[Project] "Knee-Deep in ZDoom"

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Post by Tormentor667 »

@DarkArchon - No Rifle in E1M3, it is a secret weapon and can only be found in E1M9!

@Risen - Chaingunners can be used past map 4 and well, cacos in E1M7 ... if you added some hellish parts to the map (SKINx, LAVAx and ROCKx - the red blinking one - and mre) then you could use it doubtlessly! About the removement of the outside areas: I like that decision :) It's really something special and well, I look forward to the release ;)
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Post by TheDarkArchon »


EDIT: I have just renovated my area. Now the door needs a hidden "Red Skull Key" to enter, has a Baron fight in it, which is the way to enter E1M9. It's also a lot darker, to make it scarier. :twisted:
Last edited by TheDarkArchon on Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Risen »

Okay, good. Hmm... that gives me a really great idea! I'm glad I didn't have to finish up on Thursday this time... Now let's see if I can make it work...
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Post by Nmn »

I would like to see the changes in my E1m3. :) post the map will'ya?
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Post by TheDarkArchon »

All in good time. I'm fine tweaking. Now you need EVERY key to open the door to the unfinished mine. (I've hidden the 3 skull keys to make it harder to enter E1M9.)
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Post by The Ultimate DooMer »

Good idea. (that sounds like something I would do, making you find several secrets to get the secret exit)
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Post by TheDarkArchon »

I'm finished with the map but the ZIP is too big to fit here. Instead, here's a BRAND NEW SCREENIE. :D
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Post by cyber-menace »

Graf Zahl wrote:Nice level but one thing:

Shit like this only serve to annoy players and serve no real gameplay value. It's just stupid and frustrating.

And would someone please run this map through an error checker? It is full with accidentally unclosed sectors to an extent I have rarely seen!
I think everyone agrees on the Cyberdemon, being the boss of E2 and all, he is not to be seen in E1! If he is, it ruins what would have been the surprise of him in E2M8.

As for the unclosed sectors... does that have anything to do with the text myself I BioHazard put outside the regular map IE Cyber-Menace and BioHazard credit text? If so then it's not a problem... otherwise I never saw one before so maybe it has something to do with UD's new detailing.

@Everyone else - I can't wait to see the maps, that is presuming they are all uploaded at the deadline around 3 hours from now.
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Post by TheDarkArchon »

E1M3 stats and stuff: T667 style :)

Original E1M3
835 Vertices
1026 Linedefs
1326 Sidedefs
177 Sectors
380 Things

Our E1M3
7584 Vertices (9x)
9125 Linedefs (9x)
14769 Sidedefs (11x)
1635 Sectors (9x)
939 Things (2.5x)
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

cyber-menace wrote:
Graf Zahl wrote: As for the unclosed sectors... does that have anything to do with the text myself I BioHazard put outside the regular map IE Cyber-Menace and BioHazard credit text? If so then it's not a problem... otherwise I never saw one before so maybe it has something to do with UD's new detailing.
No. That could be easily solved by putting a box around them. But there are other unclosed sectors as well. One example is in the western room (sectors 353 and 1060 should be one sector.) There are other examples of similar problems throughout the map.

Here's the output from my error checker:

I could easily fix it myself but I have no place where I could upload the fixed map.
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Post by Risen »

E-mail it to me and I'll put it up. I'll PM you my private address.
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

Ok, I'll do.

EDIT: I fixed all the non-closed sectors. Some of the errors are rather severe and might cause problems depending on the node builder which is being used.
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Post by Woolie Wool »

geedougg wrote:Sorry but no I disagree. I personally wouldn't care if ZDooM didn't display the lights or is it replaed them with the triangle thing with "!". I want this thing for ZDoomGL. And I think lights would work well anywhere. I mean that the sector lighting should be replaced with dyn. lights.
You also have the new BMW 5 Series as your avatar, so your aesthetic judgemetn is already suspect.
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Post by Risen »

Here's the repaired version that Graf sent me. Honstly I haven't even opened it yet myself...

Post by junkman_666 »

Graf Zahl wrote:Here's the output from my error checker:
Looks like a rip of DEU code Graf.
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