[1.9a] Insanity's Requiem Mk.2 | Updated Credits.

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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.9 Semi Final

Post by TiberiumSoul »

See above post for changes...


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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.9 Semi Final

Post by chronoteeth »

here's a run down of what needs to be improved

-The pistol has a fine balance to it now, good job
-The magnum and mp40 need to go. Far, far too me-too to the other weapons
-both the normal shotgun and the double barrel shotgun still have the same issues. clicking to pump didnt alleviate the issue, because if you fire the key down they're still the same speed.
-that heavy repeater is still useless feeling. the fact that theres a far better alternative on the same key makes it more of a hassle than useful. too many hitscans that are similar give them far too much me-too
-the rocket/grenade launcher combo is fine, but the graphics are far too similar to the flak cannon
-the flak cannon's alt fire's blue color doesnt fit well with how the gun looks. maybe orange like the projectiles?
-the alt fire for the plasma repeater is good, abeit far too likely to be used. the fact that you need a full charge to use it and it takes awhile to get it makes it feel like an extra add-on rather than useful
-the same thing applies to that bfg-like weapon: the sprites are far too similar to the flak gun and the rpg/gl combo. they use the same parts on a lot of the gun, so thats what makes it abeit me-too feeling, even though it isnt.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.9 Semi Final

Post by m4lmaster »

are you supposto be invulnerable after getting armor? i take 0 damage after picking up armor. ive shot the ground with rockets to double check...
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.9 Semi Final

Post by -Ghost- »

Yeah, it's shields rather than armor, so the shields absorb it till they run out I think.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.9 Semi Final

Post by TiberiumSoul »

Yep armor is a light power up whereas the spheres boost your life points as well

Blue : 1000

Green : 2000

Yellow : 3000

Red : 4000

Berserk Sphere (Red) : 1000 HP ans 1000 AP

Spirit Prison (Orange) : 5000 HP and 5000 AP

Baphomet's Spirit Prison (Blue) : 10,000 HP and 10,000 AP

The other spheres are various power ups such as environmental protection, invulnerability, frightener, and time freeze for the following colors, Yellow, Green, Purple, Cyan

And as for weapon sprites can you give me some recommendations?
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.9 Semi Final

Post by Doomguy5th »

I wish the monsters were an addon for ZDoom (just ZDoom by itself). These monsters are too epic.

Edit: Is there even a difference between Nikolai Belinski (Black Ops Zombies) and Hector Grim (Insanity Requiem)?
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.9 Semi Final

Post by TiberiumSoul »

No just used his voice he's supposed to be a Russian American spec-ops agent same with Ascher only he's 100% American
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.9 Semi Final

Post by Doomguy5th »

TiberiumSoul wrote:No just used his voice he's supposed to be a Russian American spec-ops agent same with Ascher only he's 100% American
WAT!?!?!?!?! Then where did you get Ascher's voice?!?!

I suggest adding in more weapons like an Octo-Shotgun. The weapons are fine, but the enemies need to be a lot more insane. For Example: how about adding the Hades Elemental from RGH with 10x more insanity and maybe some Octo-Shotgun Guys (that would be fun... for me. Especially w/out shields) (I kind of dislike the idea of shields, but they are handy!). Oh... and... NEEDS MORE WEAPONS!!! And especially... MINIGUNS!!! A Thunder Gun (Black Ops) or a Nuclear Missile Launcher might do. Oh, and the "clicking to pump" needs to be removed... Other than that, I LOVE THIS MOD!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :) :) :)

Edit: OK. Fuck it. This mod is already good. And I was trying to troll you... XD...
Last edited by Doomguy5th on Thu Dec 26, 2013 3:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.9 Semi Final

Post by TiberiumSoul »

I sense trolling in your post, also the manual pumping is here to stay

I'm working on both the final beta and a lite version of this that includes only the weapons and effects but none of the monsters

Also Ascher's voice is the postal dude from Postal 2
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.9 Semi Final

Post by Ferguson »

I really like what you've done with the health/shield dynamic, and the new bad guys and weapon sprites look good. This will be watched closely for developments.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.9 Semi Final

Post by Doomguy5th »

TiberiumSoul wrote:I sense trolling in your post, also the manual pumping is here to stay

I'm working on both the final beta and a lite version of this that includes only the weapons and effects but none of the monsters

Also Ascher's voice is the postal dude from Postal 2
Yes, I was trying to troll you. XD!!!

Oh yay!! I actually want to see the lite version of this mod. Why not make a lite version that includes Monsters?
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V1.9 Semi Final

Post by TiberiumSoul »

Maybe we'll see
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.0 Final

Post by TiberiumSoul »

Here we go guys v2.0 final after this im working on a Lite Version and then this is done.

Trailer # 3


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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.0 Final

Post by Somagu »

Well, the first thing I notice is that any given weapon spawn appears to only have a 1/4 chance of actually spawning the intended weapon. This is particularly harmful in my opinion to what has been intended as a score oriented mod. Score shouldn't fall to a crapshoot. And the BFG spawner... I was surprised when I loaded the mod to test the weapons... 17 million HP? I won't even begin to touch on why that is a terrible idea.

My old post, seen in part:
Something's wrong with the armor pickups. While you normally can't tell because the armor counter in the HUD only goes up to 1000, the first armor pickup that you get prevents you from picking up anything better, unless you pick up a megasphere.
The HUD does not work in 16:10, you can't see which keys you have, and the score counter is cut off in 4:3.
The above mostly still applies. You did, however, tone down the ambient noise, and remove the old BFG. That's good, but if this is the final release, I think I'll be giving it a pass.
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Re: [Release] Insanity's Requiem V2.0 Final

Post by Dat wad noob »

Well, tib, il be honest with ya.
I like the mod.....BUT. This doesnt feel like the final version at all....this feels kinda rushed, like you were in a hurry to get this done. I mean, this IS supposed to be really hard....right? Yet even on the hardest difficulties, pick up a shield or two, get a few health bonuses and your basically god.
Il just spare some time here and lay out whats good and whats not in my opinion.

-The weapons are pretty cool. Just add a bit more punch(recoil-wise) and some altfires to make them more fun to use.
-The monsters fit well....they just need a lil more damage to em.
-Dem effex. i luv em.
-The score system is a good idea, but it feels kinda useless since high scores arent registered in any way.
-Dat shovel.

-The shield system and the infinitely stacking health just doesnt fit in a difficulty mod.
-Weapons spawn rarely, so when you would need say a rocket launcher, you dont get one. That breaks alot of maps out there.
-The power-up-sphere-skulls-whatever sounds are MADENING. sounds like someone is slowly drilling into your brain... Not to mention alot of them seem to be ridiculous. One of them is infinite ammo and quad damage? AKA i become a literal god for about 2 minutes due to the shields and the damage.
-The shotguns feel a lil too bland. If you compare them, one fires in an accurate, semi-powerful pattern. The double barrel on the other hand is powerful and useless at the same time, since you need to get damn near your target for a single pellet to hit it.

All in all, dont just call the final version yet. Its definitely not ready to be a final release, let alone just be left the way it is. This mod can be really awesome, just take your time with it.

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