SLADE Discussion - Latest: v3.2.7 (25/Dec/2024)

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Re: SLADE3 beta 1 (testing release)

Post by Gez »

SlayeR wrote:This is what SLADE3 does. It looks like the doom64 sprites are passing the 'doom gfx' data format test somehow, even though they aren't. I'd need a sample d64 sprite to fix this properly
Check your private messages. :)
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Re: SLADE3 beta 1 (testing release)

Post by Wh1tefang94 »

I really love Slade but I've been having a major issue for some reason that i don't know, It converted my text files to sprites (that crashed the game on even trying to look at them), then another time it "converted" everything to "sprites" that crash the editor, i had to completely reload all my files into the mod and remake my decorate luckily there wasn't much in the wad yet.
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Re: SLADE3 beta 1 (testing release)

Post by sirjuddington »

That certainly shouldn't happen. You didn't put those entries between S_START and S_END did you? (or in the 'sprites' directory if it's a pk3). Beta 1 has a bug where any entry with an unknown format between special markers will be detected/opened as doom gfx.
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Re: SLADE3 beta 1 (testing release)

Post by Gez »

When can we expect Beta 2? :) I tried to compile but wxWidget isn't being cooperative.
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Re: SLADE3 beta 1 (testing release)

Post by sirjuddington »

Soon. I'm in the middle of rewriting how entry type detection works - once that's all up and running I'll release beta 2, and possibly update the website :P
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Re: SLADE3 beta 1 (testing release)

Post by Gez »

Good to hear. :)

If/when the TEXTUREx editor comes back, I've found a good test case to check its robustness: the SKY1 to SKY8 textures in pleiades.wad. They crash Slumped.

This is from a comment in ZDoom's multipatch texture code:

Code: Select all

	// [RH] Some wads (I forget which!) have single-patch textures 256
	// pixels tall that have patch lengths recorded as 0. I can't think of
	// any good reason for them to do this, and since I didn't make note
	// of which wad made me hack in support for them, the hack is gone
	// because I've added support for DeePsea's true tall patches.
	// Okay, I found a wad with crap patches: Pleiades.wad's sky patches almost
	// fit this description and are a big mess, but they're not single patch!
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Re: SLADE3 beta (testing release, beta2 up)

Post by sirjuddington »

Beta2 is up now, which fixes a bunch of issues from beta1, and has a new entry type definition/detection system. Grab it from the first post :)

View the changelog here
Last edited by sirjuddington on Tue Mar 02, 2010 8:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SLADE3 beta (testing release, beta2 up)

Post by Gez »

Doesn't crash anymore when encountering weird data types (like the sprites in this old doom64.wad -- they're not PNG, as I've found out, they were made by a previous version of Kaiser's wadgen), so I can browse DOOMPRES.WAD without it crashing. Won't display the files, since the format is a bit different, but won't crash. Yay!

Browsing through the Circle texture resources, it identifies correctly the files as BMPs, but then when clicking on one says that "the entry is not a known image format". Which is odd because Beta 1 does display them correctly.

That is for now the extent of the trick tests I can do. I'd have tried JAGDOOM.WAD as well, but it's not the same endianness anyway.
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Re: SLADE3 beta (testing release, beta2 up)

Post by Cutmanmike »

I've still been using slumped but I'll try this version tonight and see how things go :)
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Re: SLADE3 beta (testing release, beta2 up)

Post by Gez »

Just thought of something. When converting image file in a zip or pk3, say from BMP to PNG, it would be nice if the extension was changed accordingly and automatically.

Another thing: when converting paletted pictures, it would be great if it were possible to choose the color index to be made transparent. At the moment, we can choose the color, which isn't always what one would want (e.g., if two or more palette indices correspond to the same color, choosing that color as transparent will affect all these palette indices).

Just noticed the TEXTUREx editor is back again, though not usable yet. It still crashes when looking at Strife's TEXTURE1 lump. The format is slightly different as they removed unused fields. Here's the relevant ZDoom code to show the differences:
Also, pleiades.wad's TEXTURE lump provokes this error window before crashing:

Code: Select all

Stack Trace:
0: RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString()
1: TpDisassociateCallback()
2: TpDisassociateCallback()
3: RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplaying()
4: malloc()
5: operator new()
6: ()
Don't even try to look for one of the messed up sky texture, just opening that lump is enough.
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Re: SLADE3 beta (testing release, beta2 up)

Post by Karnizero »

Downloading and testing.
Will give feedback when I fully test it out.

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Re: SLADE3 beta (testing release, beta2 up)

Post by Gez »

Okay, this is awesome.
TEXTUREx identification works great now. Now clumsy workaround with file name, and I even got it to recognize the nameless format used in Doom alpha 04.

What it needs now is to be more reliable in its identification of the alpha and beta graphics. When they aren't totally disabled, it tends to see them everywhere.
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Re: SLADE3 beta (testing release, beta2 up)

Post by sirjuddington »

Nice, be sure to send me a patch or something for that :) And yeah, the problem with the alpha gfx format is it's too simple - and therefore pretty hard to detect correctly.
Last edited by sirjuddington on Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SLADE3 beta (testing release, beta2 up)

Post by Gez »

I sure intend to!

I tried an approach where it seeks to validate the texture in detectDoomGfxAlpha()/detectDoomGfxBeta(): verify that it ends on a FF, and that the last pixel of the last span is still within the boundaries set by the size. I must have done something wrong though because now it doesn't identify them at all anymore (except for three patches total). So I'm just finetuning things and looking how it fares with the alphas, beta, and various random wads or pk3s.

By the way, a little annoyance:
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Re: SLADE3 beta (testing release, beta2 up)

Post by Shadelight »

Will SLADE3 support converting sounds to Doom WAVs?

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