Moon Trilogy: Part II: BloodMoon initial release

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Drake Raider
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Moon Trilogy: Part II: BloodMoon initial release

Post by Drake Raider »

Okay, I'm sure no one is waiting for this, but in case someone was, and watched the trailer, I will be uploading screenies tonight, with the actual release tomorrow.

Some of the old bugs which I couldn't work out still apply, such as an occasional texture flicker, and, even rarer, a super glitch that has something to do with your friends killing a Werewolf or Vampire, and they respawn so fast the game overloads and slogs down immensly.

A new boss: THE DIREWOLF.

Cheatin' for heavy weapons, like this super-shotgun on the first level. ... eapons.png

Slaughtering the Techiskelly enemy with my friends...

Or MORE of them....

Fighting demons with a TAZER.

Look at the view....

...BEFORE THE GROUND DROPS AWAY. Goodbye, that's a death drop. Sorry.

Into the dark, but I have a FLAMETHROWER.

New Pistol weapon.

New assault rifle with two firemodes, for anti-bat AND anti-wolf.

I got rid of the score system, because I couldn't figure out how to impliment in multi-levels., but added a few more gimmicks.
Including one which will be central to the plot in the final chapter.
You'll see the release TOMORROW. It's been a lot of work. The final chapter, Harvest Moon, I hope to release by May.
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Re: Moon Trilogy: Part II: BloodMoon initial release

Post by Drake Raider »

Actual Release:

Enjoy! I'm glad to finish this.
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Re: Moon Trilogy: Part II: BloodMoon initial release

Post by chronoteeth »

What is it with everyone making these 30meg + mods lately filled with direct copies of guns (with some that dont even work-riot gun why do you shoot all your pellets to the bottom left),terribly uninspired block maps that look like they're copied from one another, copies of enemies from resource wads, and just a lack of quality all around?

I'm going to be blunt, and its going to sound jerkish, but this is aboslutely awful.
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Re: Moon Trilogy: Part II: BloodMoon initial release

Post by ALMN »


Also I agree with chronoteeth.
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Re: Moon Trilogy: Part II: BloodMoon initial release

Post by InsanityBringer »

chronoteeth wrote:What is it with everyone making these 30meg + mods lately filled with direct copies of guns (with some that dont even work-riot gun why do you shoot all your pellets to the bottom left),terribly uninspired block maps that look like they're copied from one another, copies of enemies from resource wads, and just a lack of quality all around?
I am one to quickly blame laziness and a lack of a concept of what actually defines "quality".
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Re: Moon Trilogy: Part II: BloodMoon initial release

Post by Lolazer »

Well, I'd have to say, we've gone from misspelled Spanish making long, unskippable, and useless dialogue scenes more grueling (not because it's Spanish, but because it's misspelled and really doesn't form a sentence that even makes any damn sense) , to thousands of weapons that not only don't kill monsters, but just plain don't even fucking work like they're supposed to. Again.
I think we have a future legend in the Doom community.
I really hope this doesn't actually turn into a trilogy. I would cry. Endlessly.
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Re: Moon Trilogy: Part II: BloodMoon initial release

Post by wildweasel »

This demands a List of Grievances...and here we go.
  • The name Bloodmoon makes me think of Morrowind. Which will ultimately depress me, because even in spite of its hilarious bugs, I probably like Morrowind more than your mod (even though I haven't finished downloading the damn thing yet).
  • Addendum to the previous parenthetical statement: why is it 37 MB?
  • Addendum to the previous addendum: OH, BECAUSE YOU LEFT A 27 MB TRAILER IN THE PACKAGE, EFFECTIVELY TRIPLING THE DOWNLOAD SIZE. Yes, the caps-lock abuse was entirely necessary for the previous addendum to an addendum.
  • Your credits list only includes id Software and Randy Heit. There is no fucking way that this is all your own work, especially given the Shadow Warrior Uzis I see in your screenshots. In other words: credit where credit is fucking due, pal.
  • Another point just to point out something I offhandedly mentioned in the previous point: Shadow Warrior Uzis. Among the most horrifically overused weapons in the entire Doom community. Thanks for using them again. Really.
  • Starting the mod already, with -nomusic because I'm pretty sure your music is going to suck anyway.
  • Unskippable intro where I am locked in place while Strife rebels wander and squishy noises play.
  • Your shotgun animation is glitchy; it'll skip back to the beginning of the fire state halfway through pumping if the trigger is held. Looks amateurish.
  • Strife rebels don't care that I'm slaughtering them for extra guns.
  • That's my (and DoomRater's) Glock, positioned awkwardly on Slot 4.
  • The G36 came from Tainted Decorum and I'm sure TheDarkArchon doesn't appreciate that.
  • The G36 also lights the room when it is selected, yet the light resets to normal when fired once.
  • Throwing knives randomly cannot be selected, and even when at zero ammo, can still be thrown one last time before the game forces an auto-switch.
  • By the way: those throwing knives are from Immoral Conduct, and Cory Whittle says not to use his edits in your wads.
  • Your map design seems to be nothing but mossy marble and tons of Heretic and Strife monsters.
  • Did I mention your titlepic is horrible?
  • A lot of your hordes of berserker marines don't work because they're stuck inside each other, so they just keep making pain noises helplessly and can't move.
  • Berserker marines also briefly explode and reconstitute themselves when shot.
  • The battles quickly go from "easily avoidable" to "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT". Your revenant replacements are firing balls of flame that can pretty much kill a player in one hit due to repeating damage.
  • The flamethrower's animation is...what.
  • the game gives me a message to "try heat and cold in sequence on the zombie" - I don't have a freezing weapon, and when the zombie is set on fire and I shoot him once with the shotgun, he disappears completely and the game is basically unwinnable.
  • The first FOUR MAPS almost have identical layouts, and identical architecture, with the only difference being some rooms are placed slightly differently and the textures are different.
  • What is this I see before me? ANOTHER FUCKING QUAD SHOTGUN?! It doesn't even work right!
  • Methinks the default pump shotgun might be a bit overpowered. I can take down a cacodemon in just a bit over one second, with two shotgun shells. As opposed to the Quad Fucking Shotgun, which only seems to work at melee range.
  • I'm somewhat positive the blood effects are Nashgore. Again, no credit is given for them.
  • Cheating for weapons because I'm tired of this.
  • A horrible rip of the Unreal Flak Cannon, that does pitiful damage and has an animation jerkier than a bag of Slim Jims.
  • The Doom 64 pistol, which looks hilariously out of place, sounds like a shotgun, and briefly disappears when fired.
  • There's a centered variant of Paul's sniper rifle, that dances around amusingly when reloading. It also does little damage and uses no ammo whatsoever.
  • I know I submitted the charged plasma bolter to the Weapon Resource Wad, but I didn't do it so that amateurish mods like yours could rip it off. If you make a "full" release, please remove it. AND the Glock. I'm ashamed to see them here.
  • I've had it with this piece of crap.
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Re: Moon Trilogy: Part II: BloodMoon initial release

Post by DBThanatos »

That seemed a bit too harsh, which makes me wonder, no good points at all?
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Re: Moon Trilogy: Part II: BloodMoon initial release

Post by wildweasel »

DBThanatos wrote:That seemed a bit too harsh, which makes me wonder, no good points at all?
I couldn't find any.
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Re: Moon Trilogy: Part II: BloodMoon initial release

Post by Trooper 077 »

Wow, I was looking for a mod to get me back into doom and this might have killed all hope. I strongly suggest heavy improvements apon this
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Re: Moon Trilogy: Part II: BloodMoon initial release

Post by Crudux Cruo »

You know, just by the looks of this, its just as bad as the first. if you don't want to be bombarded by off comments on your work,
i would highly recommend stopping now!

that... and why don't you start smaller? make a weapons mod with your OWN CODE, and your OWN EDITS. most of the greatest started small. xaser, wildweasel, and scuba steve are some good examples of that.

while you are doing that, sketch out a map plan, make a simple mockup, and then add detail from there... it will severely help build your skill.
whatever you do, i hope you stop digging your grave.
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Re: Moon Trilogy: Part II: BloodMoon initial release

Post by Cyanosis »

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Re: Moon Trilogy: Part II: BloodMoon initial release

Post by Salad Viking »

@wildweasel: Your list of grievances didn't go nearly far enough.
  • Many weapons flicker while shooting them.
  • All the weapons are [censored word]. (In this context)
  • Everything in this wad is a rip.
  • The [censored word] quad-shotgun fires all its bullets at one point at the lower-left of the screen.
  • The [censored word] regular shotgun kills everything in one hit.
  • The levels are eye-bleedingly ugly with [censored word] layouts.
  • The "informational" messages, or whatever the hell you'd like to call them, are [censored word].
  • Your [censored word] allies instantly kill you if you move in front of them.
  • The fugly two-headed beast turns into a ghost when you kill him. Also, it is [censored word].
To sum up, this wad is [censored word]. I'm not usually this critical of mappers or their work, but there is no excuse for this pile of idiocy. I honestly cannot comprehend what would lead you to create this abomination and then release it without a hint of irony.
Last edited by Salad Viking on Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Moon Trilogy: Part II: BloodMoon initial release

Post by printz »

wildweasel wrote:
  • I know I submitted the charged plasma bolter to the Weapon Resource Wad, but I didn't do it so that amateurish mods like yours could rip it off.
Then ask that they get removed from realm667, if you prefer to see who uses your resources and who doesn't. I wish that only the users who don't care at all how others can trash their works submit theirs to realm667.
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Re: Moon Trilogy: Part II: BloodMoon initial release

Post by daimon »

sorry, but.. doesn't intrigued from the shots...

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