[Project] "Knee-Deep in ZDoom"

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Post by Nmn »

Because some peope complained about the Red Textures in the staircase leading to the nukeage (Tormentor's voice in this case was the most important touhg) I've changed them to nice tans.
Ze1m2, final (I hope)
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Post by Tormentor667 »

Okay, some more information on the next 3 weeks:

As far as I know, this is the latest state of the 3 weeks and their slots, so hold on to this!

Code: Select all

	       WEEK1     WEEK2     WEEK3
E1M1    cccp_leha cccp_leha --------
E1M2    Tormentor --------  cccp_leha
E1M3    ellmo     ellmo    ellmo   
E1M4    Risen     Nightmare --------
E1M5    Nightmare --------  --------
E1M6    --------  cccp_leha Risen   
E1M7    --------  Tormentor Nightmare
E1M8    NMN       --------  Tormentor
E1M9    BioHazard NMN       --------
Considering the progress, I am pleased with ellmo's job (great work on E1M3) and Nightmare's work on E1M5 (although there is not much to see, but the simple things always make it ;)). Risen is actually working on E1M4 or is he doing the INTERMISSION scripting? I am not sure about that in the moment, thats why I ask. I'd like to see more from cccp_leha, he didn't write anything here in the last few days and E1M1 needs a lot of work to be done! For NMN, he seems to work on 10 maps at the same time, fixed things up in E1M2, finished E1M8 already before Week 1 did really start and is working on E1M6 now right? Great job, I am pleased :) BioHazard is also working on E1M9 and progresses very well as far as I can see the stuff on the screenies ;) And for me, I have finished E1M2 before week 1 and (thx to NMN's very fast job on E1M8), I started right now on the final map (although there is not much to do, but who cares?!). To put it in a nutshell, we are very well concerning our deadline of the end of november, that won't be a devil's job to finish that thing ;)

So, what has still to be done?
- Intermission Map (Risen)
- Intermission Map embedding into the final wad
- Mapping through Week 1 - Week 3 (means "finalize them", don't forget about that!!!!!!)
- Music WAD compliation (Tormentor667, but I am still not sure about what to use at all)
- WAD finalisation (put all in one wad)
- Betatesting (persons from week one, not working in week 2?)

All of this can be done, I think, there is just one big problem: The music ;) I can'T give previews as long as I don't have enough webspace for this, I need at last about 20mbs to put all the stuff online, but on my temporary space, I have just about 5 mb free (need the other 15 mb for webdesign stuff of clients) and on my personal webpage, just a few kb's are left and I don't want to upgrade and pay more for this until the wad is finished and I REALLY need it ... :| Any suggestions?
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Post by TheDarkArchon »

I have a new texture for use in ZE1M8. It's for the river of blood before the switch that lowers the blue key. It's basically NUKEDGE1 but with blood on the bottom instead of nukage.
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Post by Nmn »

Ok, there are some stuff here needs to be corrected ;)
About me:
I have done my jobby on e1m8 and e1m2-Thx for comments guys
I'm pretty much sure ATM e1m2 is ready to be released (posted the final version with minor retexturing). E1m8 is also pretty fine if You ask me-just some cleaning up.

ATM I'm working on e1m4-Sorry Risen, but my baby needs more attention and care, especially that I'm pretty much sure sector count will go over 4000 :thumb: Probably my best map yet-and I want to do it, at least for now. DB lags as hell, but I'm still working on it and won't give up.
I don't know anything about e1m6... :? Risen-if it's ok with You we can swap slots-take e1m6 and me e1m4.
E1m4 is waaay from finish, I've only brought beatiful architecture to southern parts of the facility. The bridge, nuke pools, curvy hallway need alterations, not counting gameplay. I need at least 3-4 days until I can post and call it "final version".
I do NOT know about e1m3, e1m5, e1m6, e1m7 nor e1m9 and that goes double for e1m1. If You people had post them I could run around and clean it up and polish enough for releasement (ensure gameplay balance, localize most bugs). AFAIK E1m5 is pretty close to finish-I played Tormentor's version and it looks pretty much ok. Nightmare-You hearing me? :)
E1m3 and e1m6 need a lot of work, we all know that, so I'm not discussing them.
e1m7 is pretty mighty fine, maybe some minor detailing could be used. Who's working on it, or is the latest (on Torm's site) version the latest thus far?
e1m9-pretty stable, tough Biohazard is working on it, I know, good job mate :thumb:
e1m1-a true enigma. I know nothing-who's working on it?

The number of maps I'm working on are 3 actually (e1m4 + 2 maps for Dittohead's project-Mining Complex and Horrid Outpost, which need some care, but I want to end KDIZD first. Oh, let's not forget R-1, which is in early development but I still .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . no spoilers ;)
Last edited by Nmn on Sun Oct 31, 2004 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

Heh, I was just about to send a very similar texture. Oh well, saves me a bit of work :).
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Post by TheDarkArchon »

You were about to send one? :x
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Post by NecromANGEL »

Where can I see what is already done? :) Or it is not available for those who does not participate in project?..
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Post by Bio Hazard »

just look around in this thread to find the various map wads, and get the resource wad from a few posts up. if you want M9, you have to get it from me in #NZDR
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Post by Woolie Wool »

Tormentor667 wrote:@Nightmare - Great to hear that, I will add it to the resource if you upload it somewhere :)

@All - Can someone give me a scipt that executes "script 8" after all monsters with the TID 77 are dead!? :)

@All2 - Is someone interested in creating altered more sacrying sounds for the "Bruiser Brothers" ?? Something like the Baron, but more ... scary and horrible :)
Do like Romero did for the Icon of Sin voice: Reverse them and make them lower-pitched
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Post by Cutmanmike »

Question: What are these intermission maps?
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Post by TheDarkArchon »

Think a 3D update of E1's Intermission Screen.
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Post by Cutmanmike »

Ooooooo... You mean the traveling to one map to another? Can't wait to see this :shock:
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Post by NecromANGEL »

sorry for my stupid question but on what IRC server I must look for #nzdr?
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Post by Bio Hazard »

how to get to #NZDR

click here: irc://irc.oftc.net/NOTZDoomRelated
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Post by NecromANGEL »

Arigato, nyo =)

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