[Beta][Cool] \m/ ~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~ \m/ - 0.9 desu~

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Re: [WIP][Beta][Cool] \m/ -~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~- \m/ - 0.72 N

Post by Valherran »

TheBadHustlex wrote:One thing I'd like to have in there is at least one more weapon. It's a little depressing for me if you know a place were you would find a weapon in a normal game, but here, it's just a powerup.
Would be cool if there was a laser beam type weapon with crazy damage, that would complete the arsenal IMHO.
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Re: [WIP][Beta][Cool] \m/ -~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~- \m/ - 0.72 N

Post by TheMightyHeracross »

I'd suggest a weapon that's boomerang-like in function. Maybe similar to the Cutman powerup in Mega Man 8 Bit DM or the Smart Disc in Endless' Predator mod. Not really any sprites for that though.
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Re: [WIP][Beta][Cool] \m/ -~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~- \m/ - 0.72 N

Post by Viscra Maelstrom »

okay, so i've managed to play a bit more of the beta now, and here are some thoughts i have about it:

- if you possess Over-Life Tokens, you can consume healing items even if you have a full set of Over-Life Tokens. you can heal them back normally if you've lost a few, but even at the cap you can still heal up.

- the flow of the mod is rather unique. it encourages you to play hard an aggressive, because you get to deal the most damage that way. also bonus points for not having a bunch of new keybinds!

- i noticed that you can double jump in the mod, but it's not mentioned anywhere at all. might want to add that to the OP and in-game instructions.

- double-tapping backwards with the sword makes you do an attack that uses up more than two notches of your power bar (bottom-left). at least, it seemed to me like that was the case. intentional or not?

- the pistol and grenade launcher doesn't seem to affect your damage bar (top-right) at all. the pistol makes sense, because it's rather weak, but the grenade launcher is a strange case. maybe have it fill up your meter with each successive hit, and even more if it kills the target?

- most of the new enemies, or tweaked ones, are frustrating demonic spiders. the PE replacement is frustrating to deal with in open areas, the Arachnotron replacement is very hard to hit unless you have the weapons or power bar to defeat them, the Arch-Vile is just ugh, and i recall the Spider Mastermind replacement being a PITA, as well. the Baron of Hell, Revenant and Mancubus are all fine, though: the Baron's attack can be avoided by careful strafing, the Revenant's attack has a noticable cooldown, and you can lead the rockets to enemies, and the Mancubus is also not too bad. the Cacodemon replacement is fine, too, just the ones i listed before that are frustrating to deal with.

- not really an issue, but if you run out of power bar or damage bar charges , things can go to hell really quickly in the mod. but it's somewhat balanced out because you turn invincible when damaged, and Life Tokens restore good portions of your health. and if it's too hard, you can always lower the difficulty setting. that being said, maybe there could be a setting you could enable so that mapsets only spawn Hard or Easy enemy placements? unless that's already in the mod (lower skill setting, more life tokens and less enemies, and vice versa), in which case you can disregard this point.

all in all, i found the mod to be a fun piece of work once i gave it another chance, and toned down the difficulty slightly.
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Re: [WIP][Beta][Cool] \m/ -~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~- \m/ - 0.72 N

Post by Funky Gnoll »

Nobody seems to have mentioned this, but you can smash torches and candelabras for small amounts of ammo, soul fragments, and even life tokens.

Save your strength--use the Omen against anything nastier than a Priest. Its weapon power will slowly rise or fall to 30 when it's not being held, so remember to account for this if you plan on using it.
- the pistol and grenade launcher doesn't seem to affect your damage bar (top-right) at all. the pistol makes sense, because it's rather weak, but the grenade launcher is a strange case. maybe have it fill up your meter with each successive hit, and even more if it kills the target?
The grenade launcher and the Omen don't give sword power, but I reckon this is intentional since otherwise you could jump up 2 or 3 levels with a single attack.
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Re: [WIP][Beta][Cool] \m/ -~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~- \m/ - 0.72 N

Post by Captain J »

Sgt. Shivers wrote:ImageImageImage

I was browse wolfenstein group and discover new game named "Doom" so I am decided to make wolfenstein along with top mod named "metal of the demon"
Now you can slice nazis in future worlds of doom with sword, but also stop bullets and collect souls.
You can get mod here! I am not sure if works with Zandronom but works with Zdoom! and GZDoom!
(Huge thanks to TerminusEst13 and WildWeasel for making two of my favourite mods.)
Download here!:
Imagehttp://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1418 ... steele.pk3

i'm pretty sure you folks already played shivers' converted ww_nazis for demonsteele, so i'd like to suggest my version of it optionally. which it has many script upgrades for the classic, new enemies and received credits. and yes, i do know almost of them doesn't have any diced death, i'll try to make 'em to dice-able somehow.

again, i apologize for the author of ww_nazis for sending up this version again. but i mean no harm, also credits has been received, too. open it with slade and read extcret.txt for more details.

click to 'come' the download.

