Aliens Doom TC: Special Edition

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Re: Aliens Doom TC: Special Edition

Post by Enjay »

Nash wrote:I've always thought that Doom textures kinda broke the immersion a little, even in the original TC.
As did I.
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Re: Aliens Doom TC: Special Edition

Post by Virtue »

Sodaholic wrote:Can I request that the mapinfo is modified so that episode 1 and 4 don't appear in the list? I think that would be a good idea so no Doom episodes are there. (after all, this is an TC)

Do you think that the speech could be implemented as an optional wad? Just have the objects in the regular maps, but have them play blank sounds, and the extra wad would replace the blank sounds with dialogue?
I will re-implement the speech...the only problem is i cant remember which part goes where its been that long since i played it without the speech...
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Re: Aliens Doom TC: Special Edition

Post by Naitguolf »

Maybe, the speech can be improved, just adding a little picture from who is speaking, and what he said.
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Re: Aliens Doom TC: Special Edition

Post by Virtue »

new LV-426 background:


I'm also going to add chestburster enemies, im trying to play around with the textures but so far its proving difficult to match up existing ones with equivilant AVT textures...other bugs are being fixed such as freindly droneguns, slightly lower health on the warrior alien, and a few other issues

watch this space for a Predator class player as well ;)
Last edited by Virtue on Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Aliens Doom TC: Special Edition

Post by Tragos »

That image host is flagged as spyware. Also only half the image loads for me, can you use something like tinypic instead? Please don't put in the Predator... He has nothing to do with Aliens.
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Re: Aliens Doom TC: Special Edition

Post by Big C »

Oh, c'mon, it's just a player class. Means you don't even have to do anything with him if you don't want to.
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Re: Aliens Doom TC: Special Edition

Post by Virtue »

Tragos wrote:That image host is flagged as spyware. Also only half the image loads for me, can you use something like tinypic instead? Please don't put in the Predator... He has nothing to do with Aliens.
its going to be a seperate wad file, not in the main game

I dunno why its not working, ill reupload the image
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Re: Aliens Doom TC: Special Edition

Post by Virtue »

done :)
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Re: Aliens Doom TC: Special Edition

Post by Xim »

Cool, background. Much more interesting.
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Re: Aliens Doom TC: Special Edition

Post by Tragos »

It appears that you ripped that background straight from the DVD. I would suggest resizing it a bit so it appears more distant. I'm very much a purist when it comes to Aliens, anything to do with Predator does not belong within the same universe. Dark Horse should have never gave FOX the idea, now it seems though as the two are merged like conjoined twins. I'm sure Justin Fisher would also support keeping it faithful to his original vision. I'm okay with a predator.wad being tagged onto this but it doesn't mean I have to like it. :D
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Re: Aliens Doom TC: Special Edition

Post by DrDoctor »

Tragos wrote:I'm very much a purist when it comes to Aliens
I suppose you wouldn't forward to Jurassic Park: Robocop vs. Aliens :3:
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Re: Aliens Doom TC: Special Edition

Post by Tragos »

lol I had it when they came out with Superman/Batman Vs. Alien & Predator. I love how the industry has to rely on silly gimmicks to milk every cent outta it. The idea while entertaining is quite ridiculous. Robocop would do a lot more damage than a Predator. A real hunter does not need invisible camouflage. The biggest flaw with the entire AVP thing is that Xenomorphs locate their prey using a mixture of pheromones and echolocation. The Predator having a magical inviso cloak wouldn't make any difference. Aliens win. They always do. :D
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Re: Aliens Doom TC: Special Edition

Post by Nash »

The combination of the sky and fogging looks a lot better this time. However it seems kinda blocky, but I guess it won't be so noticable if GZDoom's filtering is turned on...
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Re: Aliens Doom TC: Special Edition

Post by Enjay »

Tragos wrote:I'm very much a purist when it comes to Aliens, anything to do with Predator does not belong within the same universe. Dark Horse should have never gave FOX the idea, now it seems though as the two are merged like conjoined twins.
I'm sure then that you have read the original idea behind the aliens; that they were a much more sentient race with their own reproduction pyramid-like temples (with hieroglyphs/writing etc on the walls) and complicated reproduction process. The human crew were originally to have found one of these temples, broken the seal (similar to breaking through the groovy laser-through-dry-ice effect in then actual movie) and this would have awoken the reproduction process. Inside the temple would have been a sacrificial altar table (with blood channels etc) and hieroglyphs depicting the aliens impregnating hosts and showing the reproduction process. The point being that their reproduction was complicated and difficult, relying on a host, and therefore their culture was built around the reproduction process.

The idea was primarily dropped because to have the astronauts discover and investigate the alien reproduction temple would have meant a lot of time (and money) spent with very little action and not moving the plot along much at all. So, the egg room was added to the space-jockey ship and the rest was simply deleted - also allowing the reduction of the aliens to a much simpler "hive mind with a queen" type of species in later movies. The only bit of evidence from the original idea that made it into the movie was near the end. Despite having been a fast, ruthless, unbeatable killing machine for nearly the entire movie, when Ripley meets the alien near the end and flushes it into space, it is a tired, docile creature that puts up almost no resistance. Why? Because it had completed its reproduction process (the captain had been impregnated) and its job was now done (note, no alien queen involved, no hive mentality etc etc).

So, anyway, yeah, I agree. The alien skull in Predator 2 was an acceptable cameo and in-joke (IMO) but the whole "OMG you can't have aliens without predators" thing pisses me off, especially as this once complex idea of a reasonably advanced civilisation was reduced to them being little more than captive dumb pets and ravening almost mindless beasts: the playthings of the Predators in AvP. As a general rule, I dislike crossover stories of this kind anyway. They always boil down to geek fanboy wank-fests of "OMG Who would win X or Y" (and, of course, the question is never even fully answered anyway) and most of the time the art style, story lines etc etc clash horribly.

Another thing about the early Alien ideas that I liked (as a by the way), and it was something that always confused me from the films, was the appearance of the alien ship/biology. It always confused me that the space jockey clearly had the same basic "biomechanical" biology/technology as the aliens yet was supposed to be a separate species, alien to the planet, that had been infected by the aliens. Then I found out the the original idea was to use three artists: one for the human technology; one for the aliens; one for the infected alien ship. There were even initial designs for the infected ship and its crew (apparently it looked a bit like a giant space lobster and IIRC the crew were dwarf-like). However, for reasons that I forget (lack of artist availability?, lack of time?, lack of money?, not wanting a giant space lobster crewed by dwarfs?) Giger ended up doing both the aliens and the infected ship, thereby confusing the hell out of me for many years. :P
Last edited by Enjay on Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Aliens Doom TC: Special Edition

Post by Enjay »

Oh yeah, and I like the new sky and the fog. Much better than just the Doom Ep1 sky.

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