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Yes, I do finish these things from time to time, even if I'm slow at it.
Kicking off the thread: the Chaos Wyvern that I showed a prototype of a while back.
I'd say this guy's about 95% done, the other 5% being DECORATE and any additional tweaks to the sprite that might end up being needed.
The attributes I'm considering giving it are:
Movement based on Death Wyvern
Miniboss-level HP (probably comparable to Iron Lich) ... I might have to do a separate version for Doom/Heretic and for Hexen, given the difference in weapon power. Not sure.
Long range fire ball, probably with splash damage, but probably stronger and less frequent as compared to Death Wyvern.
Close range fire breath, modeled after tomed-up Phoenix Rod. Getting in his face is not recommended.
(Removed, get it from Realm667 if you really want this)
Last edited by ETTiNGRiNDER on Sun Jan 06, 2019 6:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
Awesome! If you finish either of the orcs or that zombie soldier you showed in the spriting carnival thread, I'll circumcise my children in your holy name.
Here's a beta test version of the wyvern that can be summoned (Actor name: ChaosWyvern) to test out.
Some things to note:
- I ended up trying Afrit movement instead of Death Wyvern movement. Less fiddly to set up and I think I rather like how it came out.
- I left out the close-range flamethrower breath. I think he's nasty enough without it, but you can weigh in on that.
- He can move through narrowish spaces, but it's better for play if he doesn't. Choose an area with enough space (gothicdm map02's outdoors makes an okay summon test area, but bigger would be better.)
- If he gets under a ceiling that's too low, he'll jitter some when bumping against it. So enough vertical space is important too, not just horizontal.
- His stats are currently geared for Doom & Heretic style hectic action combat. He's not balanced for Hexen at all, being in some ways (speed, damage dealt, difficulty to kill with some weapons) too strong, and in others (ease of killing with relic weapons) too weak. If you decide you want to make something Hexen-based using this release, best to seriously consider tweaking the stats around for better play.
- Help me come up with a more fantasy-sounding obituary message? (A good one, not Heretic skill levels type fantasy sounding. )
(Removed, get it from Realm667 if you really want this)
Last edited by ETTiNGRiNDER on Sun Jan 06, 2019 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
Did some testing with Doom, Heretic, Hexen, AND Strife, and came to the following conclusions:
Tested in Map13: Downtown, in the central area (there's a partial invisibility sphere there, but I didn't have it active during the fights)
-I had no trouble killing it with any weapon, except for melee. The pistol took an excessive amount of time, but it wasn't that hard.
-It'd be best placed wherever the situation calls for a Baron, but the area is too wide open for a Baron to be effective.
--Shotgun and Chaingun are ideal weapons for moderate difficulty. Anything stronger makes it too easy one-on-one. Pistol is possible but impractical. Melee is right out.
Tested in E5M1: Ochre Cliffs, in the starting area (Or something like that)
-Corvus is a wuss.
-The Firemace is the worst ultimate weapon ever, tomed or not.
-The Ethereal Crossbow and Dragon Claw performed admirably against the Wyvern, and using the Tome of Power made it almost too easy. Skull Rod (OR WHATEVER IT'S CALLED I CAN NEVER REMEMBER) was alright. Tome didn't really make much of a difference. Phoenix Staff (un-tomed) killed it quick, but was hard to hit with; With the tome, it was pretty much a futile effort. Golden Wand is trash, except with the tome, which makes it pretty good.
--Similarly to Doom, the player should have the Crossbow and/or Dragon Claw for the fight, unless a tome of power is provided, in which case the Wand can get the job done.
Tested in Map01: Winnowing Hall, near the bell tower.
-The fighter's fists worked decently in terms of damage, but the short range made it impossible to dodge. The cleric's mace has a slightly longer range, but doesn't deal damage fast enough to be effective. The mage's wand was great, but its low damage made it take a while.
-The axe worked surprisingly well; It has a longer range than you might think at first glance. The Serpent Staff killed it quickly, as well. The Frost Shards have always sucked, but they're good enough to use here.
-The Hammer of Retribution, Firestorm, and Arc of Death absolutely massacred the poor thing.
-I'm not even going to get into the ultimate weapons.
--The Wyvern would be right at home at the end of the Seven Portals. The second weapons are strong enough to deal with it without overpowering it like the third and fourth ones.
Also, when I killed it with the Frost Shards, it used the Afrit's ice death graphic. Might want to fix that.
Tested in Map02: Town (which is actually the starting map), near the bridge leading to the shops.
-Strifeguy is highly amusing when set on fire.
-The Crossbow sucks. Big surprise.
-The Assault Rifle's pretty good, if you have accuracy upgrades. (or just tap the button instead of holding it)
-The Mini-Missile Launcher also worked very well.
-Phosphorous Grenades are awesome, even against flying targets. Normal grenades, slightly less so.
-Even if this guy wasn't flying, the Flamethrower is terrible against anything that has both enough health to survive for more than a few seconds and a low enough painchance that it can't be stun-locked.
-The Mauler's shotgun mode killed it fast and easy. The BFG mode was tricky to hit with but worked nicely as well.
-The Sigil is, y'know, The Sigil. As long as the player has enough health to use it, it makes short work of the Wyvern.
--Nobody makes maps for Strife, but even if they did, they probably wouldn't use this guy anyway. That being said, having the Assault Rifle and Missile Launcher available would be ideal.
-Would be best used in Heretic, as that's the only place where it really poses a threat.
-Low/Mid-level weapons are ideal (shotgun, ethereal crossbow, serpent staff, assault rifle, etc.)
-He could probably use the close-range flamethrower breath. I didn't find him aggressive enough at all.
-The Afrit movement worked great, keep it like that. Maybe make him a little faster.
-As for the obituary message, something like "%o was (scorched/burned/incinerated/cremated/etc.) by (a/the) Chaos Wyvern" would be simple and effective.
I tested it myself and I LOVED it! Basically the criticisms as found above. I want to remix the Death Weavern death sound used with the Chaos Serpent death - in fact it should be done with all of its sounds!!!!
Than with some GLdefs (necessary only for fireball), he'd be an entry for The Beast 2010.
Thanks for the feedback... here are some tweaks/fixes.
Freeze death is now in, I had overlooked adding it.
Likewise, frames that should have had "Bright" now do.
Speed increased to 15.
Close-range fire stream added.
Some basic GLDEFS added (probably a bit half-ass, but the fire glows now).
CodenniumRed wrote:I want to remix the Death Weavern death sound used with the Chaos Serpent death - in fact it should be done with all of its sounds!!!!
If you'd like to give that a try, feel free. I'm not that good at sound editing stuff.
(Removed, get it from Realm667 if you really want this)
Last edited by ETTiNGRiNDER on Sun Jan 06, 2019 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total.