EDIT: okay, all-updated, either original mod.
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Re: [WIP][Beta][Cool] \m/ -~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~- \m/ - 0.72 N

Post by wildweasel »

Uh, Captain J, I don't remember you ever asking permission to make that.
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Re: [WIP][Beta][Cool] \m/ -~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~- \m/ - 0.72 N

Post by TheMightyHeracross »

Heh, it's a mod of a mod of two mods. :P
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Re: [WIP][Beta][Cool] \m/ -~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~- \m/ - 0.72 N

Post by Carbine Dioxide »

I think the Nazis! version of Demon Steele should have tracers for the weapons too, not just the enemies.
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Re: [WIP][Beta][Cool] \m/ -~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~- \m/ - 0.72 N

Post by Captain J »

the massage for permission has been sent, if he disagrees, i'll remove the link.
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Re: [WIP][Beta][Cool] \m/ -~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~- \m/ - 0.72 N

Post by wildweasel »

Captain J wrote:the massage for permission has been sent, if he disagrees, i'll remove the link.
I'll give you permission to leave the link as it is. I didn't want to sound like a hard-ass here, I just would like it if I were asked ahead of time.
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Re: [WIP][Beta][Cool] \m/ -~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~- \m/ - 0.72 N

Post by Captain J »

well, i really forgot to send you a permission before posting it, i just made a mistake so i was really worried and nervous about that. so after this, i'm considered myself to do not post any of version thingies but mutators. and yes, i'll send them a permission after i made those.

anyway i apologize for unpleasant surprise, this is my another big fault since what i did another thing to you at ww_terrorists thread. and yes, i still have a guilt about that. but don't worry, it's not a serious real-deal, anyway.
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Re: [WIP][Beta][Cool] \m/ -~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~- \m/ - 0.72 N

Post by TerminusEst13 »

Oh bloody hell that's a ton of replies in a few days. You like me! You really like me!
TheBadHustlex wrote:One thing I'd like to have in there is at least one more weapon. It's a little depressing for me if you know a place were you would find a weapon in a normal game, but here, it's just a powerup. [...] I know about the Iron Saviour. I meant things like armor and Soul-Prisons. Or sometimes you get nothing at all, when the game originally had a weapon placed there.
All weapon slots (aside from Chaingun and technically the Shotgun) have been replaced with weapon spawners. The only time they would spawn a powerup is when you picked up the weapon associated with it. If you pick up some armor, then there was a chainsaw there and you already got the chainsaw weapon (Omen). If you pick up a soul prison, then there was a BFG there and you already got the BFG (Iron Maiden).
That being said, yeah, Chaingun and (again, technically) Shotgun are blank at the moment. I've discussed things with Mike and Shivers, and with luck there'll be something new on the way to blow demons up with.
...No promises, though. I'm kind of fond of the whole "a weapon for each ammo type". :p
Captain J wrote:About the shotgun and chaingun spawn, i hope he can replace 'em into a shellbox and bulletbox, through. With extra large amount would be so useful.
If all else fails, though, I can always do this, heh. People (including myself) keep running out of bullets!
Estopolis wrote:Demonsteele is also very very compatible with slaughterfests thanks to the special moves and how the ranking meter works.
Hae-Lin gets really powerful when there's more enemies to fight.
Thank you! I was really interested in designing a system like this, where more enemies make you more powerful--that way you can play well on any mapset, whether casual strolls, massive slaughtermaps, or those all-too-common megawads where they start out with low enemy counts and then throw, like, a gojadillion at you in map20+.
Viscra Maelstrom wrote:it IS a bit hard though, with the arcade-ish style of gameplay that makes every hit against you count all the more. it can be a bit stressful to play in longer rounds, and some of the monsters are kind of unfair, demonic spiders (i don't know if they've been tweaked in 0.72 or not, but the Arch-Vile, Arachnotron, and Pain Elemental are all hell to deal with and can drain your power meter and life very quickly.)
The Archvile was rehauled in 0.72, the Arachnotron/Priest was given a bit more of a delay on his attacks (when you see his hands rise, you know he'll be doing something), and the Pain Elemental/Blackened was made a little bit slower.
Silentdarkness12 wrote:Any chance of making it so that the Zandronum coop player display doesn't say that the player's health is 99999999999 when they have life tokens?
When Buddha mode is implemented, absolutely. Until then, though, player health constantly being 9999 is the only way I can ensure them...well...staying alive. Soon, though!
Valherran wrote:Would be cool if there was a laser beam type weapon with crazy damage, that would complete the arsenal IMHO.
TheMightyHeracross wrote:I'd suggest a weapon that's boomerang-like in function. Maybe similar to the Cutman powerup in Mega Man 8 Bit DM or the Smart Disc in Endless' Predator mod. Not really any sprites for that though.
Both of these ideas are pretty interesting! I've made a boomerang system that I'm extremely proud of (and was used in Reelism), but as for a laser...well...
...would a kamehameha work?

