Check your private messages.SlayeR wrote:This is what SLADE3 does. It looks like the doom64 sprites are passing the 'doom gfx' data format test somehow, even though they aren't. I'd need a sample d64 sprite to fix this properly

Check your private messages.SlayeR wrote:This is what SLADE3 does. It looks like the doom64 sprites are passing the 'doom gfx' data format test somehow, even though they aren't. I'd need a sample d64 sprite to fix this properly
Code: Select all
// [RH] Some wads (I forget which!) have single-patch textures 256
// pixels tall that have patch lengths recorded as 0. I can't think of
// any good reason for them to do this, and since I didn't make note
// of which wad made me hack in support for them, the hack is gone
// because I've added support for DeePsea's true tall patches.
// Okay, I found a wad with crap patches: Pleiades.wad's sky patches almost
// fit this description and are a big mess, but they're not single patch!
Spoiler:Also, pleiades.wad's TEXTURE lump provokes this error window before crashing:
Code: Select all
Stack Trace:
0: RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString()
1: TpDisassociateCallback()
2: TpDisassociateCallback()
3: RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplaying()
4: malloc()
5: operator new()
6: ()
Spoiler:TEXTUREx identification works great now. Now clumsy workaround with file name, and I even got it to recognize the nameless format used in Doom alpha 04.