandias81 »

Uhmmm.... after some reheharsals I prefer to use only BatmanFlamer version of mine, so old one will be replaced with next Reborn releases. I don't get the point of such old Flash stuff, I want to do something different for this weapon. BTW, thankx a lot Ed. Now it's time to upload version 0.4.4 of Reborn. :-)
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Re: [WIP] Batman Doom: Reborn for GZDoom v0.4.3

Post by Peter Bark »

OoOo this is shaping up ! :) maybe some different classes or skins for each of Batman's suits over the years.
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Re: [WIP] Batman Doom: Reborn for GZDoom v0.4.3

Post by Ozymandias81 »

Peter Bark wrote:OoOo this is shaping up ! :) maybe some different classes or skins for each of Batman's suits over the years.
Hey, some interesting ideas you got here! But sadly I'm involved in a truce fight with websearch hijackers ATM... also this would be a painstakingly work to do, because some colors may result odd with Translation decorate properties. Now I'll post a REALLY interesting version of Reborn, then Amen: I've got to reinstall everything, seems to be fine while SpyBot S&D has give me some aid into, but I don't feel much safe with a PC like this now. So everything will have a slight delay.
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Re: [WIP] Batman Doom: Reborn for GZDoom v0.4.4 - NEW STUFF!

Post by Ozymandias81 »

Uploaded version 0.4.4 with new onomatopoeia's effects (slightly different from upward video), heartbeat and voice acts sounds. Added also a new key bind: BATMAN TAUNTS!

PS: Now it's time to have a shower for my PC, but stay tuned and :rock:

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