Cosmetic Doom 1.9 is up!

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Cosmetic Doom 1.9 is up!

Post by DecemberMan »

The aim of this mod is to enhance Doom visuals, audio quality, add QoL changes and fix some bugs. Mods like Beautiful Doom or Doom Enhanced, while great, change the art style too much and/or interfere with balance in a significant way. This is the reason I created Cosmetic Doom.

The entire mod is now within one file "cosmdoom.pk3".
Added Cosmetic Doom menu options. You can toggle Armor sprites between classic and new, BFG/Plasma Gun glare effects, weapon smoke, prop targetability, etc.
The Pistol has an alternative weapon firing mode: fires faster, but less accurately.

Primary resources:
Doom Enhanced by The Kins - the base for everything
Beautiful Doom by Jekyll Grim Payne aka zer0 - primarily the weapons part of the mod, but also lighting effects
HQ Sound Effects by Per Kristian Risvik - used nearly everything, since they're so good
Sprite fixes by Revenant100 aka Marphy Black
Footstep mod by The Zombie Killer - the whole thing
Smooth Doom by Gifty - explosion, Mugshot, Chaingun, and Rocket Launcher sprites, several decorations; I'm not using smooth monster animations as I think they mess with muscle memory.

Secondary resources:
Sporadic Deaths and Animations/Random Deaths and Decorations by FPSNation/Doomzrules - many different death animations for the monsters
MetaDoom by Kinsie - four shotgun shells sprite, Ammo box, and SSG muzzle flash
psYchIc by psYchIc team - additional smoke effect
WolfenDOOM by Laz Rojas, updated by CeeJay - SS pain sound
Super Skulltag by Anima and ALIENWolve - a few particle effects
Complex Doom by Daedalus, AKA: Cacodemon - animated godmode Mugshot, Energy Cells, and Energy Cell Packs, Armor sprites
Widescreen menu screens of all games by Stephen Browning

New sounds were taken from the following games:
Doom 3, Doom 2016, Quake 1 and 2, Painkiller, Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project, Natural Selection, System Shock 2, Half-Life 2

1.9 version is up!

Download link: ...

Changelist - version 1.9:
Last edited by DecemberMan on Sat Feb 01, 2025 5:47 am, edited 52 times in total.
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Re: Cosmetic Doom

Post by Gez »

DecemberMan wrote: - removed the explosive barrel idle sound because it was a total clusterf*ck with only more than two barrels in just one room (I still have nightmares about Barrels O'Fun),
That's what the $limit keyword is for in [wiki]SNDINFO[/wiki].
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Re: Cosmetic Doom

Post by DecemberMan »

Well, the more you know. Gonna have to re-implement that one then.
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Re: Cosmetic Doom

Post by FuzzballFox »

First thing I thought was Doomguy with lipstick.
That or a Cyberdemon
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Re: Cosmetic Doom

Post by Nash »

I thought this WAD was about a psycho surgeon player class with plastic surgery weapons!
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Re: Cosmetic Doom

Post by DecemberMan »

It did take me 10 seconds to think of the name, so... :P

BTW, feedback would be appreciated.
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Re: Cosmetic Doom

Post by Judge »

DecemberMan wrote:It did take me 10 seconds to think of the name, so... :P

BTW, feedback would be appreciated.
1. The footstep for zombiemen/imps/revenants are too much; when there are a group of zombiemen, being able to hear every single one of them walk around is annoying.

2. A sample of the Bezerk screaming from D3 would be good for the D1/2 Bezerk pack. I know some soundpacks have a small 2-3 second clip of it and it goes perfectly with it.

3. Some of the normal deaths for the monsters aren't as common; the Cacodemon also never uses it's default death animation for example.

4. The Cyberdemon/Spider Mastermind explosion is a bit much when it dies - overly dramatic. Perhaps just having it explode normally with gibs everywhere would be better or at least changing the explosion sprites to the old explosion (rocket/barrel) sprites so it matches better.

5. Should probably change the particles of the baron's/hellknights x-death animations to green to match the blood color.

6. Might consider making the Specter's blood black. I saw it in another mod awhile back and thought it fit in quite well.

7. May be interested in adding the improved versions of Perkistans's Smooth Weapon anims

8. You may want to include this really awesome custom brightmaps pack by Z86.

This is a complete brightmap pack that:
- Items such as Soulspheres/megaspheres/etc glow
- Some textures glow or are luminescent (computer room monitors, etc)
- Monsters have glowy eyes
- Correctly lit objects (direct lights -> fullbright, indirect lights -> somewhere between light and dark, reflections -> no light, unless directly or indirectly lit)

Last edited by Judge on Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:57 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Cosmetic Doom

Post by ddknight »

the spiral smoke effect of the rocket is so cool!
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Re: Cosmetic Doom

Post by DecemberMan »

Thanks for the incredible feedback, Judge! I'll try out some of these suggestions out!
ddknight wrote:the spiral smoke effect of the rocket is so cool!
Yeah, this one was made by Jekyll Grim Payne in Beautiful Doom. I just added more transparency.
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Re: Cosmetic Doom

Post by Judge »

DecemberMan wrote:Thanks for the incredible feedback, Judge! I'll try out some of these suggestions out!
ddknight wrote:the spiral smoke effect of the rocket is so cool!
Yeah, this one was made by Jekyll Grim Payne in Beautiful Doom. I just added more transparency.

A couple of more things that may be worth looking at.

