Community FAQ

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Community FAQ

Post by LilWhiteMouse »

I propose a sticky thread where we can post all the ZDoom newbie'ish type questions that get asked frequently. Preferably posted/maintained by one person (Nigel?) to avoid conversation in the thread. IE:

Q: I have a question about feature X, where do I ask about it?
A: Try searching the forum first, to make sure it hasn't been covered before.

Q: Does/will ZDoom support crouching?
A: There are no plans to implement such a feature.

Q: Does/will ZDoom support Strife?
A: No, the Strife source code is not available.

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Post by SargeBaldy »

yeah, i second that. there's no use in having the same questions answered over and over. that is, if someone's up for making one.
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Post by Kappes Buur »

Sphagne started a scrapbook on the old phorum. What happened to that?
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Post by Enjay »

Sphagne's old scrapbook went the way of the phorum. Ie, it's down ATM, but Brian (notgod) has kindly undertaken to restore it in a read only format.

Spagne did transfer most of the info to a thread on the DW forums though.

As far as what is essentially a suggestion of an FAQ thread goes, sounds like a good idea. I see no reason why anyone couln't post in it as long as there was a way of ensuring "conversational" posts were not part of it.

It might work if each person agreed to only post one message in the thread and edit it when they have something to add. That way there would only be a few posts but with most of the common questions covered.
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Post by Sphagne »

You want me to make one in this forum? I have made one in DoomWorld forum and it is full of info, it is here
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Post by Sphagne »

Heh we posted the same time :lol:
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Post by Hirogen2 »

Sphagne wrote:Heh we posted the same time :lol:
Once again.
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Post by Kappes Buur »

It would be nice, if posted items were numbered. Then an index could be kept for easy identification. Otherwise, the potential for duplicated posts on a particular subject exists.
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Post by LilWhiteMouse »

Kappes Buur wrote:It would be nice, if posted items were numbered.
That's one reason why I thought it'd be best to only have it updated by one person. The information could be kept organized and avoid such duplicates.
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Post by wildweasel »

I agree with this idea. An FAQ would actually decrease the amount of stupid posts we get here, thus making it easier to find the "intelligent" ones.
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Post by Thrasher »

In reality I would like to know what some of these new commands and cvars are, that are not found in the commands.txt file. :?
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Post by HotWax »

W00t! FAQ question number 1 already!

Q: Where can I find information on all the new cvars and commands? They're not in commands.txt!
A: Download the latest version of the source and check the file named console.html.
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Post by Sphagne »

So it starts, great, now I think LWM or another volunteer shout collect and manage these FAQs in a seperate thread. 8-)
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Post by NiGHTMARE »

Q: Blah blah ZDoomGL/ZDaemon/Skulltag blah blah blah
A: Please direct your question to the ZDoomGL/ZDaemon/Skulltag forum, as this one is intended for regular ZDoom.

Q: ZDoom sux, Legeacy 0wnz l0l0lll0l!!!11
A: What is the point in saying something like this on the ZDoom forum? Please go post your ZDoom bashing opinions on the Legacy forum.

Q: Is ZDoom fully Boom compatible?
A: It's 99.9999% so, yes.

Q: Will crouching or climbing ever be implemented?
A: Not unless someone volunteers to draw all the neccessary sprites (and there are a lot of them). Even then there is no guarantee Randy will be willing to add them.

Q: When will this DoomScript thing I keep hearing about be ready?
A: When it's done.

Q: When will true 3D be implemented in ZDoom?
A: See the answer to the previous question.

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