[Project] "Knee-Deep in ZDoom"

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Post by jallamann »

IMHO, Kadmium's Asphyxiated Soul is (by far) better
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Post by Tormentor667 »

jallamann wrote:IMHO, Kadmium's Asphyxiated Soul is (by far) better
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Post by Tormentor667 »

I found the following page:


And I have to admit that these remixes are quite impressive, very simple but special :)

After listening through some of the tracks, I am almost in front of my final decision concerning music: Maybe I will use all of them from the above site for our project. Why? No problem, I can explain that to you:

1. The sonds have been re-arranged and re-sampled to have a very good quality, but still feels very simple
2. Each song has been enhanced with about 1-2 minute of music, and I like the way it has been done, it's just like what we did to the maps, thats why this would perfectly fit :)
3. They are very atmospheric and not straightly written to the tacts, this would interact perfectr with our horror-ambient.sounds

But just let me know what you think, we could also use tunes from Evilution and Doom2, also tunes vom OC Remixes and other stuff, but the overll soundtrack should be acceptable!

Damn, it's not that easy at all :| I can't decide which songs to use right now. One is clear for me: No techno or trance remixes, the music should feel like the one from Quake 2, with electric guitars and all that evil stuff, but which tunes?! *damn* :( I can't upload all of them for you to choose from, so what do you recommend?!
MAybe everyone makes a complete soundtrack (from map1-9 + titlemusic + intermission + endmusic + creditsmap music) with his favorite songs and then we will see which ones overlap ;)
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Post by Nmn »

Ok,... Ze1m8

IMPORTANT: Rename file to ze1m8.zip instead of 22-this is because this shitty host does not allow zip files to be uploaded, but from all other shitty hosts this one is 100 MB free so I choose it ;)

List of changes:
The map was mostly done, so little changes have been done (plus mostly "dynamic changes"-play to understand, so no fancy screenshots kids ;)

What I HAVE Done:
1.Fine tuned Health balance.
2.Removed demons by "e1m4 styled hall (east north)" and added zombies and demons.
3.extended the lift with the ammo at the beginning (for some fugly reason the texture alignment doesn't cope with me :evil: even if I aligned them in DB they come out bad. Someone do something about it)
4.Extended the pipes in Tormentor's area. Added secret.
5.Added new soulsphere secret, moved, replaced soulsphere in west "tek area" secret with backpacks.
6.Added numerous "hell mutations" including live ones. o_O This has to be seen to believe it.
7.Added numerous sounds.
8.Fixed all doors and their doortraks issues and umerous minor Fixes.
9.Added new battle arena and boss battle. Added "skybox change". Old battle arena is unused.
10.Modified scripts a bit. Changed "hell" battle a bit.
11.Added chainsaw.
12.Added demons to the beginning area..altough slightly different ;)

What I did NOT do:
1.I didn't add the "mirror puzzle" as I planned
2.Didn't add Mega Barons, or whatever.
3.West Tek Area (room with 2 hybernized demons) untouched. It needs some attractions.
4.Untouched the cutscene (I don't get this "dreamy" thingy :| )

Now someone please tell me, because I'm confused, sleepy, distorted, and sick. What I'm suppose to do now-take e1m9 or continue messing with E1m8??!
EDIT: Damn, I forgot about Intermission map. Decide-can I have one more day or someone will make the "night parts" for me?
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Post by Risen »

I will not be able to start the intermission until Sunday. You have until then.

Please do not make the music sound too much like hard metal. If you do this it will really ruin the effect! I would much rather hear something like the original Doom music. The Quake 2 music does not fit at all and I would be very unhappy with this! It does not have the right feel to it at all. I feel very strongly about this!

I will try to listen to some of these remixes and see what I like, and what fits this project.
Last edited by Risen on Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bio Hazard »

alrighty, thats a lot of new posts :\

about credits: yes torm, i have some ideas for the credits map, but i dont know if ill be able to do it due to the sidedef limit (i cant believe im saying that! :) ) ill try anyways though

RANDY GIVE ME CAMERAFADETO() PLEASE! (seriously, i want this REALLY bad. i mean like REALLY REALLY. you have no idea what kind of cool stuff i could do with this. i have ideas all the time for scenes and music videos, but i need CameraFadeTo() to do it! otherwise it would look like crap :begging: )

music: 3DO > (http://www.kinkiness.de/doom.html^128)

