It is my style of drawing. I develop a frame out of outlines so I can get a better idea of what the actual texture should look like and what I'm drawing. I've previously posted shots of the first level, Happy Hills, and the sprites have the same outlines. In fact, I've even gotten the exact same complaint about them, because the level itself has textures with NO outlines against sprites that DO have them, and the contrast between them was apparently too much and made them stand out awkwardly. At least from what I was told by like maybe 2 people.
Personally, I don't see it, so it might not change. If it does, it will be FAR later because I still have resources to make and levels to make layouts for. It is impossible to reliably do 'final touches' on a level that hasn't actually been finalized, so if I start doing midtex hacks to fix it now, it's only going to disappear 5 minutes later when I realize a neighboring corridor or room is too small and I need to expand it and in order to do that I wind up needing to remove the trim to merge rooms or something.
I think thinner outlines on textures and slightly less saturated colors, so it's harder to confuse sprites and map geometry (if that's a problem), but otherwise that looks pretty damn good.
Phobus wrote:The engine tone annoys me. It's too obviously a short noise looping.
Well to be frank, an engine noise really is just a bunch of explosions in rapid succession, so it's not entirely unfitting.
Unless we're talking a big, heavy engine with a low running rate, or an engine with very few cylinders (like, 2), they blur together into more of a roar or thrum, as I'm sure you know. Fotunately Kinsie's sorted the sound so we're not being hit by 2-stroke cars now. I love the sound of the action-film-esque crashes too