ÆoD (6.06.02 (03-14-16))

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Re: ÆoD (4.21 patch: jan-14-2009)

Post by DavidB1000 »

I only found the QSG through cheating. :) But yeah, I saw how awesome that is. Oh, it's name. Quantum Singularity Generator. :) So, yeah, it's a real black hole.
Run a virus scan, Nova, and then call the Catholic Church for an exorcism, because they're the only hope now. :)
Ichor, anyone else, any ideas what's wrong with his computer?
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Re: ÆoD (4.21 patch: jan-14-2009)

Post by DBThanatos »

@Zitro: Have you tried switching between SVNs? I know you dont want to loose your savegames, so I recommend making test in another folder. Try with some old SVNs (or 2.2.0), and go progressing. If there isnt, then testing with different versions of aeoddat.pk3 should be the key. If you dont have any old version, tell me and I can upload a couple (I think I kept each one of the patches for 4.0).

About the QSG: I dont know that weapon. There is no such thing. ;)

EDIT: Oh, and I wanted to calrify this:
CaptainToenail wrote:It might be set to only appear on coop/single player games? Also sometimes on random monster wads monsters do not appear if they are too wide for their surrounding spawn area, which happens a lot with Spider Mastermind replacements in another multi monster mod (Heirachy of Chaos)
That doesnt happen in aeod, at least not for the monsters. Thanks to Gez's random spawners, the monsters will appear no matter if there is no room (just like you can place a monster anywhere in a doom map, even if there is only one map unit between the floor and ceiling; same for walls. I was specifically interested in this because some monster traps depend in getting monsters stuck and then releasing them. Before we had Gez spawners, A_SpawnItemEx with the flag "32" did the trick too :)
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Re: ÆoD (4.21 patch: jan-14-2009)

Post by Reilsss »

DavidB1000 wrote:I only found the QSG through cheating. :) But yeah, I saw how awesome that is. Oh, it's name. Quantum Singularity Generator. :) So, yeah, it's a real black hole.
How can you even smile when you make it offical that your a cheater.... (no I do not like cheaters at all)
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Re: ÆoD (4.21 patch: jan-14-2009)

Post by zitro »

my odd problem got fixed with using zdoom. The next time I play a wad I'll use zdoom.

Can I ask a question of a very irritating problem? I think I asked (or someone else asked) before, and DBT said something a bit in technical terms that I didn't understand. Anyways, Whenever I use the zoom, my mouse sensibility goes into a specific way in which horizontal/vertical mouselook sensibility are equal to each other. In order for the mouselook to be like modern games like Unreal/Halflife where it's equally sensitive no matter where you look, you need the vertical mouselook sensibility to be about twice as much as horizontal. Due to this problem, the mouselook ends very unbalanced and seriously affects gameplay for me.

Therefore, I can't use the zoom unless I really HAVE TO.
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Re: ÆoD (4.21 patch: jan-14-2009)

Post by Arch-Valentine »

Hmm I have an interesting problem, and I don't know if it's an issue with AEOD, SVN or my computer. However this problem has persisted through numerous SVN changes and 4.0 patches.

The Rictus monster (The Skull that's on fire that shoots flames) when it is killed, and I quickload in the level I hear a constant fire crackling sound, and it does not stop until I end the level. It sounds like flame crackling from a torch. Has anyone else gotten this problem, because it's quite annoying when I get it early in a long level. (Such as Eternal Doom, which I'm currently playing.)

I wasn't gonna mention this, until I found out it's been happening in multiple patches and SVN changes...
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Re: ÆoD (4.21 patch: jan-14-2009)

Post by DavidB1000 »

Well, Reisss, I play to have fun, not get killed by everything in the level at the same time. Unlike other people. :)

As for the QSG, I have no idea how to find that gun without cheating at all. So, kindly don't complain about it. There also might be a small language barrier here. My German is very rusty, but isn't there a phrase like Verboten! Forbidden? Right, well, complaining about cheating in a single player game is Verboten!

The zoom only breaks Auto-aim for me. although it might be fixed since the last SVN revision.
Hey, Arch, A simple solution, don't quick load after you kill one. :) You might try to quick-save and then quick-load to see if it still happens. Or, just save, quit Zdoom, then load it up again, and then load the save game. THen it might not do that.

Sounds like a sound is not being killed when it should be. :)
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Re: ÆoD (4.21 patch: jan-14-2009)

Post by zitro »

DavidB1000 wrote:Well, Reisss, I play to have fun, not get killed by everything in the level at the same time. Unlike other people. :)
but we're awesome and survive :)

I checked the zoom issue on the latest svn, it's still there and I didn't know it also broke the autoaim (I never use it, it's dangerous when using a rocket launcher). Seems like the zdoom (or gzdoom) coders would need to address this issue. (AEoD is using zoom as a zdoom features right? or is the zoom coded by DBT?)

