[On Hold-Will finish someday] Final Duel v0.18

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Re: [WIP] Final Duel

Post by TheMightyHeracross »

Pretty fun, but I got some notes here:
-The Grenade Launcher and Demon Rifle (the one that uses Mike12's sprites) have no sounds.
-The Plasma Rifle and BFG9000 "replacements" (which are the originals with reloads) need some reload animations
-How do you get more ammo for the magic attack?
-The Double-Chainsaw doesn't replace the actual Chainsaw, so I get the original, and have to drop it because it won't let me switch
--Same with Rocket Launcher and Chaingun (the former I can switch to, however)
-There are lots of inventory items that I never see in game
-The "Final Duel" map has basically nothing, just some demons fighting in a cage, and you can't go anywhere
-What do those lava balls(?) that the enemies drop do? The pickup message just says "..."
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Re: [WIP] Final Duel

Post by phantombeta »

The "lava balls" are the ammo for the magic attack(they are named "Energy"), the Demon Rifle(named "Soul Reaper" in Final Duel) now has sounds and the rocket launcher can launch the grenades now.
The Final Duel map(actually an episode) is still unfinished, since I have been putting my work into the rest of the mod.
I removed the magic attack, but now I have been thinking about adding it back, since I'm going to have a level system now.
[Ninja edit] I plan on releasing a new trailer this month or November.
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Re: [WIP] Final Duel

Post by TheMightyHeracross »

Thanks for clarification on that, and cool, an update. :)
Wait, what? There's no updated file.
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Re: [WIP] Final Duel

Post by phantombeta »

TheMightyHeracross wrote:Thanks for clarification on that, and cool, an update. :)
Wait, what? There's no updated file.
Uhhhh, sorry if I made you think there was an update because of my choice of words in the reply...
It's in closed beta ATM, the beta testing did not start yet, I plan to start it sometime after I release the trailer...
I have to make sure that I have removed most of the problems and that I have a working XP system...
Last edited by phantombeta on Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WIP] Final Duel

Post by TheMightyHeracross »

Oh OK, I understand.
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Re: [WIP] Final Duel:Veni Vidi Vici v0.18

Post by phantombeta »

Trailer for v19 released.
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Re: [WIP] Final Duel:Veni Vidi Vici v0.18 New trailer releas

Post by TheMightyHeracross »

  • Why don't you just use the build-in Reload Key?
  • Knife makes no sound when hitting enemies
  • Assault Rifle reload animation can be improved
  • .Wads in .pk3s are bad
  • Railgun makes no sound
  • You mixed angled guns and centered guns
  • Your auto reload toggle is from Diaz, and ww doesn't like it when you rip from him, especially uncredited
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Re: [WIP] Final Duel:Veni Vidi Vici v0.18 New trailer releas

Post by phantombeta »

TheMightyHeracross wrote:
  • Why don't you just use the build-in Reload Key?
I don't want to have to redo the states of 20 guns just to use the built-in Reload key
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Re: [WIP] Final Duel:Veni Vidi Vici v0.18 New trailer releas

Post by Ed the Bat »

phantombeta wrote:I don't want to have to redo the states of 20 guns just to use the built-in Reload key
You don't want to edit 20 lines of code, so you want players to have to bind another key for no good reason? Sure sign of quality...
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Re: [WIP] Final Duel:Veni Vidi Vici v0.18 New trailer releas

Post by phantombeta »

Ed the Bat wrote:
phantombeta wrote:I don't want to have to redo the states of 20 guns just to use the built-in Reload key
You don't want to edit 20 lines of code, so you want players to have to bind another key for no good reason? Sure sign of quality...
It's because I would have to redo 25+ states just to be able to do use the default reload key,plus, I have been thinking about making the player character scream "reloading" when you press the reload button, which would need about 2~3 more states in each weapon just to check what class you are playing as...
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Re: [WIP] Final Duel:Veni Vidi Vici v0.18 New trailer releas

Post by Ed the Bat »

There is no reason that can't still be done by changing A_JumpIfInventory("Isreloading..., or whatever it is, to A_WeaponReady(WRF_ALLOWRELOAD).
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Re: [WIP] Final Duel:Veni Vidi Vici v0.18 New trailer releas

Post by phantombeta »

