DoomRL Arsenal - [1.1.5] [MP-B7.3]

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Triple S
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by Triple S »

thonglover wrote:You can't drop weapons :( cause when my inventory was full, i couldn't drop any weapons.
DoomRL Arsenal uses the Zoom keybind for Drop Weapon. I'm assuming this is due to the scripting involved with keeping track of what weapons you have, which I'm assuming (without looking at the code because I'm fucking lazy) uses InventoryItem trickery to give the player a "token" on weapon pickup. As such, you have to drop the weapon and the token so that the script keeping track of your weapon count will update properly. Since the built-in Drop Weapon command isn't sufficient for this and probably can't be modified, a new one is added to replace the Zoom feature (which I assume looks to the weapon to see what to do rather than just doing something)

You can sort of confirm this being the case if you use the Give command to grant yourself a weapon rather than using Summon to spawn one and pick it up naturally; as you don't actually pick anything up with Give, the weapon doesn't count toward your maximum. Since Mod Items are already inventory items, they're counted much easier and as such the counter isn't borked upon use of Give.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by torridgristle »

As the Scout, using AltFire with the pistol alerted enemies even though it seemingly did nothing at all.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by Yholl »

Triple S wrote:DoomRL Arsenal uses the Zoom keybind for Drop Weapon. I'm assuming this is due to the scripting involved with keeping track of what weapons you have, which I'm assuming (without looking at the code because I'm fucking lazy) uses InventoryItem trickery to give the player a "token" on weapon pickup. As such, you have to drop the weapon and the token so that the script keeping track of your weapon count will update properly. Since the built-in Drop Weapon command isn't sufficient for this and probably can't be modified, a new one is added to replace the Zoom feature (which I assume looks to the weapon to see what to do rather than just doing something)

You can sort of confirm this being the case if you use the Give command to grant yourself a weapon rather than using Summon to spawn one and pick it up naturally; as you don't actually pick anything up with Give, the weapon doesn't count toward your maximum. Since Mod Items are already inventory items, they're counted much easier and as such the counter isn't borked upon use of Give.
Yup, see a pistol on the ground? Actually an item that does a few checks, then gives you the actual pistol and increments the weapon count.
Drop a weapon, and it is stripped of all modifications to that weapon, takes one from the weapon count, as well as taking any waiting assemblies you for some bizarre reason haven't used yet.

The native Drop Weapon command of Zdoom just drops the weapon, nothing more, so I reappropriated the Zoom key to drop weapons with. All it does is it goes to the Zoom state, which contains all the dropping weapon and dropping mod pack stuff in it.
torridGristle wrote:As the Scout, using AltFire with the pistol alerted enemies even though it seemingly did nothing at all.
Yeah, I should probably fix that soon. Basically, that happens because if you are a Technician, altfire is the button used to turn the weapon into a modpack. If you aren't doing that though, it just goes back to the ready state, but even so, it still counts as an alerting gunshot kinda thing. I need to go through all the weapons and add the +NOALERT flag, and then stick custom alerting things into the firing states.

I'll probably do that after I add in a few more unique weapons (Like a certain yellow and black pistol someone made), I like to focus on one type of thing at a time.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Yholl »

It only took me 2 and a half days to make this, the rest of the time I was just slacking.

As always, leave feedback on the buffed Scout and Technician, as well as any other new or changed stuff. Also, if you break something, bonus points to you, I haven't tested it much, so be a dear and tell me how you accidentally the entire Doom.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Triple S »

Yholl wrote:It only took me 2 and a half days to make this, the rest of the time I was just slacking.

As always, leave feedback on the buffed Scout and Technician, as well as any other new or changed stuff. Also, if you break something, bonus points to you, I haven't tested it much, so be a dear and tell me how you accidentally the entire Doom.
Awesome, I'll start fucking around with it right now.

Did you consider giving the Technician an Energy Pistol instead of a standard one to start? I think it'd definitely be neat. xD

EDIT: Well that was fast. Using a mod does not lower the mod counter. Also, "Jump Target 'RLTantrumCannon not found in RLAgilityModItem" when adding one to the Revolver. Same happens with the Nano mod, though of course mentioning that one instead. Was playing as Technician btw.

EDIT2: Mod counter just plain does not decrease when playing Technician. Tested it on Scout and it worked fine. Still got the tantrumcannon error, and it can't be summoned, so... cut weapon, or a typo somewhere?

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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Yholl »

Triple S wrote:EDIT: Well that was fast. Using a mod does not lower the mod counter. Also, "Jump Target 'RLTantrumCannon not found in RLAgilityModItem" when adding one to the Revolver. Same happens with the Nano mod, though of course mentioning that one instead. Was playing as Technician btw.
Knew I forgot something, I reckon I know exactly what I missed, will fix and reupload shortly. I had to redo most mod mechanics due to the new Technician limit, apparently I forgot that bit.
Triple S wrote:EDIT3:
EDIT: Apprently there were 496 bits of code I had to fix to get that to work... My eyes hurt. I managed to delete a bit of code earlier while doing this, but fixed it. Give a yell if mods start complaining about something else.

Mods will no longer complain about the Quantum Tantrum Cannon, and
Have fun. :)
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Vict »

Well I've noticed that Scout might have the potential to be very overpowered.

The damage boost is unnecessary, and so is the technician being able to carry double the mod packs. The previous method of having each class only slightly different from each other worked quite well. I guess if you want to give the Scout more than just maxed pistol damage you could keep the 10% move speed increase?

I think the technician was fine where it was before. Having a plasma shrapnel SSG by map 3 was powerful enough.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Yholl »

Vict wrote:Well I've noticed that Scout might have the potential to be very overpowered.

The damage boost is unnecessary, and so is the technician being able to carry double the mod packs. The previous method of having each class only slightly different from each other worked quite well. I guess if you want to give the Scout more than just maxed pistol damage you could keep the 10% move speed increase?

I think the technician was fine where it was before. Having a plasma shrapnel SSG by map 3 was powerful enough.
I buffed the other classes to make them just as good a choice as Marine, honestly. It's quite likely that Scout is OP once more, but he'll only be pure damage. He can't chainstun things forever like a Marine can, so the two should be balanced in that regard. All Technicians got was the ability to turn exotic or unique weapons that you didn't want into random modpacks. Sure, that's good, but is it on par with god-tier chainguns and pistols? Being able to carry 8 modpacks instead of 4 hardly seems unbalancing, normally when carrying 4 mods you'd be using new mods whenever you find them anyway, now you can carry some more before you make decisions on what to mod. The new Supply Crates might be OP, I need some more testing before I can get a good randomization for the loot drops going. Might drop good stuff way too much right now.

Not sure what you're talking about with the 10% movement increase, the Scout has always had that.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Vict »

Yholl wrote:Not sure what you're talking about with the 10% movement increase, the Scout has always had that.
Oops, yeah I didn't notice that until now.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Triple S »

Vict wrote:Well I've noticed that Scout might have the potential to be very overpowered.

The damage boost is unnecessary, and so is the technician being able to carry double the mod packs. The previous method of having each class only slightly different from each other worked quite well. I guess if you want to give the Scout more than just maxed pistol damage you could keep the 10% move speed increase?

I think the technician was fine where it was before. Having a plasma shrapnel SSG by map 3 was powerful enough.
You only got a Plasma Shrapnel SSG by Map 3 if you were lucky as hell, anyway (requires a Power mod and a Sniper mod, both of which just love being rare as balls, though the Power mod is for some reason even more scarce in my experience), and even then there are plenty of other options just as good or better. though throwing two more sniper mods on a plasma shrapnel super shotgun is scary

As for the Scout, he has an easier start, but pistols require more mods to gain access to better forms (unless you get lucky with uniques). Plus he lacks good burst damage for the most part if you stick with pistols (not counting uniques, again), has terrible ammo conservation with the rapid weaponry compared to the Marine, and of course has a harder time with modding in general compared to the Technician.

If you really think Scout needs a nerf, may I suggest only being able to carry 3 or 4 weapons? Then the Scout will definitely be about being light, accurate and maneuverable, compared to the Marine being about shooting forever with rapid weaponry and the Technician being about versatility due to easiest access to powerful assemblies.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by -Ghost- »

Just a minor nitpick I've noticed so far, can you give the plasma shotguns/weapons different sounds? The noise was a little hard on my ears when I fired my first plasma shotgun. :P
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Yholl »

-Ghost- wrote:Just a minor nitpick I've noticed so far, can you give the plasma shotguns/weapons different sounds? The noise was a little hard on my ears when I fired my first plasma shotgun. :P
Maybe, I might try combining the sound with another one or something. If I can find a good one. Anyway, that's just the standard plasma rifle sound.
Triple S wrote:though throwing two more sniper mods on a plasma shrapnel super shotgun is scary
Hahahaha you made the murder device
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by wildweasel »

Yholl wrote:Maybe, I might try combining the sound with another one or something. If I can find a good one. Anyway, that's just the standard plasma rifle sound.
If your plasma shotgun is just launching the PlasmaBalls, then the problem is that all of them play the firing sound when they spawn. My suggestion would be to make an inherited clone of PlasmaBall that has the SeeSound set to nothing (or you might need to define a DSEMPTY in your sndinfo lump somewhere...), change all but one of the plasma shotgun's firing states to launch the silent PlasmaBall and leave one of them firing the "loud" one.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Yholl »

wildweasel wrote:If your plasma shotgun is just launching the PlasmaBalls, then the problem is that all of them play the firing sound when they spawn. My suggestion would be to make an inherited clone of PlasmaBall that has the SeeSound set to nothing (or you might need to define a DSEMPTY in your sndinfo lump somewhere...), change all but one of the plasma shotgun's firing states to launch the silent PlasmaBall and leave one of them firing the "loud" one.
Ah, that's right, it fires 7 balls, but only three of them make sounds, in order to A) Not make a super loud noise when fired, but still louder than the plasma rifle, and B) Have three shots make impact noises wherever they end up, making it less likely you'd hear only silent impacts due to random spread. If I get a different firing sound, I'll change around the way it works, but I'd need to find a good one for both the normal Plasma Shotgun and the Plasmatic Shotgun.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Gouanaco »

Hey Awesome :D
Finally Beta 3.

I shall test this out straight away XD
btw is using cheats to view the weapons for testing cheating? or is it just...?

Also i stopped working on the map wad. Do you want me to still work on it?
Cause i still could ive finished the start area and the first 2 rooms of the random map are finished.

- Gouanaco

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