(Pardon the lack of hands thrusting out dramatically)
Viscra Maelstrom wrote:okay, so i've managed to play a bit more of the beta now, and here are some thoughts i have about it:
- if you possess Over-Life Tokens, you can consume healing items even if you have a full set of Over-Life Tokens. you can heal them back normally if you've lost a few, but even at the cap you can still heal up.
- the flow of the mod is rather unique. it encourages you to play hard an aggressive, because you get to deal the most damage that way. also bonus points for not having a bunch of new keybinds!
- i noticed that you can double jump in the mod, but it's not mentioned anywhere at all. might want to add that to the OP and in-game instructions.
- double-tapping backwards with the sword makes you do an attack that uses up more than two notches of your power bar (bottom-left). at least, it seemed to me like that was the case. intentional or not?
- the pistol and grenade launcher doesn't seem to affect your damage bar (top-right) at all. the pistol makes sense, because it's rather weak, but the grenade launcher is a strange case. maybe have it fill up your meter with each successive hit, and even more if it kills the target?
- most of the new enemies, or tweaked ones, are frustrating demonic spiders. the PE replacement is frustrating to deal with in open areas, the Arachnotron replacement is very hard to hit unless you have the weapons or power bar to defeat them, the Arch-Vile is just ugh, and i recall the Spider Mastermind replacement being a PITA, as well. the Baron of Hell, Revenant and Mancubus are all fine, though: the Baron's attack can be avoided by careful strafing, the Revenant's attack has a noticable cooldown, and you can lead the rockets to enemies, and the Mancubus is also not too bad. the Cacodemon replacement is fine, too, just the ones i listed before that are frustrating to deal with.
- not really an issue, but if you run out of power bar or damage bar charges , things can go to hell really quickly in the mod. but it's somewhat balanced out because you turn invincible when damaged, and Life Tokens restore good portions of your health. and if it's too hard, you can always lower the difficulty setting. that being said, maybe there could be a setting you could enable so that mapsets only spawn Hard or Easy enemy placements? unless that's already in the mod (lower skill setting, more life tokens and less enemies, and vice versa), in which case you can disregard this point.
all in all, i found the mod to be a fun piece of work once i gave it another chance, and toned down the difficulty slightly.
Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
1: Huh, interesting. I'll see if I can track that down, thank you! Do you remember what difficulty were you playing on and what pickups were you able to nom?
2: Thank you! I intentionally tried to reduce as many keybinds as possible, since for a lot of people their keyboard space is quite limited.
3: I just checked, and it uses only 20 of SuperMeterCounter, two notches. Still, a few other people have reported the same thing as well, and there might be a few cases where it's taking extra just for the sake of it. I'll double-check later on just to make sure!
4: The pistol actually does, but it's such a small amount. I might boost it, since it's not rapid-fire or super-powerful like the Sabbath or Testament are. The Exodus actually is intentional! Partially for the fact that because it's so wide-spread, being able to hit a massive crowd (like Funky Gnoll said) would send you up several ranks in a single shot. Also partially being that because the damage is based off A_Explode, I can't quite figure out how to get it to target the player like other projectiles do.
5: As mentioned before, the Archvile/Arachnotron/Pain Elemental have been slightly nerfed in 0.72--the Spider Mastermind I'd like to tweak more, but I'm not entirely sure how yet. Still, I'll keep thinking about him.
6: I'll experiment with making the soul fragments/health pickups spawn more on lower difficulties. At the moment the only difference between them is life token amount--all of the difficulties have the same UV spawn placement.
Funky Gnoll wrote:Save your strength--use the Omen against anything nastier than a Priest. Its weapon power will slowly rise or fall to 30 when it's not being held, so remember to account for this if you plan on using it.
Also to re-iterate this--the Omen is great for momentarily hitting the pause button on enemies and for massive influxes of burst damage. A 100-charge strike will definitely turn the tide for a bit, and even a 50 strike will help give you a little breathing room.
If you feel like there's gonna be something coming, nothing wrong with whipping out out and letting it charge up for a bit.

Thank you all very much for the feedback!
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Re: [WIP][Beta][Cool] \m/ -~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~- \m/ - 0.72 N

Post by Captain J »

now that blast is blastingly overkilling, and yes. i would can't wait if that's kamehameha based.
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Re: [WIP][Beta][Cool] \m/ -~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~- \m/ - 0.72 N

Post by Viscra Maelstrom »

TerminusEst13 wrote:1: Huh, interesting. I'll see if I can track that down, thank you! Do you remember what difficulty were you playing on and what pickups were you able to nom?
everything from soda cans to apples i was able to eat while having full OL Tokens. this was on the second difficulty level, which you have 8 Life Tokens in.
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Re: [WIP][Beta][Cool] \m/ -~={ DEMONSTEELE }=~- \m/ - 0.72 N

Post by Valherran »

That energy blast is pretty nice, but I was thinking more on the lines of it being a ranged weapon you hold in your right hand. A piercing laser beam weapon you can channel by holding the fire button down to use, and would use ammo per second when fired.
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