I posted this project a while back on Doomworld, and made the mistake of not giving proper introductory display.
I won't make that mistake twice.

ADR contains short sections in the story of a certain mans life, told in a highly esoteric, metaphorical / symbolical, and unconventional way. Keep this in mind as you play; and give an attempt to understand things rather than signing it off as ubiquitous drivel, and you may be able walk away with something special.
It is fairly short, and should only take about 30 minutes to complete.
I have spent roughly 3 years making this, and you will see things that you have never seen in any other doom mods in this project. No, I am not boasting about my talents, and I know you will understand once you play through this. Please leave a critique in the following link if you feel led to do so.
Here is the link:
---------------------------------------------->http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index. ... -c/adr.zip <----------------------------------------------
A couple of screen shots:

Here is a link to a review made by Zorah on Doom Station, It's got a lot of nice screenies: