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Off the top of my head these fine ladies and gentlemen are the ones who made Insanity's Requiem Mk.2 Possible.
They deserve all the credit and more.
Lots of people ask me "hey Tiberium, where do you get all these kickass sounds from?" And while I want to be an asshole about this, that will get me banned faster than anything else...
//Audio Section!
Most of the Weapons Audio has completely redone by [b][u]Иavaяо[/u][/b] what remains is either by EA/Dice, Magmacow, Microsoft/343 Studios, and a few other obscure sources that time has wiped from my memory...
//Enemy Audio Section!
- EA/Visceral Games : Slasher, Divider, and Leaper Necromorph sounds used for the zombies and Berserker revenant.
- Digital Extremes : Warframe Manic Laugh and Death Sound used for the Skullzerker.
- ID Software : Maggot Sounds from Doom 3 Used for the Imp Variants.
- ID Software (Again) : Demon sounds from Doom 64 with a mechanized set made by yours truely.
- ID Software (Yet Again) : The sounds of the mancubus from Doom 3.
- ID Software (Yet Again.) : The sounds of the Archvile from Doom 3 with a bit of creepy ambience mixed in.
- ID Software (FFS Tib.) : The Sounds of the Makron from Quake 4 for the four Archon of hell variants.
- ID Software (TIB, PLS.) : The Sounds of the Stream Guardians from Quake 4 used for the Fusion Spider.
- ID Software (PLS.) : The Sounds of the Cyberdemon from Doom 3 for, you guessed it. The Cyberdemon.
- Epic Games : Theron Guard Sounds used for the Rasklapanje.
- Tripwire Interactive : Killing Floor 1 Fleshpound sound effects used for the Widowmaker.
- Unknown : Just about every other enemy sound effect.
- Titlemap 01 : Motohiro Kawashima, Expander, Streets of Rage 2
- Titlemap 02 : Motohiro Kawashima, Fuze, Streets of Rage 3
- Titlemap 03 : Motohiro Kawashima, The Poets I, Streets of Rage 3
- Titlemap 04 : Motohiro Kawashima, Spin on The Bridge, Streets of Rage 2
- Intermission : Eiko Kaneko, Retry Screen, Splatterhouse 3
- Message : Eiko Kaneko, Choose a Door 2, Splatterhouse 3
//Audio Credits Ends Here
- EA/Visceral Games : Various Audio from Dead Space 1 - 3
- EA/Dice : Various Audio from Battlefield 1
- ID Software : Various Audio from the Doom and Quake Franchises
- Epic Games : Various Audio from Gears of War Series
- Tripwire Interactive - Various Audio from Killing Floor 1
- MagamaCow : Various Audio from GameBanana
- LordMisfit : for helping me fix the pistol so that it works like a real one should with burst fire
- DBT for the use of the sick bullet impacts from D4D as well as the variou effects froom the D4T Gauss Cannon built on the Siege mode base
- Lightman68 : Graphics for the new Autopistol.
- Marty Kirra : Original Graphics for the Punisher, Tormentor, and Typhoon
- Eriance : for the Vorpal Blade that is used as the Kyrie Elesion, a name which means "Lord have mercy."
- Sgt. Shivers : For the Punisher Edit of Marty's Judgement Pistol as well as the animation edit of the Doom 2.5 Shotgun which was further improved upon by Chronoteeth.
- CarbineDioxide : Omen and Archangel Sprite Edit, the original base was by DoomNukem
- Fused : Omen Assault Rifle Texture Definitions
- PillowBlaster : For the Mutilator , And for the parts of the 'Union' Rifle I nicked to make my auto shotgun as well as the red hot flaks from RO 2.5, the cooldown effect was done by TiberiumSoul //(That would be Me.)
- Myself : Longinus Sniper, uses parts from my unfinished Valve Rifle and the body of the AssaultCube Sniper which was ripped by CaptainJ.