Ed the Bat wrote:There is no reason that can't still be done by changing A_JumpIfInventory("Isreloading..., or whatever it is, to A_WeaponReady(WRF_ALLOWRELOAD).
Maybe, but I would need to redo the reloading for the shotguns from scratch to make them stop reloading if the reload button is pressed again
plus, I have been thinking about making the player character scream "reloading" when you press the reload button, which would need about 2~3 more states in each weapon just to check what class you are playing as, and to make reloading make you not receive any damage in level 25
EDIT: Plus, you're not forced to bind it, in v19 you will start the game with Auto-Reload already on
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Re: [WIP] Final Duel:Veni Vidi Vici v0.18 New trailer releas

Post by Captain J »

i think i can explain what is wrong as i after played this mod's preview version. alright, here it goes;

-first is knife doesn't have any raise animations, every weapons does but not this one. also when he flips the knife, it's shape changes; into smaller.

-second, chainsaw is sure strong has heck. i know because it has a fastest attacks of course, but it does a great deal of damages. i just splayed hell knights and barons into a pieces without hurt me plenty. that should be making difficulty lot's of easier if you doesn't have any ammos. also, doesn't have any raising sounds. playing a startengine sounds or something for an example. it's not helping anything much, but it's just kind my wishes.

-third, just like what hera said before, slot 2 rifle, slot 4 assault rifles, slot 6 railgun and plasma rifle, slot 7 BFG9000 needs a decent recoil animations. they are just never moving like a turret gun with an tripod when it's fired, also they don't have any tripods either. just add some more same frames that moving smoothly. BTW, slot 2 rifle's reloading and slot 6 plasma rifle's recoil animation is really fast. even reloading and recoil sounds never gets plays right. oh, did i mentioned about my another wishes?; make railgun and assault rifles does zoom.

...also super shotgun needs a faster fire frames. again, other weapon does fast fire animations, but this weapon doesn't.

-fourth, slot 7 weapons doesn't have any bright effects when it's fired.

-fifth, i always feeling something awkward when i'm using a slot 8 soul reaper; why it releases ballistic bullet casing even it's using a demonic energy power? it could be lil' acceptable if it releases black unholy casings, but norminal marine's casing? weird. also playing idle sound just like a bfg 19k would be awesome, though.

-sixth, slot 0 magic needs to be have a more various attacks. well, that's it.

other then that, those weapon sounds are really priceless. weldone for that! now i'll waiting for every items and ammos, characters has a sound effects.
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Re: [WIP] Final Duel:Veni Vidi Vici v0.18 New trailer releas

Post by phantombeta »

Spoiler: Answers to Captain J's post here, 'cause hugeness
I'm going to release a new preview that should have everything marked as "Fixed" fixed
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Re: [WIP] Final Duel:Veni Vidi Vici v0.18 New trailer releas

Post by Captain J »

hey, glad to see few critics has been worked. really thanks for that! and BTW, here's some explains that should be help;
phantombeta wrote:Ummm, it shouldn't be doing damage greater than the Doom chainsaw since I just used the default parameters with the sound and pufftype changed...
i mean, it does really attacks faster then vanilla doom's chainsaw. just like what i said before, hell knight and even baron died easily with simple slot 1 weapon and didn't melee attacked me twice and killed me just like what happend from vanilla doom because of their never ending pain chances. chainsaw was used to be good weaponry for against weaker enemies or sort of stronger enemies that has a lot's of pain chances, not the stronger ones.
phantombeta wrote:The slot 2 rifle should be playing the reloading sound right, the Plasma Rifle's recoil animation should be that fast IMO, also, what recoil sounds?
welp, i really hated to talking about bring realities to every doom mod; in real life, peoples that handled guns even marines cannot reload the two handed weapons much faster like this mod does. only magazine releasing and inserting sounds are exist but pulling a bolt sound. and that's how this weapon is really makes easy to reload really faster.

otherwise, slow it down.
also, talking about plasma rifle's recoil sound; some 'beep-beep' sound after done with firing it. sometimes it's sound stops when starts firing again.
phantombeta wrote:The Railgun and Slot 2 Rifle should zoom with the "Weapon Special Action" button, Nero's Slot 4 Rifle will not have zoom because I'm gonna change it, probably with one without scope.
i just forget bout that, sorry.

i hope you can understand what i said, it was pleasure to doing business with you.

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