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Post by Risen »

I figured it would be something like that.

I didn't particularly enjoy what I heard, but it was certainly interesting. Perhaps it could be appropriate for this project if you found the right combination of sound.
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Post by Caligari87 »

I think the fact that it's often non-melodic would be good, because it's disturbing also. I'll try and put something together.

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Post by BetaSword »

Holy crap! I was actually just gonna start working on a map this... More based around ideas I've had based on Silent Hill 4... But still... The entire scary thing... If you can, sign me up for the upcoming Monday, a.k.a. the 11th. No school, then. *ideas for crazy creepy stuff already sneaking up on me...*

Edit: Oh, wait... Just looked, and this would start on the 18th... Damn... Uh... Sign me up for a weekend spot, then. One that isn't right at the end. Right in the middle works.

Another edit: In case it matters, I happen to have the Silent Hill 4 soundtrack... So if it were welcomed by the others, I could insert a track or two... That stuff is creepy...
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Post by Erkki-x »

Few more ideas...:
-Visions like in doom3, are they possible to make?
-If we want this wad to be scary, all monsters should be new. But maybe we could use old monsters in some places like visions?
-New pickups
Last edited by Erkki-x on Fri Oct 08, 2004 2:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by BetaSword »

Oh, I already had a great idea for visions. Just have a line that when you walk over, switches to a different camera pointing at some really creepy stuff, and then switch it back. Of course, making it only for like a spilt second enhances the feel, along with a creepy sound effect.
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Post by Erkki-x »

Another vision/cutscene idea:

There is mirror in some empty room, where aren't monsters or anything.
If you watch to mirror you can see zombies (not those zombies, which doom has, something more zombie like zombies) behind you. Then the mirror breaks so you can't see anything from it.

Is that possible to make?
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Post by BetaSword »

Well, I didn't check it out yet, but Enjay has a breakable mirror demo on his site, perhaps that could be used... And a dormant zombie could be spawned behind you when you walk up to it, that could then disappear, or whatever... Just speculation.
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Post by Kirby »

@ BetaSword - Saturday the 23rd is yours! I like the ideas I've heard! This could come out really well!

@ BounCy - To start the decorate, lets begin with some mutilated bodies and maybe a zombie that looks really zombiesh (as mentioned before :D)

@Cutmanmike - I love it! Lets get to work on it! :D

@ Erkki-x - Sounds like a plan! I'll pm Enjay abouot it and see if its possible! :)

The Fractal Music idea sounds good, as well as the Silent Hill tracks. As long as they are both creepy/spooky, THEYRE IN!! :D
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Post by Erkki-x »

I can do some decorate too, when i have finished those weapons.

EDIT: I think that i don't do much decorate, only some new pickups.
Last edited by Erkki-x on Sat Oct 09, 2004 10:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Kirby »

@ Erkki-x - Sounds like a plan! :)

EDIT: I had thes great idea! Maybe when editing, we could alsp implement fake floors as traps so that when the player walks over them they fall down into a pit and die instantly:)
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Post by BetaSword »

Oh, and about cobwebs... Check out Torm's Blood Resource Pack. Lotsa cobwebs in there. And some other stuff that could be good for this project.
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Post by Erkki-x »

Will this wad have only one map or more?
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Post by Wasted Youth »

Most likely a single map.

I haven't seen anything for Silent Hill 3 or 4 but I know SH2 has some crazy stuff on it. But I can't find any sound resources for it.

Edit: I easily made these sounds in Sound Recorder and I was shock by how well the sound "thehorror" came out. I did have to leave out 2 sounds cause of the size :/
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Post by Cutmanmike »

uh sorry but i'm only an idea giver. I have too much to think about at the moment, and of course I must still work on my platform levels :)

Have fun with mutilating the zdoom features
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Post by Giest118 »

Kirby wrote:I had thes great idea! Maybe when editing, we could alsp implement fake floors as traps so that when the player walks over them they fall down into a pit and die instantly:)
If you're going to do this, at least have some indication or hint that it is a trap. It doesn't have to be an really noticeable indication, I just think it would really piss people off to be randomly falling into traps and dying with no indication that they will.

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