NMN doing M9 week2: can i have week 2? you can do more than enough in week 3 and this map means a lot to me (its the first map i have ever built that im happy with)
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Post by Tormentor667 »

@NMN - Keep messing around with E1M8 and finish what you wanted to do ;)
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Post by Bio Hazard »

alright, just to clarify wether M9 is night or day:

yes it is lightly raining in that shot, it only rains every half hour or so and not very hard, so it shouldnt be too hard on your computers :)
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

NMN: you could always fix up some of thosse problems you found in E1M4... ;)

BioHazard: that shot reminds me; IMHO whoever added all those crates went a bit overboard, could you consider removing a few? :)
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Post by Nmn »

Biohazard: Rain? /me likes :)
Tormentor sign Biohazard for week 2 on e1m9-as he wishes (if he added rain to map he can only go better with it :) While I wish to have e1m9 week 3.

Nightmare and Tormentor-Acknowledged. I'm somewhat done with e1m8-so anyone he feels like they can-take it up. My baby-Ze1m4 needs mucho work, I can't leave it now ;) Summary-I'm taking e1m4-everyone ok with that?
Simply put- I know this map very well and all her bugs I've left for one or other reason. I know where to locate and hox to fix them with ease ;) Plus she already has a dozen of emtpy rooms where I can smack some good architecture.

Risen-Roger that, I will add intermission map's night time areas, however I wish for someone to add rain (tough is that really a good idea? I mean the FPS will suffer as hell-I've messed with Raining on large areas so don't argue ;)

Concerning Music: Kinkiness sucks. Some tunes are e'ok but most of them have very long openings that were added from scratch. This completely doesn't fall into Doom :| I also say we should add the PSX Doom / Doom64 Menu/Intermission Music. Never before have I heard something THAT Doomish :D Just MHO tough.

EDIT: Concerning e1m2-someone needs to correct the intro text-first of all there's a spelling mistake-Deimos Anomaly, not anomoly, furthermore the map is named Nuclear Plant, not Deimos Anomoly :shucks: I also believe that backtracking with the blue key trough the whole level to the secret leading to the "outside" areas where You used to obtain the chaingun is not worthy a mere Supercharge. Add something there ;)
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Post by Risen »

Nmn wrote:Risen-Roger that, I will add intermission map's night time areas, however I wish for someone to add rain (tough is that really a good idea? I mean the FPS will suffer as hell-I've messed with Raining on large areas so don't argue ;)
If you want to script the area you already have into nighttime instead of making a new copy, that might be better. If you do not add rain then I probably will not as well... I don't think it is necessary on the intermission map. (But I might change my mind, we'll see how it goes)

Bio: please use high-res raindrops... pixel rain is not necessary with ZDoom!
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Post by Bio Hazard »

you want rain too? well then here you go:

just spawn it with Thing_SpawnNoFog and it will fall to the ground

your gonna have to write your own script though :p
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

Top left - the outside was looking a bit to much like something from E2 with all the metal textures, so I replaced most of it with silvery textures. As a side bonus, it looks even better than it did before (IMHO ;)).

Top right - a rather boring shot, but it serves to show off the alternate textures and computer panels I added to this room.

Bottom left - added metal walls besides the door (they're also in place on the other side) and frames to the sloped tunnel. It's not visible in this shot, but I've fixed several texture alignment issues in this room too.

Bottom right - for some reason I decided to add a big red 'A', based on the Doom font. Also sorted out various texture alignment problems in this room.

I've added and fixed some stuff in various other areas (and continue to do so), but these shots will have to make do for now :).
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Post by Tormentor667 »

@NMN - Well, while working today on my job, I had some freetime to think about E1M2 and well, I will work some more time on it before releasing it ;) BTW: To be honest, I don't like the fact, that u stop working just because you want to on E1M4. You have enough time left for this one and I think many things haven't been done yet to E1M8 and you should use the complete week you have for this! (for example the plain "texture-change" effect is a bit "simple", make it with more effort and effects!) But if you really don't want to, I can't force you and I will do all that on my own!

@Bio&Nightmare - Nice shots ;)

@Bio especially - Do you also have an ambient rain sound?
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Post by Nmn »

Tormentor-as You wish, therefor I'll work on Ze1m8 more and add all nifty stuff I wanted.

However, I've already done some work on e1m4-I'll post in approx. half of an hour. Then the next person can work on it.

Come again-when does week 1 end?

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