I never had the problem of the flaming skull. I don't use quicksave/load, so apparently it only happens with that. Unrelated, but that monster when it was introduced was very difficult for me as I couldn't see where it was! (I got the hang of it now)
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Re: ÆoD (4.21 patch: jan-14-2009)

Post by DBThanatos »

@Zitro: Well, let me investigate, but Im not sure if that can be done. This Zoom option comes from other mod (not sure, but I believe it was the doom3 weapons (the old one) and I never fully understood it. Anyway, what I might have explained before is the way I use the zoom. Funnily, even though there is a zoom option in AEoD, I use 3 custom binds to have zoom.

del=fov 90; mouse_sensitivity 6 <----This one is the normal fov (90) and my preffered mouse sensitivity (6); meaning the zoom is of.
pgdn=fov 25; mouse_sensitivity 1 <----This one is a good zoom. When the zoom is activated, I need to make the mouse sensitivity smaller, to avoid the annoying situation where moving a bit the mouse, thanks to the small FOV, your sight goes all crazy.
pgup=fov 12; mouse_sensitivity 0.23 <----Finally, the uber zoom, where my mouse sensitivity is even smaller.

I hope it helps you at least a little :P

@Arch-Valentine: Let me see, it might have something to do with sounds with strange loop markers. Still, I think that a A_StopSoundEx should do the trick if that's the case.

DBThanatos a few post ago wrote:About the QSG: I dont know that weapon. There is no such thing. ;)
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Re: ÆoD (4.21 patch: jan-14-2009)

Post by Reilsss »

@zito and david.
I see your point. And so I asume you play singleplayer only. Yet why I do not like cheats is thanks to experinces of playing multiplayer games online. Cheats where always a very rude and extremly annying experinces. They even can destroy completly the playfun of normal players. So I would say today cheating makes you not awesome but quiet the opposide.

The for David I like to ask. If you don't want to die, why do you not choose a easyer skill level as the one you played yet. Is it because the easyest skill level is sill to difficult, or is it that by easy difficult less monsters are spawned? Can you give a bit information there? I it could help for redesiging the skill level concept. I at last like to offer a skill level for every kind of players. for the good onces we tryed to make it harder as orginal doom, yet maybe for beginners easy is still to difficult maybe.
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Re: ÆoD (4.21 patch: jan-14-2009)

Post by zitro »

Reilsss wrote:@zito and david.
I see your point. And so I asume you play singleplayer only. Yet why I do not like cheats is thanks to experinces of playing multiplayer games online. Cheats where always a very rude and extremly annying experinces. They even can destroy completly the playfun of normal players. So I would say today cheating makes you not awesome but quiet the opposide.
ohh, maybe it was a misunderstanding, I used "we" as you, me, and people who don't cheat and survive.

I generally can beat some in 4th difficulty, and plutonia in 3rd.
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Re: ÆoD (4.21 patch: jan-14-2009)

Post by zitro »

Reilsss wrote:@zito and david.
I see your point. And so I asume you play singleplayer only. Yet why I do not like cheats is thanks to experinces of playing multiplayer games online. Cheats where always a very rude and extremly annying experinces. They even can destroy completly the playfun of normal players. So I would say today cheating makes you not awesome but quiet the opposide.
ohh, maybe it was a misunderstanding, I used "we" as you, me, and people who don't cheat and survive.

I generally can beat some in 4th difficulty, and plutonia in 3rd.
del=fov 90; mouse_sensitivity 6 <----This one is the normal fov (90) and my preffered mouse sensitivity (6); meaning the zoom is of.
pgdn=fov 25; mouse_sensitivity 1 <----This one is a good zoom. When the zoom is activated, I need to make the mouse sensitivity smaller, to avoid the annoying situation where moving a bit the mouse, thanks to the small FOV, your sight goes all crazy.
pgup=fov 12; mouse_sensitivity 0.23 <----Finally, the uber zoom, where my mouse sensitivity is even smaller.
is this coding. I can tell you're using different keys for different types of zooms (fov means field of view, right?) how do you activate these types of zooms and will they change the mouse sensibility when unzoomed?

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Re: ÆoD (4.21 patch: jan-14-2009)

Post by DavidB1000 »

Reisss, it's interesting. I cheat and play on Ultra-violence, or in the case of this mod, competent, not because my ass would be handed to me on the easier difficulties, but because I play to have fun, and relax after a crazy day. :)

With God-Mode on, nothing kills me except for a Bird, and it allows me to have fun killing the monsters. :)

It's not really a difficulty thing, I just love to cheat, and to be honest, cheating in singleplayer doesn't do anything really bad. :)

Cheaters in multiplayer, though, need to murdered in real life. Or raped by Cyberdemons. Something really bad anyway.

Oh, to others, I never had problems with auto-aim and the rocketlauncher. Could you explain how?
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Re: ÆoD (4.21 patch: jan-14-2009)

Post by zitro »

DavidB1000 wrote: Oh, to others, I never had problems with auto-aim and the rocketlauncher. Could you explain how?
you're standing in front of a precipice, there's a cacodemon below you, while you're trying to aim at some monster on the other side of that hole. Chances are, the rocket will attempt to aim at the cacodemon, but it hits the floor where you're standing and lose 50-100 health
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Re: ÆoD (4.21 patch: jan-14-2009)

Post by DavidB1000 »

Whoops. I never actually ran into that kind of a situation. I must have run out of ammo, and then switched to the Supershotgun before that. :)

Yeah, that's a rather bad issue.
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Re: ÆoD (4.21 patch: jan-14-2009)

Post by Ethril »

Cheating, huh?
Well, they're there to be used, I'd say.
I usually play without cheating, but sometimes it's fun to just turn on god mode and infinite ammo and go on a rampage... But only in singleplayer, of course.

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