Sprites, textures, sounds, code, and other resources belong here. Share and share-alike!
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Before posting your Resource, please make sure you can answer YES to any of the following questions:
Is the resource ENTIRELY my own work?
If no to the previous one, do I have permission from the original author?
If no to the previous one, did I put a reasonable amount of work into the resource myself, such that the changes are noticeably different from the source that I could take credit for them?
If you answered no to all three, maybe you should consider taking your stuff somewhere other than the Resources forum.
Ok so i've seen the distinct lack of female marine sprites around so I decided to have a go at recreating Crash, well, I looked at the actual 3d model of her from Quake 3 for inspiration, and the current unfinshed version andI think it's pretty accurate. I used a combination of Illucia and the standard Doomguy, plus the helmet of the unfinished crash sprite to create this:
Looks nice. A big improvement over how the unfinished one looked.
Can I make a request? I noticed quite a few people uploading stuff in rar files recently. I'm not going down the usual archive formats war road (that can be, and has been, debated 'til the cows come home). I'm merely requesting that stuff gets uploaded in a format that is supported by ZDoom (7z or zip). It just makes things much easier for a quick test. Thanks.
anyone want to use this then? Ive posted it on skulltag and surprised how little attention its got considering how many people seem to want a female marine sprite...
I'm surprised it doesn't receive much attention too.
Though a big part of it might be that the User Contributions forum isn't exactly the most active/browsed.
Ben2k9 wrote:anyone want to use this then? Ive posted it on skulltag and surprised how little attention its got considering how many people seem to want a female marine sprite...
It sparked interest even torr samaho was thinking of replacing the default sprite I do believe.