I'm sorry if I had to blurt it out.
I played the game and there is naked girl pixels (yeah, I know, "Oh noes!").
Anyways, I like the El Passo map (map02). It's like a shootout in a town just like the original "Fistful of Dollars" wad. There's blatant use of graphics, which I welcome. I hardly had thought that there are brothels in the wild west, but I know there are burlesque.
The painting of the figures seem to fit into the western brothel thing. There is almost the kinky S&M room, which is funny.
In the Deadwood map (map05). There are those dark cells. If you use the infrared item, you can see the (tortured) prisoners. Oh course, there are the pixels. It's a little bit strange though, but I guess that's for 'save the damsel in distress' concept.
Basically, I just want to point it out for the fun of it. Also, like, this post let others know this pwad is a wild west theme that strays from the 1950s cowboys versus natives idea. There is the brothel and I will say no more. Embarrassing post? Maybe, yee haw!