1. Zombiemen and imps don't don't gib anymore, they just explode into body parts. The original gibbing/exploding death animation is nice. You may want to have both explosion deaths to add a bit more variety so that not ALL of the zombiemen/imps explode into parts.

2. The sparkling (Which looks like fireworks) caused by enemy gun fire (chaingunner, shotgunner, zombieman, Spider Mastermind) are kind of random, stands out a lot and don't quite match the style of the other gunshot particles caused by the player.

The enemies particles are round, while the players are square or stars - you may want make them square or star shaped particles to match better.

3. I mentioned the Baron's X-Death frames with red blood - it looks like all of the baron's/hellknights death anims have red blood. SHould probably make it all green.

4. Monsters don't have any idle animations

5. Player camera continues to bob up and down after an explosion death.
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Re: Cosmetic Doom

Post by DecemberMan »

Judge wrote: 1. The footstep for zombiemen/imps/revenants are too much; when there are a group of zombiemen, being able to hear every single one of them walk around is annoying.
I set a limit on the footstep sounds.
Judge wrote: 2. A sample of the Bezerk screaming from D3 would be good for the D1/2 Bezerk pack. I know some soundpacks have a small 2-3 second clip of it and it goes perfectly with it.
Judge wrote: 3. Some of the normal deaths for the monsters aren't as common; the Cacodemon also never uses it's default death animation for example.
Strange. I double checked and it's 50/50 old death/new death for all monsters. Cacodemon was screwed up though, since it has 2 new deaths and I set the chance for them occuring wrong.
Judge wrote: 4. The Cyberdemon/Spider Mastermind explosion is a bit much when it dies - overly dramatic. Perhaps just having it explode normally with gibs everywhere would be better or at least changing the explosion sprites to the old explosion (rocket/barrel) sprites so it matches better.
I left them as is, but changed to the old explosion sprites - they do fit better.
Judge wrote: 5. Should probably change the particles of the baron's/hellknights x-death animations to green to match the blood color.

6. Might consider making the Specter's blood black. I saw it in another mod awhile back and thought it fit in quite well.
I need to do more research as to how to do it, since I still kind of suck at this. The mod uses Nashgore and that one is built the way I don't know how to use some kind of exceptions or some such.
Judge wrote: 7. May be interested in adding the improved versions of Perkistans's Smooth Weapon anims
Beautiful Doom is already using very smooth animations. I did use Perkistan's mod in the plasma rifle, though.
Judge wrote: 8. You may want to include this really awesome custom brightmaps pack by Z86.

This is a complete brightmap pack that:
- Items such as Soulspheres/megaspheres/etc glow
- Some textures glow or are luminescent (computer room monitors, etc)
- Monsters have glowy eyes
- Correctly lit objects (direct lights -> fullbright, indirect lights -> somewhere between light and dark, reflections -> no light, unless directly or indirectly lit)
It's very nice looking, but I somehow can't get it working on my PC >:( I'll see what I can do.
Judge wrote: 1. Zombiemen and imps don't don't gib anymore, they just explode into body parts. The original gibbing/exploding death animation is nice. You may want to have both explosion deaths to add a bit more variety so that not ALL of the zombiemen/imps explode into parts.
Done. The original animation has around 50% chance of occurring now with fewer blood fountains, obviously. Works for the player too. I also included a new alternative Demon extreme death animation.
Judge wrote: 2. The sparkling (Which looks like fireworks) caused by enemy gun fire (chaingunner, shotgunner, zombieman, Spider Mastermind) are kind of random, stands out a lot and don't quite match the style of the other gunshot particles caused by the player.

The enemies particles are round, while the players are square or stars - you may want make them square or star shaped particles to match better.
Yeah, it did kind of looked like Christmas. Now it's more like the original, just improved.
Judge wrote: 4. Monsters don't have any idle animations
That's a feature. Monsters did look kind of dumb walking in place, now they just stand.
Judge wrote: 5. Player camera continues to bob up and down after an explosion death.
The new gibbing animation detaches the head (with the "FPP camera") and it bounces a bit on the ground. I can remove the bouncing.

I'll upload a new version as soon as I finish resolving the more problematic portions.
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Re: Cosmetic Doom

Post by Judge »

I have one more for you, then I'll stop and wait for the next version - no point in bringing something up if you're already working on fixing it.

Also, it's all of the Barons/Hellknights death animations and not just the x-deaths.

1. The sludge/water/blood fall animation/vertical sludge animation - doesn't look very natural or good.

2. When a specter is killed by an explosion and explodes, the body parts become visible instead of staying partially invisible and filtered.
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Re: Cosmetic Doom

Post by DecemberMan »

Judge wrote:1. The sludge/water/blood fall animation/vertical sludge animation - doesn't look very natural or good.
ZDoom has only two versions of the water animation. This, and a lot more exaggerated and unnatural looking. So it's either the current one or none, so I'll leave it as is.
Judge wrote: 2. When a specter is killed by an explosion and explodes, the body parts become visible instead of staying partially invisible and filtered.
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Re: Cosmetic Doom

Post by jimbob »

I will make it short because the judge already mentioned all the things which i wanted to mention. :) So, i like your mod.
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Re: Cosmetic Doom

Post by DecemberMan »

jimbob wrote:I will make it short because the judge already mentioned all the things which i wanted to mention. :) So, i like your mod.

Anyway, after spending some time on the issue, I managed to change the blood colors.
Last edited by DecemberMan on Tue May 29, 2012 9:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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