- MagSigmaX : for some SFX, Gore Base, Particles, Projectles, Casings,
- Doomnukem : Magazine Drops, Archangel Ammo Pickup, Malefactor Shotgun Pickup (Edit by TiberiumSoul)
- YukiHaze : Mutilator Magazine, Archangel Shotgun Pickup, and For fixing my broken First Time Selection Mechanic
- Nash : Quake Style Tilting Scripting
- TheZombieKiller : Double Jumping Script, Intro Script, Death Script
- Twister : for the edited Game Over Graphic
- SidDoyle : for Droplets which i incorporated select elements from in my gore system As well as for the use of his Real Aim script
- TerminusEst13 : For the jumping player sprites from Jumpmaze
- ??? : Hammerspace Backpack Script? //i got it from Project Brutality but im fairly certain this is pillowblaster's work...
- Euranna/Rachael : Smooth Fluids code and texture definitions
- DoctorDoctor : for the use of his Obsidian Textures in Obsidian Fury
- Skillsaw : For the pentagram centerpiece used in Obsidian Fury from Map24 of Valiant
- Uboa : for the graphics and texture definitions used for the Devatstaor Handgun
- ??? : Rotating Keycard and Skull sprites //pulled from Death and Decay by IvanDobrovski
- VriskaSerket : Archangel's Shell Carrier
- SgtMarkIV : Lost Soul skull fragments recolored by TiberiumSoul
- RapidFireTrooper: Graf Zahl, Sandypaper, Id Software, Rogue Entertainment, NMN, Tormentor667
- QuadShotgunGuy: Ghastly_dragon, Id Software, Logan MTM, Xim
- Fiend : No Idea.
- Devil : Eriance, iD Software, Midway
- AgathoDemon Jimmy, IdSoftware, Eriance, Vader, Sandypaper, Dragon
- ImpureElemental : Original sprite by Eriance, recolor by Nocturne
- ImpureSoul: See Poison Soul, Nocturne for the recolor
- Death Incarnate: Eriance, Blue Shadow, MagicWazard, Ghastly Dragon, Sandypaper, Midway, Rogue Entertainment, Raven Software, id Software, Nintendo
- Rasklapanje: No Idea.
- RocketFatso: No Idea.
- PlasmaFatso: No Idea.
- Diabolist : Eriance, Ghastly, Sandypaper, iD Software, Raven Software, Rogue Entertainment
- Nightshade: Eriance
- DarkDevil: ItIsNatureToDie, Eriance
- Widowmaker: Megaherz
- Bulldozer: (formerly the Berserker Chain Shotgunner) made by Megaherz
- Skulldozer: Edit made by Reactor, (formerly the Berserker Chain Shotgunner) made by Megaherz
- Poison Soul: Tormentor667, Neoworm, Dreadopp, iD Software
- Pyrodemon: Maelstrom, Dreadopp, Sandypaper, iD Software, Monolith Games,
- BloodDevourer: IMX, Tormentor667, Eriance, Sandypaper, iD Software, Raven Software, Midway
- CyberDevourer: IMX, Tormentor667, Eriance, Sandypaper, iD Software, Raven Software, Midway
- TiberiumSoul: MrEnchanter, See Poison Soul
- BadassRTF : See Rapid Fire Trooper, Recolored by TiberiumSoul
- BadassQSG : See Cannon Shotgun Guy, Recolored by TiberiumSoul
- LesserFiend: Pyrodemon Recolor, See Pyrodemon Entry for credits
- GreaterFiend: Pyrodemon Recolor, See Pyrodemon Entry for credits
- Warlord: Pyrodemon Recolor, See Pyrodemon Entry for credits
- CataclysmLord: Pyrodemon Recolor, See Pyrodemon Entry for credits
- Cyberdemon(Edited), MagSigmaEx, iD Software, Rage State by SgtMarkIV
- Mastermind : Tormentor667, Eriance, Ghastly, Sandypaper, iD Software
//Credits End Here