ShadesMaster wrote:Still, 3000 is a bit much for HP... 1500 would be fine, and even than I'd scale them up a tiny bitt... have. Yet to see their speed tho lol....
3000 is not too much. In fact it's pretty low (for a Doom veteran). Given the different Player Classes, Dimitri Paramo is gonna have the most trouble with them, because of his low speed, but it's not that impossible. The pain is avoiding their homming floor-hugging attack if you try to sidestrafe, but they are actually pretty easy to beat. I've been testing how balanced all Player Classes are, and they all can beat the B. Bros without much trouble. 3000 HP is to make the fight last a while.
And yes, I scaled them up a bit so they look more menacing. (Other Bruiser variations in later episodes will be of different sizes too.)
printz wrote:Why not just use variants of the KDiZD Bruisers? They may look highly-detailed, but so were things in Tom Hall's mind when writing the Doom bible.
I was thinking of using the Bruiser Demons from the bestiary. They look so kickass, but I thought it would be cool to find our beloved Barons to take the place as the real bosses of episode 1 and give us a very nice fight, as they were always intended to.
Since I made that decission, and seeing that Bruiser Demons are quite great enemies (in looks and abilities), I decided to use one of them as the boss in episode 2 (read Section 8... oh wait! Spoiler detected LOL). Of course he will be even tougher and bigger.