"ARCHIE" [Release 1]

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Re: "ARCHIE" [WIP] [vid]

Post by mallo »

Holy crap, this is GZDoom?! Impossible...
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Re: "ARCHIE" [WIP] [vid]

Post by Tapwave »

insightguy wrote: P.S. I see signs on the bottom left an right of the video
There's actually a whole load of... Things, including signs, switches and such that make up the "hud".
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Re: "ARCHIE" [WIP] [vid]

Post by bimshwel »

Total rubbish! That is way too many squares for a chessboard! I do not understand your "future" chess with purple and lots of squares. I appreciate the liberal STARTAN2 in the final video but the floor is all glitched, probably because you forgot to append flats in Deusf. Also, I am highly disappointed by the under-representation of patachus in these videos.
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Re: "ARCHIE" [WIP] [vid]

Post by SenorSkeletor »

Oh god. You had to post this the day I watched "Inland Empire" made by David Lynch. And you also had to post this after Twin Peaks was released on blue ray, which happened a couple days ago. But nice work so far! Can't wait to see where this project goes.
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Re: "ARCHIE" [WIP] [vid]

Post by DartPower »

consequences of the severe stage of schizophrenia of author, like a F20.0 - Paranoid schizophrenia, 100% author is fucking drug-addict stupidy fuckity freak and/or really schizophrene...

(I don't know what you're trying to do here, but it looks generally unfriendly, therefore, accept one warning for it. -ww)
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Re: "ARCHIE" [WIP] [vid]

Post by Zeberpal »

When I saw that last post is by DP I was already expecting something like that tbh.

I wish it was acs-sided thingy.( so I could borrow some of these glitch technics hehe) These hudmessages remind me some of that weird stuff they were talking in Hotline Miami 8-)
Last edited by Zeberpal on Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "ARCHIE" [WIP] [vid]

Post by pez »

DartPower wrote:schizophrenia
outside of the same boring social game of saying I'm not angry or the same tired ironic comment saying I liked it, I fully encourage saying things like this. you could even start a whole hate campaign against me and I wouldn't be bothered... but you have to have watched the video first, which you did. the worst thing you can do is not watch it and then say it sucked. I simply cannot deal with that anymore from where I was and very dearly hope it doesn't come to that point here. later on when this project is done I would like to point out certain comments and put them up to pictures of things in this wad and show you what you have indirectly caused me to make, since with this one you have already encouraged me to do something. Either way, if the admins would take note of the more free style of commenting while still keeping in mind their rules since it is their site, I would appreciate that greatly.

Zeberpal wrote:I wish it was acs-sided thingy.( so I could borrow some of these glitch technics hehe)
all acs source will be included along with a tech doc (eventually) explaining it step by step and you are 100% free to blatantly steal it for any purpose.

All of the featured videos I have put up so far are demonstrating extreme visual effects, so for variety I have put up a new one showing off a new concept of an RC car that is used to solve puzzles in the first post.
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Re: "ARCHIE" [WIP] [vid]

Post by Toberone »

Out of curiosity, will this lynchian wad have a semblance of gameplay (of anykind, not necessarily doom) or is this going to be more of an interactive experience like say for example Yume Nikki?

Not saying anything bad here, I just want to know what expect. Great stuff by the way, I'm a huge fan surrealism and videos 1 and 3 are right up my alley.
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Re: "ARCHIE" [WIP] [vid]

Post by RastaManGames »

Dream Demo...
Oh god... So scary... So mad...
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Re: "ARCHIE" [WIP] [vid]

Post by jdredalert »

Heavy acid trip dude, i'm all wrecked just for watching those videos. Nice work, very interesting concepts. Makes Max Payne's hallucinations look like sweet dreams.
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Re: "ARCHIE" [WIP] [vid]

Post by pez »

Toberone wrote:Out of curiosity, will this lynchian wad have a semblance of gameplay (of anykind, not necessarily doom) or is this going to be more of an interactive experience like say for example Yume Nikki?

Not saying anything bad here, I just want to know what expect. Great stuff by the way, I'm a huge fan surrealism and videos 1 and 3 are right up my alley.
There are quite a lot of levels that take a break from the story, and are quake and doom styled maps. Most of the maps start out as a basic vanilla style map with modern engine components like 3D floors and lighting, but have some kind of ACS that changes the level completely by the time you are finishing it. The more extreme examples of strange visual effects don't have any shooting but are by no means a cutscene in which you have no input at all. For example, in the dream demo, the objective is to touch enough of the platforms to cause them to fall, which is something that is explained previously that is not in that video and you would certainly know to do that by that time.
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Re: "ARCHIE" [WIP] [vid]

Post by pez »

bump for trailer on first page and in this post. will be out either tomorrow or this week at the very latest. we're running out of time, alpha 1.

Last edited by pez on Mon Nov 10, 2014 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "ARCHIE" [WIP] [vid]

Post by SyntherAugustus »

Cocaine's a hell of a drug.
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Re: "ARCHIE" [WIP] [vid]

Post by VGA »

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Re: "ARCHIE" [WIP] [vid]

Post by Eric_ »

Arch Linux: Not even once.

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