Major changes:
- the entire mod is now within one file "cosmdoom.pk3",
- added Cosmetic Doom menu options:
- can toggle between classic and new Armor sprites,
- can toggle between classic and new Green Armor pickup formula,
- can toggle BFG and Plasma Gun glare effects,
- can toggle weapon smoke,
- can toggle Revenant tracer missile sound,
- can adjust footstep sound delay and volume,
- can toggle all Status Bar QoL changes,
- can toggle prop targetability behavior; an option for e.g., speedrunners,
- new Status Bar QoL changes:
- Status Bar now has level stats similar to Fullscreen Status Bar mod by NightFright and Co.,
- improved Status Bar changes/additions by making them more compatible with custom Status Bars from various PWADs,
- added failsafe to prevent spawning blood from murdering the framerate for a solid minute in extreme circumstances, e.g. MAP18 of Doom 2 Reloaded where 100 Arch-Viles get crushed at the same time off screen, or map E3M3 of Ultimate Doom In Name Only with 400-500 Imps getting the same treatment,
- exploding fire barrels no longer deal damage and leave remains which still block movement, as some custom WADs use them as barriers; explosion sprites created by Vphurple,
- the fist is no longer silent (i.e., enemies are alarmed when using it; it's the original behavior),
- removed Chaingun alt fire as it impacted balance too significantly.
Graphical changes:
- changed several menu screens of all games to the widescreen ones created by Stephen Browning,
- created widescreen versions of fixed HELP screens by Revenant100 aka Marphy Black based on the work of Stephen Browning,
- changed widescreen Status Bar to the one from Unity/Kex port,
- changed Episode 4 intermission screen to the one created by DevilMyEyes,
- changed Rocket Box color to original brown,
- changed Armor sprites to ones from Complex Doom and modified them slightly,
- changed four shotgun shells and Ammo box sprites to ones from MetaDoom,
- changed Invulnerability Sphere effect color to grayscale,
- Health Potions now have a proper looking cork,
- Shotgun, Super Shotgun, Chaingun, and Plasma Gun have expanded sprites from id Vault,
- improved Shotgun and Super Shotgun shooting animations,
- removed smoke from ejected casings and shells,
- improved smoke from enemies killed by the Plasma Gun,
- further reduced smoke after shooting the BFG,
- reduced amount of blood after headshotting an Imp,
- reduced the range of pulsating/point lights on powerups and light sources by 20-40% so that they won't be visible through walls,
- increased the intensity of blue pulsating/point lights on powerups as they were too subtle,
- changed Armor Bonuses pulse light to a better matching point light,
- SS soldiers now eject casings when shooting,
- replaced one of Demon's and Cacodemon's alternative death animations with better looking ones,
- adjusted placement of player ejected bullet/shell casings,
- adjusted Arachnotron's leg physics for its alternative death animation,
- reduced Arachnotron's and Plasma Gun's projectile trails,
- improved Chaingunner and Imp alternative death animations,
- returned to the original Zombieman sprite with a rifle instead of a pistol,
- Zombiemen now drop rifles instead of clips; purely cosmetic and can be toggled.
Sound changes:
- changed Radiation Suit pickup sound to not be as bloated as it was,
- changed Medkit pickup sound to not be as bloated as it was,
- changed Stimpack pickup sound,
- changed Berserk pickup sound,
- changed Armor Bonus pickup sound,
- changed Green Armor and Blue Armor pickup sounds,
- changed sounds of the Chainsaw hitting a wall,
- shortened "secret found" sound,
- reduced volume of torches,
- added squish sounds for bodies being crushed,
- improved quality of a few sounds.
- fixed corrected sprites by Revenant100 aka Marphy Black not working as they should,
- fixed incorrect Fist damage,
- fixed Tech Lamp lights not pulsating,
- fixed multiple sprite issues,
- fixed remaining errors being displayed in console.
HUD screenshot: ... D.png/file