[Resource] Obscure Games & Acknex Resources *REUPLOAD*

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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Snarboo »

There's actually a few leftovers from an earlier version of Shadow Warrior in the commercial release, such as an alternate version of the ogre head and a wrist blade of some kind.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Enjay »

Not sure if anyone has posted these yet so here goes.

Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold and Blake Stone: Planet Strike Graphics (2.2MB)

Chasm the Rift textures (Some very much in the style of Doom tech stuff here. Others are more like Heretic IMO.) (3.5MB)
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Snarboo »

I was actually considering uploading resources from Blake Stone, so I'm glad you did Enjay. :) I always liked Chasm the Rift, too, and thought the textures would be great for a Doom project.

How did you manage to upload those to the DRD Team file upload service though? I've been unable to upload anything above 1 meg, otherwise I would have re-uploaded the Corridor 7 and Body Count resources.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Enjay »

The whole DRD file hosting service is actually off line ATM due to DRD moving hosts again. So you won't be able to upload any files of any size until SoulPriestess is able to get things up and running again. I was going to put the files on my own personal webspace until DRD was back on line but then I remembered that I could abuse my admin rights and access the FTP directly. :P It's better for me to put them there because I would have to take the files off my own web space sooner or later whereas DRD should be a permanent host.

I thought the limit was something like 30MB though so I don't see why a 1MB+ file would have caused a problem. Perhaps that is one of the problems that the existing Script was giving and why SoulPriestess is organising a better alternative.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Snarboo »

I'm not entirely sure what the problem is. 1 meg was a rough estimate since I was able to upload files below that size. It could have been the wireless connection I'm on, but that hasn't caused problems in the past.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Enjay »

Well, the last host wasn't the best. I had access problems when using the ftp to upload SVN builds and the site and forums weren't loading very well either. This was on my relatively slow broadband connection. Throw an even slower dial-up connection into the mix and it could well be the case that the connection was simply breaking at some point during the upload of a bigger file. The new host is noticeably better so I hope you'll be able to get better access in future.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Snarboo »

I'm sure it will work out.

On the resource side of things, I'm not sure what other games to take resources from. I'm thinking Redneck Rampage, since it's a game I own and it's easy to rip graphics from.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by wildweasel »

I'd like to know if anybody has the enemy sprites from CyClones.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Snarboo »

wildweasel wrote:I'd like to know if anybody has the enemy sprites from CyClones.
As far as I know, not yet. The weapons and some of the textures have been ripped, however, and one of the enemies in CyClones appears in Necrodome.

Jute sent me a large resource pack a while ago which included some stuff from Necrodome. Let me upload it.

Here it is:
Huge FPS Resource

Includes resources from:
  • Fate
  • Necrodome
  • Legend of the Seven Paladins
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Enjay »

Like most people, I've only managed to get the big guy who looks like an even more beefed up version of the Hexen fighter out of Cyclones.

http://files.drdteam.org/user_uploads/E ... ources.zip

Necrodome has some very good resources in it. However, there was a problem with extracting them. As I recall, the background kept coming out as black meaning the sprites needed further, tricky, editing to make them acceptable. Basically, I gave up after a while.

Anyway, here are a few of the sprites. Like I said, many still need some work.

http://files.drdteam.org/user_uploads/E ... prites.zip

[edit] Seems like Snarboo beat me to it. [/edit]

And more out of interest than anything else, here is a very small collection of graphics originally intended for a HellRaiser game which got cancelled.

http://files.drdteam.org/user_uploads/E ... raiser.zip
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Enjay »

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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Captain Awesome »

Here are the NAM/WW2GI resources (Graphics compiled by Hendricks266, Sounds/Midis by myself). We have tried to remove all the leftover graphics and sounds from Duke Nukem. I removed duplicate sounds from NAM in WW2GI, but there could be duplicate graphics, I don't know; I didn't compile them. I apologize for any unnecessary leftovers. However, I do know that both of these games have many borrowed graphics from Shadow Warrior, Redneck Rampage, and even Blood. I uploaded these on zShare as super-compressed zips, feel free to move them onto a better server in another format. This took me about two hours to upload, good thing I had KDiZD to keep my company. I love you guys! :wub: :P

NAM Graphics (About 3mb)
NAM Sounds (About 6mb)

WW2GI Graphics (About 7.5mb)
WW2GI Sounds (About 10mb)
Last edited by Captain Awesome on Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Snarboo »

Awesome, thanks man. :D I'll try and upload those to the DRD Team file host once it's back up and running.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by janiform »

Those Hellraiser graphics are really cool.
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Re: [Project] Obscure FPS Resources

Post by Lord_Z »

This thread is very cool, thanks guys :D

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