[wiki=Compile ZDoom on Mac OS X]Or try compiling it yourself[/wiki]
Mac OS X 10.4-10.7 Intel/PPC is supported.
Finally, ZDoom is fully cross-platform!
This was actually a relatively painless process, thanks to CMake, and Mac OS X's recent Developer APIs have better support for cross-platform programs. I fixed some of the major issues with ZDoom on OS X, but keep on the lookout for any that I might have missed. For now, the launcher I used is based off of PrBoom+'s slick launcher for OS X. I figured there's no point in reinventing the wheel.
Will there be a Universal binary of ZDoom?
Yes, there will be. This means that the minimum requirement of ZDoom will hopefully bump down to a PowerPC processor! (10.3.9 support is out, due to some annoying SDK conflict)
I've managed to compile a PowerPC binary of ZDoom, but it strangely won't load WADs at all. I'll look into it as time goes on.
Spoiler:Here's some screenshots: